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Leaked call from Estonian FM to Catherine Ashton (EU) indicates that snipers were provocateurs shooting people on both sides![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() Professional sniper -similar to the ones used
by agents acting for US & EU to murder policemen and civilians in Kiev and then blame 'massacre' on the government and use as prop in media war
Another leaked phone call. This time between the Estonian FM and Catherine Ashton. It would seem to indicate that the same shooters on the rootops in Ukraine were shooting people on BOTH sides.
Related Indy Links:
"Fuck the EU" - Conclusive proof that the US is meddling in the affairs of a soverign country |
Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Declare that Power Comes Out of the Barrels of their Guns |
The Ukraine Deception -Towards the New World Order |
Clashes in Ukraine signal escalation of US-EU intervention
Ukraine Urged Jews to Flee Kiev During the turmoil of the coup by the neo Nazis in Kiev which happens to be the home of one of the largest viable Jewish communities outside Israel, the synagogues in Kiev came under petrol bomb attack but likely the building didn't burn down. Given the outright racist nature of these thugs and the fact that the coup leaders on the first day of power hung a huge banner of Stepan Bandera the World War II Nazi collaborator who helped send 900,000 Jews to the gas chambers. When those in power celebrate these type of people, it should send a chill down your spine. Chief Rabbi of Ukraine Urged Jews to Flee Kiev After Attack on Students
However we found another copy of the call on youtube, we posted the audio and RT did a piece on it too(see below): Further links on this story worth checking out: Snipers Hired By Kiev Protest Leaders?:
audio of phone call between Estonian FM and Catherine Ashton ![]() Caption: Video Id: Xh_YkdGbWqk Type: Youtube Video |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38as suspected, Klitchko is a western puppet, as shown by hacked emails from Anonymous Ukraine
Caption: Video Id: 8F9tAuJFLSU Type: Youtube Video
anonymous ukraine statement
Posted on behalf of Renée Parsons, who has done a very good job of pulling together the facts.
[Wednesday updates:
Listening to the US media, even the most diligent news junkie would find it difficult to know that the U.S. State Department played not only a vital role in the violence and chaos underway in Ukraine but was also complicit in creating the coup that ousted democratically elected President Viktor Yanuyovch. Given the Russian Parliament’s approval of Putin’s request for military troops to be moved into Crimea, Americans uninformed about the history of that region might also be persuaded that Russia is the aggressor and the sole perpetrator of the violence.
Let’s be clear about what is at stake here: NATO missiles on the adjacent Ukraine border aimed directly at Russia would make that country extremely vulnerable to Western goals and destabilization efforts while threatening Russia’s only water access to its naval fleet in Crimean peninsula, the Balkans, the Mediterranean Sea and the Middle East – and not the least of which would allow world economic dominance by the US, the European Union, the IMF, World Bank and international financiers all of whom had already brought staggering suffering to millions around the globe.
The fact is that democracy was not a demand on the streets of Kiev. The current record of events indicates that protests of civil dissatisfaction were organized by reactionary neo-Nazi forces intent on fomenting a major domestic crisis ousting Ukraine’s legitimate government. As events continue to spiral out of control, here is the chronology of how the coup was engineered to install a government more favorable to EU and US goals.
April 11, 2011: A Kiev Post article entitled "Ukraine Hopes to Get $1.5 Billion from IMF in June" states that the loan is dependent on pension cuts while "maintaining cooperation with the IMF, since it influences the country's interaction with other international financial institutions and private investors" and further that the "attraction of $850 million from the World Bank in 2011, depended on cooperation with the IMF." Well, that about says it all: if Ukraine played ball, then the loan money would pour in.
November 21, 2013: fast forward to the EU summit in Lithuania when President Yanuyovch embarrassed the European Union by rejecting its Agreement in favor of joining Russia’s Common Union with other Commonwealth Independent States.
November 27, 2013: it was not until February 23, 2014 when Anonymous Ukraine hackers released a series of emails from a Lithuanian government advisor to opposition leader and former boxer Vitaly Klitschko regarding plans to destabilize Ukraine; for example:
December 13, 2013: As if intent on providing incontrovertible evidence of US involvement in Ukraine, Assistant US Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia Victoria Nuland proudly told a meeting of the International Business Conference sponsored by the US-Ukrainian Foundation that the US had ‘invested’ more than $5 billion and ‘five years worth of work and preparation' in achieving what she called Ukraine’s ‘European aspirations.” Having just returned from her third trip to Ukraine in five weeks, Nuland boasted of her ‘coordinated high level diplomacy’ and a more than two hour ‘tough conversation’ with Yanukovych. Already familiar with Nuland as former Secretary Clinton’s spokesperson at State, one can imagine her discourteous tone and manner when she says she made it 'absolutely clear' to Yanukovych that the US required "immediate steps" ... to "get back into conversation with Europe and the IMF." While Western media have portrayed Yanukovych as a ‘weak’ leader, Nuland’s description of a ‘tough’ meeting can only mean that he resisted her threats and intimidations. In what must have been a touching moment, Nuland spoke about a show of force by government police on demonstrators who 'sang hymns and prayed for peace.'
What Nuland did not reveal on December 13 was that her meetings with ‘key Ukrainian stakeholders’ included neo-Nazi Svoboda party leader Oleh Tyahnybok and prime minister wannabe Arsenly Yatsenyuk of the Fatherland Party. At about the same time Nuland was wooing fascist extremists, Sen. John McCain (R-Az) and Sen. Chris Murphy (D- Conn) shared the stage in Kiev with Tyahnybok offering their support and opposition to the sitting government. The Svoboda party which has roots with extreme vigilante and antisemitic groups has since received at least three high level cabinet posts in the interim government including deputy prime minister. There is no doubt that the progenies of west Ukraine’s historic neo-fascist thugs that fought alongside Hitler are now aligned with the US as represented by Victoria Nuland.
January 24, 2014: President Yanukoyvch identified foreign elements participating in Kiev protests warning that armed radicals were a danger to peaceful citizens. Independent news agencies also reported that "not all of Kiev’s population backs opposition rule, which depends mainly on a group from the former Polish town of Lvov, which holds sway over Kiev downtown - but not the rest of the city."
January 30, 2014: The State Department’s website Media Note announced Nuland’s upcoming travel plans that "In Kyiv, Assistant Secretary Nuland will meet with government officials, opposition leaders, civil society and business leaders to encourage agreement on a new government and plan of action." In other words, almost a month before President Yanukovych was ousted, the US was planning to rid the world of another independently elected President.
February 4, 2014: More evidence of Ms. Nuland’s meddling with extremist factions and the high level stakes of war and peace occurred in her taped conversation with U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt discussing their calculations of who’s in and who’s out to replace Yanukovych. Note mention of Nazi leader Oleh Tyahnybok. Here are some selected excerpts:
Nuland: "What do you think?"
Pyatt: "I think we’re in play... the [Vitali] Klitsch piece is obviously the complicated electron here especially the announcement of him as deputy prime minister. Your argument to him which you’ll need to make, I think the next phone call we want to set up is exactly the one you made to Yats [Yatsenyuk]. And I’m glad you sort of put him on the spot on where he fits in this scenario and I’m very glad he said what he said in response."
Nuland: "I don’t think Klitsch should go into government. I don’t think it’s necessary. I don’t think it’s a good idea."
Pyatt: "yeah...I mean I guess. You think…what…in terms of him not going into the government, just let him sort of stay out and do his political homework and stuff. I’m just thinking in terms of the process moving ahead, we want to keep the moderate democrats together. The problem is going to be Tyahnybok and his guys. I’m sure that’s what Yanukoyvch is calculating on all this."
Nuland: "I think Yats is the guy who’s got the economic experience, the governing experience. What he needs is Klitsch and Tyahnybok on the outside and he needs to be talking to them four times a week you know...I think with Klitsch going in at that level working for Yats, it’s not going to work."
Nuland: "My understanding is that the big three [Yatsenyuk, Klitsch and Tyahnybok] were going in to their own meeting and that Yats was going to offer in that context a three plus one conversation with you."
Pyatt: "That’s what he proposed but knowing the dynamic that’s been with them where Klitsch has been top dog; he’s going to take a while to show up at a meeting, he’s probably talking to his guys at this point so I think you reaching out to him will help with the personality management among the three and gives us a chance to move fast on all this stuff and put us behind it before they all sit down and he explains why he doesn’t like it."
Nuland: "...when I talked to Jeff Feltman this morning, he had a new name for the UN guy...Robert Serry -he’s now gotten both Serry and Ban ki Moon to agree that Serry could come in Monday or that would be great I think to help glue this thing and have the UN help glue it and you know fuck the EU."
Pyatt: "Exactly. I think we’ve got to do something to make it stick together because you can be pretty sure the Russians will be working behind the scenes ... Let me work on Klitchko and I think we want to get somebody with an international personality to come out here and help midwife this thing."
Nuland: "...Sullivan’s come back to me saying you need Biden and I said probably tomorrow for an" ‘atta’ boy’ and get the deeds to stick so Biden’s willing."
February 20, 2014: Foreign ministers from Poland, Germany and France visiting Kiev secured President Yanukovych’s agreement that would commit the government to an interim administration, constitutional reform and new parliamentary and presidential elections. With "no clear sign that EU or US pressure has achieved" the desired effect, opposition leaders rejected Yanukovych’s compromise which would have ended the three month stand-off. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called on the German, French and Polish foreign ministers to step in and take responsibility for upholding the deal they helped forge and not let "armed extremists" directly threaten Ukrainian sovereignty.
February 21, 2014: At a special summit in Brussels, European foreign ministers agreed to adopt sanctions on Ukraine including visa bans and asset freezes. The EU decision followed "immense pressure from the US for the European powers to take punitive action against the Ukrainian regime." Washington had already imposed travel bans on 20 leading Ukrainians.
February 22, 2014: An hour after refusing to resign, the Ukrainian Parliament voted, according to Russian president Vladimir Putin, in an unconstitutional action to oust President Yanukovych and that pro-EU forces staged a ‘coup’. Yanukovych departed Kiev in fear for his life.
March 1, 2014: During a conversation initiated by the vice president, Biden delivered his ‘atta boy’ with a phone call to newly installed prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk reaffirming US support for Ukraine’s ‘territorial integrity.'
All of the above machinations expose an incoherent and corrupt American foreign policy with a litany of US hypocrisy that might be hilarious if not for its potentially grave global implications. The comment "you just don’t behave by invading another country on completely trumped up pretext" might just win Secretary of State John Kerry the Hypocrisy of the Year Award. Kerry, of course, famously supported the 2003 invasion of Iraq seeking nonexistent weapons of mass destruction.
But then again, the President’s own comments that "...countries have deep concerns and suspicions about this kind of meddling..." and that " long as none of us are inside Ukraine trying to meddle and intervene...with decisions that properly belong to Ukrainian people..." while announcing $1 billion aid package to Ukraine (but not Detroit) would be a close runner-up for the Award
They've been playing this game since at least as early as 1989
Part 1 of Checkmate: Strategy of as Revolution #romania1989 #snipers
Romania 1989.
In Susanne Brandstätter’s documentary ‘Checkmate: Strategy of a Revolution’ aired on Arte television station some years ago, Western intelligence officials revealed how death squads were used to destabilize Romania and turn its people against the head of state Nicolai Ceaucescu.
Brandstätter’s film is a must see for anyone interested in how Western intelligence agencies, human rights groups and the corporate press collude in the systematic destruction of countries whose leadership conflicts with the interests of big capital and empire.
Former secret agent with the French secret service, the DGSE(La Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure) Dominique Fonvielle, spoke candidly about the role of Western intelligence operatives in destabilizing the Romanian population.
This open and rare admission of Western sponsorship of terrorism was justified on the grounds of the “greater good” brought to Romania by free-market capitalism. It was necessary, according to the strategists of Romania’s “revolution”, for some people to die.
Today, Romania remains one of the poorest countries in Europe. A report on Euractiv reads:
The western intelligence officials interviewed in the documentary also revealed how the Western press played a central role in disinformation. For example, the victims of Western-backed snipers were photographed by presented to the world as evidence of a crazed dictator who was “killing his own people”.
To this day, there is a Museum in the back streets of Timisoara Romania which promotes the myth of the “Romanian Revolution”. The Arte documentary was one of the rare occasions when the mainstream press revealed some of the dark secrets of Western liberal democracy. The documentary caused a scandal when it was aired in France, with the prestigious Le Monde Diplomatique discussing the moral dilemma of the West’s support of terror in its desire to spread ‘democracy’.
No surprise there really since they both espouse Nazi-like ideology
Israeli-army-vet-led street-fighting units -
Cnaan Liphshiz, JTA, Feb 28 2014
He calls his troops “the Blue Helmets of Maidan,” but brown is the color of the headgear worn by Delta, the nom de guerre of the commander of a Jewish-led militia force that participated in the Ukrainian revolution.
Under his helmet, he also wears a kipa. Delta, a Ukraine-born former soldier in the IDF, spoke to JTA Thursday on condition of anonymity. He explained how he came to use combat skills he acquired in the Shu’alei Shimshon reconnaissance battalion of the Givati infantry brigade to rise through the ranks of Kiev’s street fighters.
He has headed a force of 40 men and women, including several fellow IDF veterans, in violent clashes with Ukrainian government forces.
Several Ukrainian Jews, including Rabbi Moshe Azman, one of the country’s claimants to the title of chief rabbi, confirmed Delta’s identity and role in the still-unfinished revolution.
There are so far unconfirmed reports that hundreds of mercenaries provided by Academi previously named Blackwater have been deployed by the Nazis in Kiev. The reports indicate these will be used against the pro-Russian rallies in cities in the Eastern Ukraine. This would indicate that the Americans who successfully placed their man in power in Kiev have no intention of letting this slip out of their hands.
Ukraine: Israeli Special Forces Unit under Neo-Nazi Command Involved in Maidan Riots -
Neither the Tel Aviv government nor the Israeli media have expressed concern regarding the fact that the some of the EuroMaidan rioters were led by Zio-Nazi infiltrators that teamed up with local Neo-Nazis
Hiding in Plain sight: Jewish Israeli Nazi on the Streets of Kiev
This quote that ffs writes is from Chossudovsky and if you check his position towards Israel he is an enemy of Israel. That is fact.
Chossudovsky writes
"Neither the Tel Aviv government nor the Israeli media have expressed concern regarding the fact that the some of the EuroMaidan rioters were led by Zio-Nazi infiltrators that teamed up with local Neo-Nazis".
Are they concerned? I do not know. They should be concerned if this is true.
Note that Chossudovsky in the above uses the term " Zio-Nazi"
Chossudovsky thus makes his politics clear that he equates the struggle for a national homeland as being a nazi undertaking. Why?
Is the struggle for an Irish Homeland IrishNazi?
So Chossudovsky bases his report on the JTA report. This person that they are referring to is totally disguised in the article. They do not give his name. They call him "Delta".
Supposing it is out of CIA dirty tricks. They are working against Russia. They want to present this as a clean revolution. So they seek to hide the Antisemitism involved in these circles around Maidan. So then it figures. The CIA will present the "Jews" in this case this mystery person Delta as declaring " problem"
Supposing the JTA report is true what THEN does it mean. It means that one or three or four Jews are involved in Ukraine on the side of Fascists.
And that other Jews are involved there on the side of Fascists which could come out of sheer ignorance, just as many Irish supported the Good Friday Agreement.
What is the conclusión from this except that they are traitors to the Jewish people.
There may also be Irish involved and certainly the Irish Government is far more on the side of the Fascists in Ukraine is it not than is Israel but ffs makes no reference to that.
This whole article and report fromt he JTA with its non identification of this person who really could be anybody, he is hidden from top to bottom, stinks, and then the way that Chossudovsky picks up this, stinks, and the way that ffs reports on this also stinks.
If a number of Jews are involved in Maidan on the side of the Fascist putsch then they are traitors to the Jewish people, but the Jews cannot be held responsable for the actions of a handful, if even that is true, and nothing here may be true at all, it is covered in unanswered questions.
No he didn't you lying Nazi - I did.
But so what if he had of?
The guy in question is clearly a Zio-Nazi, and he's clearly teamed up with bunch of Neo-Nazis
Felix the Nazi's position on this is that despite the article appearing in the Jewish Telegraph Agency Publication it s "dubious" - so basically Felix the Nazi is claiming that the JTA is carrying Anti-Jewish Propaganda -
yeah right, Felix-The-Nazi, pull the other one.
You can't lie your way out of this one Felix
story coming out of Ukraine. May or may not bet true
people in masks and unnumbered trucks ship out all Ukraine's gold to the US in the dead of night:
Zerohedge is a us rightwing libertarian website run by moronic americans.
It allows itself to be used to spread NATO propaganda regarding the situation in Ukraine and has willingly done so from the start
In the last 3 or 4 weeks it has published at least 4 articles designed purely to con everyone into believing that a full scale russian invasion of ukraine is imminent -and as even a nazi could see, no full scale invasion of ukraine has taken place.
Reading zerohedge is about as infomative as listening to one of felix the nazis hate filled nazi-loving rants
Press TV was one of the few news outlets to report on the Israeli involvement in the riots in Ukraine:
"A former Israeli army officer is playing a leading role in the anti-government protests in Ukraine [...]. [This] unnamed Israeli was commanding a group of 20 Ukrainian militants while four other Israelis, who had also previously served in the army, were said to have taken part in opposition rallies in Ukraine's capital of Kiev. "
The Press TV report went on to state
"Meanwhile, Ukrainian media said that an Israeli [a Jewish one, presumably] tycoon provides financial support to the opposition in Ukraine, adding that Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency is one of the instigators of the unrest in the country."
On 16 December 2013 Jerusalem Post reported that (
"some young Jews working for international organizations such as JDC (, Hillel ( and Limmud ( have taken to the barricades [in Ukraine, and they were] 'really active' in offering support as well as 'organizing the barricades'."
One may well be tempted to view these young Israeli and US Jews as useful idiots, but it is far more plausible that they were in fact provocateurs with a political agenda of their own.
Ukraine is not just a safe haven for oligarchs on the run from Putin, BUT Zionist Israel is.
Ukraine is also a country in which Israel exerts a high degree of political influence.
if zerohedge is providing misinformation on Ukraine as you are saying
Then how come this story is highlighting US monkey business.
surely they would be promoting US interests?
Since the 27th of February 2014 Arseniy Yatsenyuk is “prime minister” of the present and entirely illegal regime of Ukraine, installed after a Neo-Nazi led coup, financed by NATO, the CIA and even some US Billionaires
Yatsenyuk has at least 3 Jewish Grandparents
Arseniy Yatsenyuk Foundation -
Open Ukraine claims that "The Open Ukraine Foundation is an international foundation, established in July 2007, at the initiative of Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Zbigniew Dzhymala for strengthening and development of Ukraine’s reputation in the world."
list of "partners" (Owners)
They're not even trying to hide it anymore
Just in case anyone had any doubt who and what the Ukrainian Jewish individual now masquerading as "Ukrainian Prime Minister" represented
I guess that is why there were so many Israeli Military Zio-Nazis in Maidan square leading groups of Neo-Nazis - they were trying to help their fellow Jewishman seize power in an illegal coup
That's a new one on me
and no really gives a shit whether you believe it or not -- your beliefs are immaterial
If you were not anything other than a Pro zio-Nazi troll you would have addressed the evidence which is right on the page in front of you but of course you did not because you come here to troll only
It is a fact the the new PM of Ukraine was put into power by Neo-Nazis and were joined in that Nazi coup by their friends the Zio-Nazis
he is not a jew, he is a catholic!!!
Quote "I can tell you about this separately as a Christian and a Greek Catholic"
KYIV, Ukraine — Leading Ukraine Opposition figure, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, risks disappointing liberal supporters of his All-Ukrainian Union “Fatherland” party, having publicly rejected gay marriage at a recent rally.
Yatsenyuk was confronted by a representative of the Western-Ukrainian Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender community who said to him: “Many people live in love, but not in law. Promise me that if you become president, you will legalize same-sex relationships, and I promise that all gays and lesbians will vote for you.”
But Yatsenyuk, who leads “Fatherland” in the absence of jailed leader Yulia Tymoshenko, revealed that he rejects gay marriage because his personal beliefs stand in the way of any political position.
“I can tell you about this separately as a Christian and a Greek Catholic,” he said. “I do not support gay marriage.”
His reply has disappointed the LGBT community in Ukraine, which has looked to the Opposition for accommodation on social issues.
Yatsenyuk’s stance will also surprise western European gay rights groups, which had warned gay football fans last year that they could experience hostility while travelling to Poland and Ukraine for the Euro 2012championship. By the end of the tournament there were few reported problems.
Last month Ukraine’s foreign minister Leonid Kozhara announced that Ukraine will introduce a law prohibiting discrimination against gays, which will afford them protection in line with European Union nations.
“The issue of homosexuals is now generating strong controversy in Ukraine, but our government has already prepared a draft law and will soon submit it to the parliament,” he said.
One would have thought you'd be proud of that Felix, what with you being BOTH a National Socialist and a Zio-Nazi
And it's the NAZI jews I have a problem with
At least some people in the belly of the beast are not being fooled by the wall to wall propaganda put out by the Western supporters of the neo Nazis that they supported in the Ukraine.
this article attempts for the most part not to take any sides. (not completely successfully though! )
The author spent time working on a newspaper in russia. Bear in mind he is a yank who was kicked out of Russia though.
Still well worth a read though:
Here's a second article from the same site about crimea, also worth reading
Thierry Meyssan:
There has been another leaked call. This time it was between Nestor Shufrych, former deputy secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine and the ex PM of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko also a small time oligarch of just a few hundred millions which she stole while in power and in control of gas in Ukraine and was later jailed but freed just before the US sponsored neo Nazi coup in Kiev at the end of Feb.
In the call where they are talking about the recent vote by a huge majority of Crimeans to rejoin Russia, Tymoshenko was enraged by the result, said:
“This is really beyond all boundaries. It’s about time we grab our guns and kill go kill those damn Russians together with their leader,”
She went on to declare if she was in charge “there would be no f***ing way that they would get Crimea then.”
The other person on the call, Shufrych made the obvious point that Ukraine “didn’t have any force potential” to keep Crimea.
But Tymoshenko retorted she would have found "a way to kill those a*****es.”
“I hope I will be able to get all my connections involved. And I will use all of my means to make the entire world raise up, so that there wouldn’t be even a scorched field left in Russia,"
stock picture of Tymoshenko in happier days. She looks so angelic!
It's much worse than that. Further on she says that 8 million russians should be killed with nuclear weapons
And bear in mind that there are a whole bunch of nuclear reactors operational in Ukraine so fissile material is easily accessible there for government actors. One minister has publicly claimed they could have a nuclear weapons program up and running within 6 months. They could easily have plenty of material for "dirty bombs" long before that.
Western media outlets are busy spinning and playing down these completely outrageous russophobic racist and genocidal statements. Imagine the global outrage if this same statement was made by an Iranian minister for instance?
Here's the leaked call:
Caption: Video Id: 6RxSzSWbcxo Type: Youtube Video
leaked call courtesy of RT
Informative as always, Pepe Escobar and his Roving eye in the Asia Times:
The coup leaders in Kiev have been threatening a military crackdown on the peaceful protests in the Eastern Ukraine cities that are protesting against the illegal coup and want to hold a referendum on their status.
Up to now the coup puppet leaders have been uncertain what do do having not got clear instructions from their controllers in Washington. However the White House spokesman Jay Carney confirmed over the last day that the CIA director John Brennan had visited Kiev over the weekend. Reports suggest that he has given the all clear for a violent crackdown and the deposed (and corrupt) president Viktor Yanukovich has accused Brennan of this.
Now that the US has taken over much of Ukraine through it's proxies -aka the neo-Nazi coup leaders, they do not intend to give it up and it would look like that they are prepared to trigger a civil war in the East of the country rather than allow a democratic solution. The goal will be to draw Russia into this and grind them down. In the meantime, Western banks and the IMF will effectively loot Ukraine and grab all the key assets at rock bottom prices once the IMF instructs Ukraine to float its currency which it will fail to do and will result in a massive devaluation thereby making state assets which are planned to be privatised, very cheap for the Western financial predatory institutes and banks.
In the meantime Yanukovich has said on Russia TV on Sunday:
And to cap it off, acting President Aleksandr Turchinov has announced that “an anti-terrorist operation” will be carried out against armed protesters, who have occupied government buildings in the Russian-speaking east of the country. Gunfire has already started.
Vladimir Putin admits on Russian State TV that Russian Special Forces were deployed in Crimea, this despite previous statements to the contrary.
Of course! Putin admitted russian forces were indeed present on the naval base in crimea,
as per their paid agreement with Ukraine
Here's a text from Norman Spinrad:
It was quite clear what Putin meant in his live interview the other day.
The uniformed and armed troops cordoning off Ukrakian Military Posts were all wearing standard issue uniforms and carrying standard issue Russian weapons every single one of them. The token "separatist" line of people in a hodge podge of uniforms priced this even further.The convoys of Olve Drab Military vehicles also showed up Putins denial of the presence of Russian troops outside their barracks.
Contrast events in Crimea with those around Donestk where the "seperatists" are wearing a mush mash of clothing and carrying all sorts of weapons and their vehicles are civilian.
Lots of things to wonder about in the fog, lies, deception, blatant mistruths, blatant hypocrisies and omissions in modern geopolitics. Here's a few that spring to mind:
I wonder were they US troops in Iraq?
I wonder were they US troops in Afghanistan?
I wonder was that 5 billion of US money used to destabilise Ukraine?
I wonder were they right sector fascists beating the sh1t out of police in Maidan backed by "fuck the EU" Nuland and US money?
I wonder was that the head of the CIA visiting Kiev?
I wonder was that a turkish false flag operation in Syria mentioned in that phone call.
I wonder was that 24,000 bombing operations in Libya that was actually just supposed to be just a "no fly zone"
I wonder who created "Al Qaeda" in Afghanistan
I wonder who backs the Al Qaeda Jihadists in Syria?
I wonder how many dead today as a result of Iraq / Syria meddling?
I wonder who has bases in 300+ other peoples countries?
I wonder which country opposed the so called "no fly zone" in Libya, invasion of Syria, Invasion of Iraq, (Russia!)
I wonder who controls the lies and omissions regarding US foreign policy in the new york times, washington post and is responsible for 24/7 lies and propaganda on multiple key news channels in the west?
I wonder who is waging a war on truth and whistleblowers like bradley manning / Assange etc?
I wonder who is surveilling every single computer on the planet, hacking into everyone's computers and accounts on high profile servers and storing up everybody's private emails and other communications in data warehouses?
I wonder which country is the real threat to democracy and people's safety and security and the stability of their countries in the modern world?
Guess what.....It isn't Russia!!
So guess where useful idiots like yourself can stick your US sponsored internet propaganda about Ukraine.
If it had been Russia that had pumped 5 billion into destabilising Mexico and the head of the Russian secret service had been flying in to discuss tactics with mexican anti US rebels there then we'd have WWIII in the morning.
Aren't we lucky very lucky that Russia is a somewhat rational country and Russia doesn't do that kind of shit? And when the loonies running foreign policy in the US DO do that kind of shit, that Russia does not behave like the crazies in the US likely would.
Some food for thought:
the dollar is completely fucked, Russia / China threatening to deal outside petrodollar
A failed state on its border and lost gas sales will weaken Russia
US wants revenge over the diplomatic embarrassment in Syria and continual resistance to aggressive US foreign policy in north africa and the middle east and support for Iran / Syria by Russia
NATO needs an enemy to justify it's continued outdated existence and to boost military spending,
people are starting to see through the whole farcical "war on terrorism" line so it's time to resurrect the old cold war enemy,
US has lots of shale gas and may want to sell some of it's shale gas to EU down the line
US has nothing to lose if EU gets high gas prices on top of a recession
fracking is meeting resistance in Europe. Gas shortages would lubricate the process.
EU has it's own neoliberal agenda which would be helped by having a scary cold war enemy
An important move by President Putin to recognise the wrongs done to the Tatars.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree officially rehabilitating the Crimean Tatars and other ethnic minorities on the peninsula, who were deported en masse in 1944 by Joseph Stalin for alleged collaboration with Nazi invaders.
“We must make sure that as part of Crimea’s integration into Russia, Crimean Tatars are rehabilitated and their historic rights restored,” the Russian leader said during an official meeting in Moscow.
Tatars in Crimean number about 250 thousand – one eighth of the peninsula’s population. Since gradually returning to the peninsula following their banishment, many have been locked in land disputes, and have struggled with a lack of political representation.
“The same decree outlines the socio-economic development of several territories that have been neglected, and where there has not only been no social progress, but the situation has actually deteriorated,” said Putin.
When he first mooted the rehabilitation decree last month, Putin also proposed that Tatar becomes the third official language in the autonomy, alongside Russian and Ukrainian.
The US in Afghanistan - 1980's it was Russia
South Ossetia
Supplying weapons to Syria.
Russia is blaming the Ukrainian Government for actions of Armed groups, yet Armed Russian seperatists are taking over Police Stations and Government offices.
Putin is attempting to rebuild an empire.
The Crimean people has the right to decide where they want to belong to and thus could have been done properly to prevent all this crap, but Putin is most certainly playing to his populace and trying to distract from deeper issues in Russia.
As for this
"So guess where useful idiots like yourself can stick your US sponsored internet propaganda about Ukraine."
Consider this, many of the links posted in this discussion (and elsewhere within this site) are most obviously "pro-Russian" and therefore by your reckoning "internet propaganda" which you most obviously subscribe to, so perhaps before you revert to your normal recourse of attempting to denigrate the intelligence and ability of others to perceive things, you should look in the mirror.
If Russia (USSR) what's should a utopia one would wonder why so many countries wanted or indeed want to distance themselves from it.
Can I ask..did you actually even bother to read the article and links before turning on the state dept propaganda spigot?
A few things:
(0) The russians went in to Afghanistan on request to give support to a left wing government. The russians spent a lot of money there and built far more schools and infrastructure in Afghanistan than the US ever did. Meanwhile the CIA were busy funding and training Al Qaeda. It was the CIA that lured the russians into Afghanistan to try to deliberately mire them there. They openly admitted as much. They openly said they wanted Afghanistan to be the russian Vietnam.
(1) The USSR you are referring to no longer exists. Stalin is dead. The cold war ended a long time ago. NATO, a thinly veiled vehicle of US foreign policy, is still here looking for funding and a reason to stay around.
(2) the only imperialist power in all this is the US (and their lapdogs in the EU). Russia has behaved defensively and proportionately to a deliberate provocation.
(3) Sakaasvilli that nutjob in South Ossetia was encouraged to provoke Russia and they responded to that provocation.
(4) Chechyna is full of jihadists who hate Russia. They see it as godless. These are the kind of people that attack a school full of defenceless children.
(5) The majority in Crimea (96.5%!!) voted in a free election to join Russia. That's democracy. Something the US would know little about judging by their behaviour recently in Ukraine, Syria, Libya and indeed in their own elections, and penchant for the kind of blanket surveillance programs that the old Stasi could only dream of.
(6) Weapons were supplied to the Soverign state of Syria by Russia. This is in accordance with international law. Providing funding to rerrorists and jihadist head hackers, as the US have done is, however not.
(7)Countries go along with US nonsense because they are spineless corrupt and servile, or just plain afraid of the consequences if they do otherwise. No doubt they have seen what happens to those who oppose the US and it's foreign policy and it's not pretty.
Parroting US propaganda is considered "the truth" by most of the MSM these days. I'm glad this site is not willing to go along with the media circle jerk and is showing the alternative Russian perspective on events too.
A perspective that you could easily find out for yourself after 5 minutes of googling if you were actually genuinely interested in doing so.
So please don't give me any more of your US propaganda guff. I've heard it all before and it's tiresome. Go find yourself another site where people are more gullible. The way your sort like them.
You are clearly not open to actual discussion. Only attacking and demonising Russia on behalf of the US and further propagating lies and distortions of current and past events to serve imperialist goals. I will not provide a vehicle for that by engaging further with you here. Go tell it to fox news.
And perhaps you should consider calling yourself "surrealist" rather than "realist" because that would be far more descriptive of the kind of daft hypocritical and brazen US state department press release nonsense you expect people to swallow in the face of the actual facts.
A couple of points,
You said,
"(0) The russians went in to Afghanistan on request to give support to a left wing government. The russians spent a lot of money there and built far more schools and infrastructure in Afghanistan than the US ever did. Meanwhile the CIA were busy funding and training Al Qaeda."
And in the very next line you say,
"It was the CIA that lured the russians into Afghanistan to try to deliberately mire them there. They openly admitted as much. They openly said they wanted Afghanistan to be the russian Vietnam."
So balance that invited but lured ?
The comments "we were invited in" and "
(4) Chechyna is full of jihadists who hate Russia. They see it as godless. These are the kind of people that attack a school full of defenceless children." All sound very familiar don't they, it's as if they have bee used before.
And this
"So please don't give me any more of your US propaganda guff. I've heard it all before and it's tiresome. Go find yourself another site where people are more gullible. The way your sort like them.
You are clearly not open to actual discussion. Only attacking and demonising Russia on behalf of the US and further propagating lies and distortions of current and past events to serve imperialist goals. I will not provide a vehicle for that by engaging further with you here. Go tell it to fox news."
As all my previous comments show I am open to discussion.
The main content on this site is quite obviously anti everyone (American, EU, Israeli etc) but most certaînly very pro Russian and therefore your comments above could be returned to represent your own stance.
To be honest I have no issues with the Crimean people voting for federation/rejoining Russia, it's their right, it could have been handled better, but then than doesn't suit Putin really or indeed his policies.
By the way I an in all thus playing the ball not the player, you are the one (check your posts) who trying to play the player with personalised terms such as "idiot" and other comments.
Ok I'll bite....
Regarding the invited / lured apparent contradiction, the Russians were asked into Afghanistan by the Amin government. The US knew there was a religious faultline they could exploit and so they set a nasty trap for the Russians to mire them in Afghanistan by undermining the left leaning government using religious extremist mujahadeen fighters which led to the request for assistance by the Amin government. The US admitted all this was policy. The mujahadeen later became known as "Al Qaeda". (See "rambo III" for details ;-)
Heres a link, the first one I came across, definitely not very pro russian which gives the basic gist:
Lured and invited are not contradictory in this instance. They (the Russians) were clearly lured into a US trap. The US/CIA supported and assisted mujahadeen religious extremist fighters to undermine the left wing government of Afghanistan ultimately leading to a request for assistance (invitation)
I am open to discussion but not the usual anti russian racist US state dept guff. I'm quite tired of it as it seems to blanket every internet forum and TV channel and much of it is just such barefaced lies and omissions it has become farcical.
Ok at least you accept the crimean result. The election was quite clearly fair and reflected the wishes of the vast majority of the people there (80% turnout, 96% in favour, figures most western democracies can only dream of.). Which is much more than one can say about the illegal coup by a small number of violent right sector thugs in Kiev.
Amongst other atrocities, these thugs have recently beaten up 2 electoral candidates pretty badly. Physical violent Intimidation of opposing electoral candidates is really quite a stark contrast to the peaceful democratic referendum that took place in Crimea.
regarding this site. You say it is anti everyone. I completely disagree. Quite the opposite in fact. It clearly supports the ordinary people in all of these countries by highlighting the hypocrisy of their corrupt governments and their neoliberal elitist and imperialist policies.
And for your information, The US, Israel, EU elites certainly don't constitute "everyone", merely a very small minority with a lot of power and money backing them.
Personally I have nothing against ordinary Europeans or Americans or the Jewish people nor does this site as far as I can see. Just the morally bankrupt cynical policies of their corrupt governments. The ordinary American / European / Jewish citizens are victims of the neoliberal policies of their governments too.
These governments are quite happy to pay billions to destabilise a country like Ukraine (or indeed Syria) which is not even an EU member whilst ignoring the plight of people in Spain, Greece and ordinary US citizens, merely to further a dubious racist / cold war geopolitical agenda to undermine Russia. And in the long run this will likely do immeasurable harm to the ordinary people of Ukraine (and Syria) through austerity measures and conflict. But then ordinary people's welfare is clearly not very high on their priority list is it?
Regarding the phrase "useful idiots", it's a well known phrase to describe people who are fooled into parrotting propaganda. It's merely descriptive. I'm sure when not acting as a conduit for russophobic state department press releases you have good qualities and are not an actual idiot. Lots of otherwise smart people are regularly taken in by the bath of US propaganda we are all immersed in every day. However when presented with facts that contradict the immersive US propaganda narrative such people usually reassess their version of reality if they are honest. Those who continue to push the propaganda line in the face of clear evidence to the contrary are suspect in my view.
I don't think Russia is a perfect country by any means and it has quite a few issues as does any country. But it has been on the right side on many issues including Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria. We need a counterbalance to drunken US imperialism as it is quite clearly out of control, both domestically and in it's foreign policy. Putin is the only leader smart enough rational enough and strong enough to take on that role. That is why I support Russia on the world stage currently. It is a valid viewpoint I think.
And it ain't just me that thinks the US government is full of shit regarding
what it says and does in Ukraine, and is a great danger to humanity:
If you change the embedded Catherine Ashton youtube link,there will be no sign in required