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Like in Ireland: 70% of the Europeans want a referendum

category international | rights, freedoms and repression | opinion/analysis author Saturday October 20, 2007 11:46author by Henk Ruyssenaars - Foreign correspondent - Foreign Press Foundationauthor email fpf at chello dot nl Report this post to the editors

The majority of people want their voice and vote back

''Voters in five EU countries want treaty referendum,'' was the result of a poll published by Thomson and the Financial Times in London, a scoop-like item which was also reprinted in the bible of the money makers, Forbes: "A substantial majority of voters in five large European Union countries want a referendum on the bloc's new reform treaty, according to a poll published Thursday.

FPF - Amsterdam - 20-10-2007 - Last Thursday, and to phrase it nicely, the 'very underreported' result of a poll among people in five EU countries resulted in an average of seventy percent (70%) saying they want a referendum. They want their voices and votes back, want the "Treason of Lisbon" stopped in it's tracks, and absolutely do NOT want a totalitarian European Union, as planned. They want their right back to vote NO! And protested in Lisbon too:

Because what happened last Thursday and Friday in the Portuguese capital, was the EU presidents and PM's betraying the hundreds of millions of people in the 27 countries. As I also wrote: "In Lisbon, and to avoid another defeat, the managers of the EU have decided not to hold any referenda at all. Hundreds of millions of EU people in the 27 countries thus have the right to vote about their own lives and destiny stolen: they have all been betrayed again by their champagne drinking political personnel, and the screwed people pay the bill too. Whether they want it or not, the Euros are taken from their wallets. At present 61% of the Dutch has sleeping problems because they don't know anymore how to pay the bills in the highest taxed country in the world, and according to official figures (CPB) more than one million people must be soon as poor. In one of the richest countries in the world proving how the usurers EU rules result in rampant poverty.

As former Czech President Vaclav Klaus, in 'Mlada Fronta Dnes' said concerning the EU plans: "This is crossing the Rubicon, after which there will be no more sovereign states in  Europe with fully-fledged governments and parliaments which represent legitimate  interests of their citizens, but only one state will remain. Basic things will be  decided  by a remote 'federal government' in Brussels and,  for example, Czech citizens will be  only a tiny particle whose voice and influence will be almost zero. We are against a European superstate." [andend] - More information at Url.:


One has to keep in mind that only people in five of the 27 EU countries have been asked. Because polls in general, and especially when they are done by criminal creatures collaborating with the US/UK junta, like Thomson, the Financial Times or Forbes as propaganda sources, are carefully constructed so as to give the wanted results. But in this case they couldn't deny the answers, and field research is easy. Have a look at Ireland where it is said a referendum will be held, surely resulting in a NO vote. The other people do not want their lives to get worse either. Internationally seen it's bad enough with the US/UK junta's mad doctrine that "Might makes Right', ignoring all laws and conventions, killing human beings by the millions for power and profit. This is not what human beings want. Nowhere on earth.

The majority of the people on earth do not want it this genocidal way, and people, when asked, will react the same way as the Europeans did in the five countries: the "Treason of Lisbon" allowing further participation in the quest for world power and profit is absolutely not acceptable to any decent human being. The people want the 'humanoids' out, and severely punished for life, because of their scavenging and scorching of the earth we all live on. The people are taking their voices back, and that must put an end to the treacherous propaganda-media, one way or the other stopping the megaphones of the so called 'mighty' which, like the stooges they work, for keep saying that a (totalitarian) constitution for the whole EU is the best that could happen to all people. Lies of course, as the EU voters showed. The so called constitution, as the 'Treaty of Lisbon' is, is only meant to further enrich the money mafia 'running' the EU too.

''Voters in five EU countries want treaty referendum,'' was the result of a poll published by Thomson and the Financial Times in London, a scoop-like item which was also reprinted in the bible of the money makers, Forbes: "A substantial majority of voters in five large European Union countries want a referendum on the bloc's new reform treaty, according to a poll published Thursday.


The Financial Times/Harris survey showed that 70 pct of respondents in Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain wanted a vote on the new treaty, with 20 pct saying one was not necessary, with 10 pct unsure.

It comes as EU leaders are set to kick off a two-day summit in Lisbon today, where they hope to reach agreement on a final draft of the treaty, which critics allege is essentially the same as the moribund constitution, which was torpedoed in 2005 by 'no' votes in France and the Netherlands.

According to the poll, 76 pct of Germans, 75 pct of Britons, 72 pct of Italians, 65 pct of Spaniards and 63 pct of French wanted a referendum on the treaty.

A separate Daily Telegraph/YouGov survey, also published on Thursday, said that 69 pct of Britons wanted a vote on the document.

The FT/Harris poll showed that, overall, 38 pct of those surveyed thought the treaty would have a positive impact, compared with 23 pct who thought it would be negative.

(If 38% is said to be positive, there's 62% left. The Dutch in 2005 voted 63% against the totalitarian EU constitution which rightfully is seen as a blank cheque the criminal EU managers have written, with themselves as creditors. - HR)

EU leaders agreed in June to the broad guidelines for the new document, aimed at streamlining decision-making in the enlarging bloc.

If the leaders back the new text in Lisbon, they could formally sign it in December. That would leave a year for member states to ratify it so that it could come into effect, as planned, on January 1, 2009.

Harris questioned a total of 5,604 adults between October 3 and 15 over the Internet.

1,126 Germans, 1,138 Britons, 1,090 Spaniards, 1,128 Italians and 1,122 French were surveyed.

YouGov questioned 2,122 voters between October 12 and 15.

[andend] - Source: story Forbes - Url.:





* THE US IS A 'CRIMOCRACY' - Christopher Bollyn: "This is how the U.S. government, which I call a "crimocracy" works. It is a government of criminals, by criminals, and for criminals. It is the source of the corruption which is responsible for the United States being in such dire straits." - Url.:


* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands


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author by Jacobite and the Minty Teaspublication date Tue Jan 01, 2008 16:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

So my coffe guzzling cybernet athiest, you sucessfully managed to get me article removed. Im guessing that the early bird really does get the worm. I am yet to be convinced that depopulation by force will ultimatly be more benificial than co-operative effort. Obviously this doesnt go for all of us. You mentioned that there are inconvenient facts lying around and we should stop worrying about the seating arrangements in the ride we are all on. You were good enough to suggest the many ways to protect onself in cyberspace. What would you suggest we all do besides keeping a lid on it?

author by We the Peoplepublication date Thu Nov 15, 2007 09:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I have read an Article by Garvan Grant in the Sunday Business Post on this Totaliterian New World Order Treaty that paves way for a Global Union. Total enslavement.

He states,' The most important provision contained in the Document is that treaty is not the same as the European Constitution. In fact ,in section 26, paragraph 7 ,it now clearly states that it is punishable by death to refer to it as a constitution within the boarders of the E.U.'

He also states that the treaty contains detailed plans for the annexation by the E.U. of Russia and China by force and that it is compulsory to believe in at least one God.

This utube link below explains the bigger agenda regarding 'treaties' around the World.
A Global Union.

Related Link:
author by Brian Borupublication date Thu Nov 15, 2007 08:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Article 33 of the Reform Treaty allows the majority voting on the Council of Ministers for future EU treaties. It is a disgrace that we are being presented with a treaty already rejected in France and Holland. We are also losing our Commissioner from 2014, and 50 national-vetoes. Furthermore, the treaty will raise the blocking-minority for Enhanced-Cooperation (where 8+ EU states can go ahead on their own) from 27%+ to 35%+, allowing Tax Commissioner Lazlo Kovacz to push his plan for a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax base through the Council of Ministers. Under this plan, receipts from Corporation-tax will have to be shared between governments according to where most of the sales are going. It will force the Irish government to give most of its corporate-tax receipts to Germany and France. This is a disgrace.

author by Pierrepublication date Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Alors en Irlande votez Non Non Non pour tous les citoyens qui n'ont pas leur votes. You have the referendum that we don't have.

author by furiousfrogpublication date Thu Oct 25, 2007 09:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You are absolutely right davekey. I am French myself and gutted that this bunch of scheming backstabbers will manage to ram the Lisbon Treaty - i.e. 95% of the stillborn EU Constitution - down our throats! Where is democracy? Where is my say on the matter? I am starting to wish Turkey quickly joins the EU and soon kills the beast from within...

author by davekeypublication date Tue Oct 23, 2007 18:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I presume that you are French and find it remarkable that you are not having another referendum after the last rejection. There must be a serious media blackout on the issue.

As for the EU being boring, it's probably because most people feel so disconnected from it and the power it wields thet they have become apathetic. It's more of the same "don't worry just trust us we know what's best for you". We have no idea were it is all going and what their endgame is but the people at the top are nothing but absolute control freaks who want to micro-manage our lives and turn us into serfs.

It looks like Ireland will be the battleground for this and I would urge people from other countries to seriously consider getting involved and canvassing the Irish people to stop this madness.

author by Pierrepublication date Tue Oct 23, 2007 07:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I have to render to you my sympathies on your true observation that most citizens are sensible of the EU being a big bore. Can we do or not anything influential to push the great publique into some serious thoughts and actions concerning the matter? But you Irish you are the lucky ones because there is constitutional necessity to have a referendum, so you can discuss then vote. Bon chance!

author by davekeypublication date Tue Oct 23, 2007 00:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I presume by the poor response to this article that most people don't really care that the most fundamental rights of any nation i.e. self determination, are of no real importance to the people.

We are being sold out to a totalitarian superstate but just go along with the programme and pretend everything is ok, keep focusing on other regimes and causes but forget about the danger this country is in.

Perhaps in another 20 years we'll finally wake up and smell the bs.

author by MichaelY - iawmpublication date Sat Oct 20, 2007 22:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

One of the first serious initiatives of the re-constituted Campaign Against the EU Treaty (now rebranded as Reform Treaty) will be a Public Meeting open to all at 11.00 in the morning on Sunday Nov.3rd in Liberty Hall Dublin. The main speaker will be Susan George.

author by davekeypublication date Sat Oct 20, 2007 21:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

We the people of Ireland owe it to the peoples of all the countries in the EU to completely reject this treaty. To date we are the only country in the EU to be allowed vote on it, not because of our benevolent politicians but because of the strenght of our wonderful Constitution (which will be gone if it goes ahead) and thanks to the late Raymond Crotty who challenged the government on previous teaties and demanded referendums.

We must be the voice of the people of Europe and vote NO!

author by gameballpublication date Sat Oct 20, 2007 18:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

... and we were signed away by a cheerful, smiling, fat bowsie who couldn't even run his own bank account.

We will have a referendum because of the 'sovereignity of the people' (and thank god for that) but after the Nice Two result it will be pushed thru and we will be off to Brussels tugging our forelocks and bowing and scraping even more furiously than ever before. And we're losing an MEP.

So there you have it; sort of independent from Britain between 1972-2007 thanks to the EEC / EU and then it's gone. The lord giveth and the lord taketh away.....

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