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The Saker
A bird's eye view of the vineyard

offsite link Alternative Copy of site is available Thu May 25, 2023 14:38 | Ice-Saker-V6bKu3nz
Alternative site: Site was created using the downloads provided Regards Herb

offsite link The Saker blog is now frozen Tue Feb 28, 2023 23:55 | The Saker
Dear friends As I have previously announced, we are now “freezing” the blog.  We are also making archives of the blog available for free download in various formats (see below). 

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Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

offsite link News Round-Up Sat Sep 21, 2024 01:13 | Toby Young
A summary of the most interesting stories in the past 24 hours that challenge the prevailing orthodoxy about the ?climate emergency?, public health ?crises? and the supposed moral defects of Western civilisation.
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offsite link Female Pianists Favoured Over Men Under Major Competition?s Rules Fri Sep 20, 2024 17:00 | Will Jones
Female pianists are to be favoured over men, according to the rules of a leading piano competition under which judges are instructed to "consider" picking a woman "in the case of a tie".
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offsite link The Real ?Climate Change Deniers? Are Those Who Deny the Climate Changed Before We Started Burning F... Fri Sep 20, 2024 15:00 | Hannes Sarv
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offsite link British School Allows Pupil Suffering from ?Species Dysphoria? to Identify as a Wolf Fri Sep 20, 2024 13:00 | Will Jones
A British schoolchild suffering from 'species dysphoria' has been officially allowed to identify as a wolf.
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Voltaire Network
Voltaire, international edition

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'Protecting the neglect'

category national | health / disability issues | opinion/analysis author Saturday September 30, 2006 17:06author by Annie Shipsea Report this post to the editors

Listen up folks, please. This is about disability . No! Please dont go away!

Try to overcome your revulsion/boredom/indifference or whatever it is that so many of you apparently well-meaining activists and Indymedia readers do when it comes to this issue, judging from the the general level of interest that these reports usually get. Five thousand comments on the disctinction between the SP and the SWP, about four on rights for people with disability. Pardon my bluffness but how about cutting us all some slack in this corner, eh? Maybe even give us some of your time and effort?

I attended a meeting in a country locaiton on Thursday evening at which a representative of a major disability association told the audience that, under the terms of the recent Education of Persons with Special Needs Act, 2004

parents of children with disability may no longer be entitled to choose the school to which they send their children.

This is a right currently enjoyed by every other parent in the country and it was our right too until this wretched, wretched Act was forced onto the statute books against the wishes of just about everyone but the FF/PD bastards who wrote it. Remember, as you read on, that this Act is defiantly described by Fianna Fail as increasing the rights of parents and pwd.

The significance of this change in our status as citizens is alarming for our children. If resources are to be concentrated on certain schools it will not be long before those schools begin to be regarded as not quite the thing by well-heeled but ignorant sorts who secretly wont like the idea of their darlings being exposed to ours. It means our children may not be able to attend the same schools as their siblings or their friends - and rememer for many SEN kids, making friends can be very hard. My youngest son is ten and hasnt managed it yet. He is an expert on what it is to be bullied in school, though, because he speaks unusually, wets his pants when he find something very funny and has peculiar facial mannerisms - all of which characteristics have set him up for a 'warm' welcome from other kids. Among about a hundred examples I could give you, we once discovered he was paying money to three kids so that they would not chase him around the yard during breaks until he was exhausted and could run no more - this in a school where the principal swore that it was impossible that any bullying could be happening. Why do I demean myself and my son by coming on here and describing these personal detials? To tug on your heartstrings and play the emotinal blackmail card? Fuck off. On Thursday I was told that my son could be sent to another school if his presence was deemed to be detrimental to other children's educational interests. CAN YOU FEEL ANGRY WITH US ABOUT THAT, PLEASE! Can you hear the insult in it? Do you see the travesty of what the reality is?

So, parents may have no choice but to continue to send children to schools where they are bullied or are unhappy or where they think the ethos is not sympathetic to special needs - and there are many, many such schools.

Under this act, we no longer have a right to professional assessment of our childrens conditions. We have a right to request an assessment, though. What sort of fucking right is that. No assessment, no resources. And if you get a private, professional assessment done, your school, the NCSE or the Health Authority is under no obligation to take that assessment into account. That was another right we used to have before the Act.

In the past assessments were conducted by pshychologists and other professionals. Now they will be done by head teachers and SENO's none of whom are required to have any training or qualifications in respect of the conditions they are assessing. Is that an increase in rights for us and our children? The National Education Psychology Service appears no longer even to have a role in this process - they are in limbo and their services are more urgently needed than ever. The act is doing away with the right of children to a professional psychological assessment. You know why? Almost certainly so that official levels of ASD type disability can be artificially reduced and resources correspondingly reduced.

In the past the situation was that where a diagnosis of autism was confirmed, your child would have an automatic right to 5 hours of resource teaching (one-to-one). That was the top whack you could get even if your psychologist recommended 10 or more. Now under this rights-conferring Act (ha ha ha) a diagnosis will no longer trigger resources automatically. This, we were told on Thursday was because it hadnt really been in the best interests of the child for them to automatically have resources when they were diagnosed. I kid you not. That is what the woman said - it's on video.

The EPSEN Act 2004 was described at the meeting as 'a way forward'. Afterwards in the bar when I challenged the speaker with the observation that it was, in fact, 'a crock of shit ', she agreed with me and said 'and a very big one'. But no sign of that sentiment in her public address.

Now that I have finally stopped banging my head against the wall, I have a few questions for you.

What are you going to do? Its your problem too. Will you take this issue on the way you did the Irish Ferries workers' or the bin tax? Will you leave Dermot Lacey or the National Aquatic Centre to it for a while and give us a hand here?

author by Stuartpublication date Thu Nov 23, 2006 11:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Having permitted two dyslexic students the opportunity to take exams under appropriate conditions, the certificates were marked "All parts of the examination in this subject were assessed except for the spelling and some grammatical elements" and (just to ensure everyone noticed the annotation) ran these two certificates onto two pages to distinguish them from all other Leaving Certificate students.

The Equality Tribunal upheld discrimination and ordered an award.

The Department of Education is appealing. Why?! Is their record of dismal court appearances not bad enough yet?

author by Annie Shipseapublication date Tue Nov 21, 2006 17:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Teacher's Pet, the Irish Times, 21/11/2006

It is the biggest scandal in Irish education - but you would never know it
from the muted reaction of certain vested interests.

What are we talking about? The educational apartheid which sees pupils with
special needs locked out of some of our elite, fee-paying schools, many of
them run by religious orders - and all supported by some ?80 million in an
annual subsidy from the taxpayers.

All credit to Labour's Jan O'Sullivan, Sinn Fein's Scan Crowe and the TUI's
John MacGabhann, who had the courage to confront this scandal. All three
have a strong record of speaking out on the issues that really matter.

But where were other powerful forces in education?

Not a word from the supposedly left-leaning ASTI who continue - long after
the debate has ended - to direct their fire at "brutalist" school league
tables. What about "brutalist" enrolment policies?

And not a word from the Joint Managerial Body, representing school
management in most second-level schools. Can this silence have anything to
do with the fact that both bodies represent teachers or managers in
fee-paying schools?

Fine Gael's Olwyn Enright was also marked as absent on the issue."

author by Martinapublication date Wed Oct 04, 2006 23:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Sad to say, your story is repeated the length and breadth of the country. The HSE and DoES are merrily using the Disability and EPSEN Acts to extinguish whatever rights people with disabilities have had. It's about time that the various lobby groups, campaigns, representative bodies and political parties got off their arses and started fighting for the most marginalised and disenfrachised citizens. People with disabilities, their familes, their friends and their neighbours all have votes and if this electoral strength can be harnessed to give an effective voice to the voiceless victims of Harney & Hanafin, there is some small chance that these vile legislative Acts can be undone.

These Acts represent a cynical and deliberate attempt by this Government to dress up their neglect in a wishy washy veil of concern, but without enforceable rights, the reality is that it is bean counters and not clinicians or parents or citizens with disabilities themselves who will decide what services, if any, are to be provided. What a sick joke!

As regards NEPS, NCSE, SENOs and the rest of the alphabet soup of Department of Education fronts, the relaity is they are all bound, by leglislation, to do the bidding of the DoES. They provide the illusion of a multiplicity of opinion, but in the end, they *must* all sing from the same hymn sheet.

Parents are being ground down in the courts. Children are being robbed of their futures. Harney & Hanfin and their unaccountable bureaucrats are laughing at them.

Why isn't the country outraged?

Cearta Daonna - Cothrom na Féinne!

author by elizabethpublication date Sun Oct 01, 2006 15:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This will keep happening as long as the vested and private interests run the state,
This will happen at Rossport.
This will happen in Monaghan.(no incubators/no maternity facilities).
This will happen in Dublin.
The vested interests want value for money and they do not care about the rights of
your child or of anyone else's child.

They are allowed to do this because people vote for the present government
because its about tax and value for money. It is not about individuals.

Suggest co-operative group.
Phone tree (of like-minded parents) -nationally , if possible.

Employing an independent consultant and taking them to court under the U.N
rights of the child bill, which has not been implemented fully in this country.

Conor Lenihan (he of the back bench, should be your frst port of call)

Get people to agigtate outside Ms Hanafin's office.
doorstep FF/PD.
Don't let it go.

unity with other people is the first step Annie- use your community voice.
get behind a microphone and shout really loudly- lobby EU politicians too.
use everything at your disposal.

the politicos will be hammering the pavements soon, they like being photographed with kids,
bring your child and a camera - write an article.

author by Seán Ryanpublication date Sun Oct 01, 2006 14:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I'd like to meet up with you and offer my two cents and lend any help I can.

u s e l e s s g i t s @ e i r c o m . n e t

Remove all the spaces in the above addy.

author by fanpublication date Sat Sep 30, 2006 20:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

well done. You got the point across & no doubt about it.

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