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international / anti-war / imperialism Wednesday November 15, 2023 23:19 byanon
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Kibbutz Survivor tells all

There is clear evidence that Israeli has for many years planned to drive all the Palestinians out of their former ancestral lands and to drive them out of Gaza and then later the West Bank. Their current openly stated plan is to drive the South towards Egypt and across the border.

Right now they are bombing indiscriminately all over the Gaza and particularly northern Gaza to destroy everything and drive the people Southwards. At the same time Netanyahu has been embroiled in charges of corruption and political scandal and Israeli society is pretty much divided over his attempts to strip the judicial system of its power and make them political appointees.

So putting things in context, the whole idea that this was a surprise attack is extremely fishy and now evidence is pouring in to show that the whole thing has been orchestrated by sinister forces. The items below are collection of articles but the first is an of an interview of an Israeli settler who claimed the IDF/police were involved in the slaughter.

national / politics / elections Sunday August 28, 2022 21:14 byT
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BASF chemical plant threatened by gas & oil shortages

Europe is committing economic suicide all because they are doing the bidding of US Neocons by imposing ridiculous sanctions against Russia which are doing far more damage to Europe and very little to Russia. They are equivalent to threatening to shoot yourself in both feet and the head and then going ahead and doing it. It is a completely idiotic and absurd situation that Europe has arrived in. We are already seeing the initial consequences in the form of fuel price rises and inflation.

The sanctions have actually done three things. They have strengthened Russia's finances and independence, they have accelerated the destruction of the dollar and all fiat currencies connected to it and they are dealing an economc death blow to Europe's economy. By refusing Russian gas it has led to soaring prices and there is no viable alternative to replace the huge quantities of it. Gas is not just used for heating but also for generating base load electrical power. And Russian oil is used to supply a large chunk of the diesel fuel used in Europe and literally everything we buy and do, needs diesel. Diesel is the life blood of the real physical world. Any disruption there and we will all feel it very directly very quickly.

The Irish government are fully aware of the potentially dire consequences of these reckless decisions because they have made it known that they have emergency plans for fuel rationing. Unfortunately it seems the public don't fully realize the scale of the pending crisis and that it is all caused by war-mongering and the belligerent actions of US & NATO cheered on by our own clueless politicians. It is quite clear that every government and institution is captured by sinister elements and those in key positions of power and influence have either been bought off or blackmailed. This was all very evident during Covid, when we saw how governments moved in lockstep to a single script, orchestrated by the totalitarian forces in the background. The Epstein revelations gave the public an insight into the extent and depth of blackmail and how it reached the highest echelons of society.

Effects of Sanctions Begin to Kick In on European Economy

Sept 2022
Ireland: Bord Gas says gas prices to go up 39%. Similar price increases for electricity.
Businesses like small supermarkets around the country reporting electric bills tripling in price

Europe BREAKING: 40 CEOs of European metal producers have wrote an open letter to Ursula von der Leyen and the European Commission warning of an "existential threat" to industry as power prices surge.

The European metals industry has called on the EU for emergency action to prevent a collapse of the sector which faces an existential threat from surging power and gas prices. In a letter to the top EU officials, including European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen, the European metals industry association Eurometaux wrote that “the business leaders of Europe’s non-ferrous metals industry are writing together to raise the alarm about Europe’s worsening energy crisis and its existential threat to our future.” As much as 50% of the EU’s aluminum and zinc capacity has already been forced offline due to the power crisis, Eurometaux said in the letter. Significant curtailments have also been made in silicon and ferroalloys production, and further impacts felt across the copper and nickel sectors, the association added.

The world's largest steel group, ArcelorMittal, is temporarily shutting down two plants in Germany due to high energy costs . From the end of September, the group will shut down one of the two blast furnaces at the flat steel site in Bremen until further notice, the company announced on Friday. In the Hamburg long steel mill, the direct reduction plant will also be shut down from the fourth quarter due to the current situation and the negative prospects. Both plants already have short-time work, which is now being expanded. There is also short-time work at the production sites in Duisburg and Eisenhüttenstadt.

will be updated as sanctions bite deeper
international / public consultation / irish social forum Saturday April 30, 2022 01:48 byT
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Flying this summer?
The dangerous Covid vaccines are not only causing death and injury amongst the general population but they are also affecting that special group of people who perhaps once or twice a year many people entrust their lives to and they are commercial airline pilots. For decades the safety of air travel has continuously increased until 2021. Pilots undergo rigorous medical testing and screening so as to reduce the slightest risk that a pilot might fall ill while flying. In 2021 common sense and consent were thrown out the window along with any concerns of safety and as a consequence the flying public are now at greatly increased risk and it is time people are made aware of of this.
international / anti-war / imperialism Monday February 28, 2022 23:55 byGary Jordan
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Wag the Dog?

With every major crisis - be it a fake pandemic or a manufactured war - comes further confirmation that the average man or woman on the street is hypnotised and has long lost the ability to think critically.

Without taking as much as 30 seconds to step out from the real-time MK Ultra mind-control projects of social media, the vast majority are jumping headfirst into MSM-driven emotionally-charged dialectics and reductive good-versus-evil narratives.

national / health / disability issues Tuesday November 30, 2021 23:54 byLawyers For Justice Ireland
Update: Finally as of Monday Feb 28th the mask mandate is now gone from all shops, schools, pubs, restaurants, hotels and all settings except medical establishments.
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School Strike -No Mask Mandates

Once again the country is plunging itself into absurdities and diving deeper into insanity for the government is no less than bringing in mandates for healthy children to wear masks all day long in school. It is the most insane measure yet, and it so wrong on so many fronts. The worst part is that many parents will follow these guidelines which is both physically and mentally damaging to their own kids, but the ground work has already been put in to allow this for we have had 22 months of endless 24x7 fear mongering, lies and deceit from the government and media over the pandemic that never was for it was all best on lying by statistics.

However there are many parents who are rightly concerned and they have contacted the group LawyersForJustice for advice who have issued a response that we have reproduced here. In the meantime, the mask mandate is clearly to prepare the ground for vaccination of kids because the psychologists who work for the government creating the spin and narrative have figured if you can persuade parents to do something as inhumane and criminally insane as masking your children, then it is but a small step to give them the clot-shot for a disease which is never going to kill them but has an excellent chance of causing all sorts of adverse reactions from heart problems to neurological ones to death.

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Israeli Police Injure a Foreign National in Jerusalem Fri Jul 26, 2024 18:00 | Ali Salam

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