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Public Inquiry
Interested in maladministration. Estd. 2005

offsite link RTEs Sarah McInerney ? Fianna Fail?supporter? Anthony

offsite link Joe Duffy is dishonest and untrustworthy Anthony

offsite link Robert Watt complaint: Time for decision by SIPO Anthony

offsite link RTE in breach of its own editorial principles Anthony

offsite link Waiting for SIPO Anthony

Public Inquiry >>

Human Rights in Ireland
Promoting Human Rights in Ireland

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Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

offsite link Queer Cambridge Fri Feb 14, 2025 09:00 | James Alexander
"King's was not queer, completely, and Cambridge elsewhere was certainly not as queer as King's." Prof James Alexander reviews Simon Goldhill's Queer Cambridge: An Alternative History.
The post Queer Cambridge appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link In Episode 28 of the Sceptic: Peter Hitchens on Lucy Letby, FSU Barrister Adam King on the Acquittal... Fri Feb 14, 2025 07:00 | Richard Eldred
In Episode 28 of the Sceptic: Peter Hitchens on Lucy Letby, FSU barrister Adam King on the acquittal of Jamie Michael and Eugyppius on how immigration is upending German politics.
The post In Episode 28 of the Sceptic: Peter Hitchens on Lucy Letby, FSU Barrister Adam King on the Acquittal of Jamie Michael and Eugyppius on How Immigration Is Upending German Politics appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link News Round-Up Fri Feb 14, 2025 02:11 | Richard Eldred
A summary of the most interesting stories in the past 24 hours that challenge the prevailing orthodoxy about the ?climate emergency?, public health ?crises? and the supposed moral defects of Western civilisation.
The post News Round-Up appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link Labour?s Plan for Education is Simple: Nobody is Allowed to Win Thu Feb 13, 2025 19:30 | Will Jones
Why is Bridget Phillipson undoing all the education reforms that have transformed England's state education system into one of the best in the world? Simple: because from now on nobody is allowed to win.
The post Labour’s Plan for Education is Simple: Nobody is Allowed to Win appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link Rejected Islamist Asylum Seeker Farhad Noori Runs Down 28 People at Trade Union Demonstration in Mun... Thu Feb 13, 2025 17:40 | Eugyppius
Rejected Islamist asylum seeker Farhad Noori has run down 28 people at a trade union demonstration in Munich. It takes the nine-month toll from such terror attacks in Germany to 12 dead and 343 wounded.
The post Rejected Islamist Asylum Seeker Farhad Noori Runs Down 28 People at Trade Union Demonstration in Munich appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

Lockdown Skeptics >>

Voltaire Network
Voltaire, international edition

offsite link Donald Trump and the conflict in Ukraine, by Thierry Meyssan Wed Feb 12, 2025 05:10 | en

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?119 Fri Feb 07, 2025 15:26 | en

offsite link Donald Trump plans to displace Palestinians from Gaza and build a riviera on the... Fri Feb 07, 2025 13:33 | en

offsite link Misinterpretations of the Evolution of the United States (2/2), by Thierry Meyss... Tue Feb 04, 2025 06:59 | en

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?118 Sat Feb 01, 2025 12:57 | en

Voltaire Network >>

national / public consultation / irish social forum / opinion/analysis Sunday June 27, 2021 23:40 by 1 of Indy   video 1 video file
Dr Vincent Carroll, GP, Public Health Doctor and chair of ARC Cancer Support Centres speaks out for the abolition of NPHET and talks a lot more sense than has come out of any government official in the last 18 months. read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Thursday June 24, 2021 23:58 by 1 of Indy   video 1 video file
A video made by an Irish couple who were returning home from abroad and were forced to book and pay upfront for one of the prison like quarantine hotels has gone viral outside of the mainstream news.

They were told when they were trying to get back to Ireland they would not be allowed board the flight unless they had booked into one of the quarantine hotels. In this instance it was the Red Cow Inn, just off the Naas Road near the M50 Red Cow Inn interchange.

The conditions are appalling and and many people are suicidal in them and they are a major untold scandal. It turns out that they discovered that neither the hotel staff nor the government had the authority to keep them there even though most people forced to stay in them are NOT made aware of this fact.

They therefore decided to leave and filmed the ordeal. They were clearly badly shaken by the whole episode read full story / add a comment
national / public consultation / irish social forum / opinion/analysis Tuesday June 22, 2021 22:41 by Irish Inquiry   video 1 video file

Whilst this took place three weeks back, it is still relevant and important to understand the context and issues

News has come through from the personal assistant of one of our publicly elected representatives in the Oireachtas that the vote to extend the emergency Covid legislation will take place on 2nd June, at 6:30pm.

This vote was initially due to take place on Wednesday 9th June but TD’s were informed today (Tuesday 1st June) that it had been brought forward by 1 week.

Quoting the TD’s personal assistant, “there will be a vote with no speaking time or debate whatsoever. If you blink you’ll miss it”.

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national / public consultation / irish social forum / opinion/analysis Tuesday June 22, 2021 22:32 by Irish Inquiry   video 1 video file

First aired May 25, 2021 On tonight’s show we will discuss the Pharma industry, its impact on healthcare and what holistic wellness looks like in comparison.

Our guests Martin Mullen (ex Pharma sales Rep) and Anne McCloskey (GP) will also discuss vaccines, adverse events and the way forward out of the current crisis.

Watch this show full of unpopular facts and insights you won’t find on mainstream media.

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national / public consultation / irish social forum / opinion/analysis Tuesday June 22, 2021 22:25 by Irish Inquiry   video 1 video file
First aired May 18, 2021 On this the 25th episode of The Healthy Debate, we will be joined by journalist and former television presenter, Aisling O’Loughlin to discuss the performance of mainstream media over the past 12 months. Aisling will be addressing media propaganda, censorship and character assassination. read full story / add a comment
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Monday June 21, 2021 22:21 by ICTPH   text 1 comment (last - tuesday june 22, 2021 12:28)   video 1 video file
This is a Peaceful Public Assembly outside the Department of Education offices in Marlborough Street, Dublin 1. D01 RC96.

The event is to highlight the need to protect our children from abuse in schools, via forced mask wearing, and from the introduction of vaccination for children between the ages of 12 and 15.

It is also in defense of our teachers & their working conditions, their physical and mental health damaged by having mask wearing imposed on them.
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international / rights, freedoms and repression / feature Monday May 31, 2021 00:34 by 1 of Indy   text 19 comments (last - saturday november 27, 2021 12:04)   video 5 video files

The Covid-19 vaccines (aka the experimental gene therapy) are a Trojan horse for two reasons. One is because they have the potential to cause great harm and long term chronic health and even death and the second because they are a key part of "vaccine passports" that are central to forming the global identification and control system of a worldwide totalitarian technocracy. The media, Big Tech and government have made no effort to hide the fact that they intend vaccine passports to be permanent and expanded to all aspects of life from travel to public events, to entry to work, cafes, restaurants and even pubs although these measures will come later once they get the travel part locked in and accepted.

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national / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Monday May 24, 2021 21:47 by 1 of Indy   video 1 video file
This evening (Mon 24th May) is the last chance to lobby your TDs to stop them further extending the legislation on the draconian laws severely restricting our freedoms. Please watch the video from Barrister Tracey O'Mahoney and use the template letter below to contact your TD read full story / add a comment
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Monday May 10, 2021 21:20 by 1 of indy   text 2 comments (last - wednesday may 19, 2021 21:18)   video 1 video file
On May 15th, people from all over the world are standing side by side for freedom and human rights!

We are one big family!!! read full story / add a comment
international / public consultation / irish social forum / opinion/analysis Wednesday May 05, 2021 00:19 by 1 of indy   text 1 comment (last - thursday may 13, 2021 14:39)   video 1 video file

It is quite amazing just as Europe is beginning to ease lookdowns due to rising public impatience that a new scare comes along at just the right time for the governments trying to impose these pointless lockdowns for which there are over 37 peer reviewed scientific papers proving they do not work.

For the past few weeks, the 24x7 constant fear and propaganda has switched its focus to India to give us the impression that half country is dying. So Lets break down the figures and put things in context.

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dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Tuesday April 27, 2021 22:05 by 1 of indy   video 4 video files
The time has come. Last year it was a conspiracy theory. Now a vaccine passport society is upon us. New Zealand has already crossed the line to enforcing it and has entered the land of tyranny.

The call is loud and clear. They want you to be vaccinated in order to travel and very soon it will be for attending outdoor events. It is no longer hidden. Next step will be for shops, pubs and restaurants. And all for a flu like disease for which there is a 99.99% survival rate. This is the blueprint for total control of your life. And it is time to put a stop to it. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / other press Tuesday April 27, 2021 00:02 by 1 of indy   text 1 comment (last - wednesday april 28, 2021 23:23)   video 1 video file

Almost no coverage of the protest can be found in the mainstream media. Once again it falls to RT.com to do the reporting and with video coverage scattered across twitter. Here is their report

Thousands of protesters have descended on London to protest the British government’s ongoing coronavirus restrictions. Though pubs and shops have reopened, stiff limits on gatherings remain in place.

Holding signs reading “Freedom is non-negotiable” and “No health passports,” the demonstrators gathered in the capital on Saturday. Billed by its organizers as the “biggest street party London has ever seen,” the rally drew thousands of participants unhappy with the lingering restrictions on gatherings and movement, and opposed to the government’s vague plans to introduce so-called ‘vaccine passports’.

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national / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Friday April 23, 2021 00:03 by tracey   text 2 comments (last - tuesday may 04, 2021 23:48)   video 2 video files
Update on the Digital Green Certificate Regulation (Vaccine Passport) and the next vote to make the regulation law and also link to new template letter to lobby MEP's included in the description box to the video. read full story / add a comment
international / health / disability issues / other press Thursday April 22, 2021 22:34 by 1 of indy   video 1 video file
An Itialian woman of 55 years of age who was pro-vaccine and delighted to receive it so much so that she announced it on her facebook page. The woman, a music teacher soon fell ill in the days that followed and later scans of her brain showed blood clots.

She fell into a coma on 28 March and died on 30 March - 19 days after having the experimental vaccine. Her family have now announced to the media that they are taking legal action. They may not been aware but that in every single country, governments have given full indemnity to vaccine manufacturers and it means anyone taking a case must take their case against the government. They will be unlikely to get a fair hearing since these same governments are forcing these vaccine upon their populations. read full story / add a comment
national / public consultation / irish social forum / opinion/analysis Sunday April 18, 2021 12:59 by 1 of indy   video 1 video file
Are you expecting a baby or did you give birth in Ireland during Covid?

This special episode of The Healthy Debate is a must watch.On this week’s show we’ll be talking about pregnancy and child birth during lockdown.

What problems have Covid regulations brought for expectant mothers? What is the experience of giving birth during lockdown?

We’ll also be discussing whether getting the flu vaccine during pregnancy causes any risks to the unborn child. read full story / add a comment
national / history and heritage / feature Thursday April 15, 2021 22:58 by T   text 9 comments (last - sunday february 06, 2022 23:31)   video 6 video files

There is no doubt about it that religion and spirituality are under attack and the pressure has been massively increased on the back of the Covid Scamdemic.

The level of suppression and repression now in force against the church has not been seen here for centuries. The irony is that the church hierarchy are largely going along with it. The attack on spirituality is a bit harder to discern but it is there and part of the wider trend. Overall what appears to be going on is the corporate takeover of society and that is the new religion and it is intolerant of any other belief systems. This is a characteristic of all totalitarian systems. They want you to transfer any beliefs you have to them. During the worst periods of the USSR we saw churches burned or closed down and all religious practice suppressed. Similar things happened during the Chinese cultural revolution. What it represents is a demand to turn towards the reigning power and an insistence that this is the only belief system. What the socialist revolution was promising was salvation through socialist organisation of society and by directing the productive forces to the benefit of all peoples, in effect creating heaven on Earth. It didn't quite turn out that way for various reasons. Now the corporate regime is trying the same without the promises.

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national / health / disability issues / news report Wednesday April 07, 2021 22:37 by NoMasksInClass   video 1 video file
Parents against masks for our Secondary School children have launched a campaign. You can find them on twitter at: https://twitter.com/teenheard or search for #NoMasksInClass

If you’re a parent and want to support your teenager struggling with masks, lockdowns, and any other reasons during these critical times, join us on telegram at https://t.me/joinchat/-dnzO9P4GJE5OTI0
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national / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Tuesday April 06, 2021 00:05 by 1 of indy   video 1 video file
Tracy O'Mahony, the lone brave Barrister -(where are her colleagues? ) who has been speaking out about the stripping of our freedoms and civil liberties is asking people to help out with lobbying politicians who will have to vote on the part 3 of the Draconian Health Preservation Act limiting our Freedoms to extend it before 9 June 2021. If it is not extended then the government will not have the authority to continue with the lockdowns and restrictions. read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Wednesday March 24, 2021 20:07 by Gary Jordan   text 2 comments (last - friday march 26, 2021 11:39)   video 1 video file
Apartheid is coming to Ireland if the Digital Green Certificates are accepted read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Tuesday March 23, 2021 13:01 by 1 of indy   video 2 video files
It’s called the Green Passport. We’re not told to wear it, but what they have done is they have, essentially, overnight created a second-class citizenry—a true medical apartheid that is disallowing healthy, law-abiding, tax-paying citizens from entering their place of culture if they do not participate in this experiment. It’s that simple We literally have been told that there are people who’ve been kicked out of their choirs, out of their pools, out of their gyms. I don’t know who’s going to hear the message we’re saying. I don’t know what is going to become of it. I know that there is no other option than to give every fiber of energy and strength into battling this, because there is no other option. read full story / add a comment
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