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The Saker
A bird's eye view of the vineyard

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offsite link The Saker blog is now frozen Tue Feb 28, 2023 23:55 | The Saker
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Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

offsite link Trump is Going to Win Election, Says America?s Top Analyst Thu Oct 24, 2024 13:13 | Will Jones
Donald Trump is going to win the election and the polls are underestimating his support, America?s top analyst Nate Silver has said.
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offsite link The BBC Claims Covid Vaccines Saved 120,000 U.K. Lives. Um, No Thu Oct 24, 2024 11:00 | Dr David Paton
In an article this week the BBC claims that Covid vaccines saved 120,000 UK lives in 2021. But in fact the latest official estimate is 10 times lower than this, says Prof David Paton. Why is the BBC using outdated figures?
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offsite link The Green Blob Gets Itself a ?Special Representative for Nature? to ?Put Climate at the Heart of For... Thu Oct 24, 2024 09:00 | Ben Pile
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offsite link James Esses: How I Fought the Trans Mob and Won Thu Oct 24, 2024 07:00 | Richard Eldred
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The post James Esses: How I Fought the Trans Mob and Won appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link News Round-Up Thu Oct 24, 2024 01:46 | Will Jones
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Voltaire Network
Voltaire, international edition

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International - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970

9th International Symposium Against Isolation- together against racism and oppression.

category international | rights, freedoms and repression | event notice author Tuesday November 16, 2010 14:10author by IPAI - IPAI Report this post to the editors

9th International Symposium Against Isolation

International Symposium Against Isolation will be holding its 9th symposium in Vienna/Austria this year. From 3-5 December 2010.

together against racism and oppression

Dear friends,

this year, the 9th International Symposium against Isolation will be held in Vienna, from 3-5 December 2010.
Once again dozens of international representatives are expected to come and to report on recent developments in their countries.
NGO's, political and social movements in struggle for workers' and basic rights, intellectuals, lawyers and artists from different countries of the world are invited.
In past years the annual symposiums were joined by at least 45 representatives from over 30 countries.

The issues dealt with are not only repression against political struggles and isolation/torture of prisoners in different countries, but also the increasing racism against migrants at the EU level and the isolation of countries, which have been confronted for decades by embargos and aggression, while the peoples of these countries have to bear the consequences and are deprived of their basic rights.

The symposium aims at advancing solidarity with oppressed people and their legitimate struggles, as well as the exchange between already existing structures in the areas of alternative art, trade union rights and struggles for democracy and independence.

This year we have invited representatives from Honduras, Chile, Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey, Cuba, Venezuela, USA, Greece, Germany and other European countries.
We will not only learn about massive human rights violations and interventions in/against these countries, but also about the resistance, from alternative culture and revolutionary art, which has been developed from social opposition.

Besides reports from the above- mentioned countries, issues like democratic basic and human rights on the political and legal level within working groups will be dealt with, under the titles "Political prisoners and state repression", "Sovereignty and Independence", as well as "Legal Struggle against the Undermining of Rights", and concepts will be worked out for common projects.

In an open plenary with the title "solidarity projects", there can be made proposals for improvement of coordination on the area of public and medical work, which are followed by concrete action plans.

On Saturday, the 4th December, the international programme will be underlined by musical performances, with Irish, Anatolian, Arab, Latin American and other bands. There's also a common performance of Latin American groups with Grup Yorum from Turkey planned.

We invite all progressive and interested forces to support the symposium actively in order to expand the solidarity network.

In solidarity, for the


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author by Sean Crudden - imperopublication date Fri Dec 03, 2010 19:37author address Jenkinstown, Dundalk, Co Louthauthor phone 0879739945Report this post to the editors

Just a note to say that I facilitated a workshop on "Isolation" for Cooley Environmental and Health Group about 4 or 5 years ago in The Strand Hotel, Omeath. Contrary to expectations it turned out to be one of our highest quality workshops. Unlike your event we concentrated on isolation at a personal level. A few years later we ran a winter workshop about "Bullying." There are obvious connections there at both a personal and political level. There is a clear qualitative difference between solitude and isolation. Who was it that said, "I want to be alone."? We considered things, too, from a religious perspective drawing simple fundamental lessons from The Book of Job. Of course, at all times, I am always mindful of the position of the mentally ill and mental patients. Isolation plays a big part in our oppressed and circumscribed existence.

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author by opus diablos - the regressive hypocrite partypublication date Sat Dec 04, 2010 15:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

wanted to be left alone.

I still have trouble with that designation of the sensitive or delicate emotionally being classified as 'mentally ill'.
When you think of what passes for mental health in our sick society, a robust ego that pays no heed to who or what it tramples to get to its self-serving goals 'because we're worth it', up to and including falsifying information to engineer wars for the theft of resources and enslavement of populations(well, the ones that survive the onslaughter)I still think our terminology of diagnostics in the area of mental health needs something more than a tweak.If Blair Bush Rumsfeld and their collaborators are sane, I need a tranquilliser.If those who happily jet off to luxury enclaves in the heart of exotic poverty created by our trade policies are not mentally crippled by their blinkers, then I may need restraint. Mental instability in a falsely concretised value-system is a symptom of a healthy allergy to dogmatic 'recieved wisdom' bullshit. The first sign of mental health is a critical attitude to authority that seeks recognition without validation, other than by itself

I reckon homo(self-designated, again)sapiens is a bit of a mentally sick monkey.When he fell out of the tree because he hadn't the ambidexterity to hold his banana and the branch simultaneously like a healthy simian, he landed on his head and did a bit of collateral damage.
Evolution, as darwin, sketched it, is our attempt to repair that damage.Methinks the wrong monkeys are in the zoos.And many of those classified(and propagandised into believing it by white coats and authoritative manner)as ill are the healthy ones recoiling from the excesses of our pereverted values.
We confuse a robust ego for a healthy mind. Not wise, smart, or ultimately sane. Health, mental or physical, is always a matter of delicate balance, and for a healthy individual there will always be degrees and cycles on the way to maturity.Hence the turbulance of adolescence as we seek to accommodate our sensed intelligence to the blatant contradictions in our petrified, atrophied, ossified and fossilised culture.only the lie of cosmetic change can be legitimised. Health is then defined as a successful adjustment to these norms, or(as in both western and eastern gulags)denied when we fail to adjust and conform.Hence our society of masks and lies.

author by Sean Cruddenpublication date Sat Dec 04, 2010 22:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi Opus

When I saw my name missing on the latest comments page I thought my comment had been hidden. Anyway glad to hear from you. Yes it was Garbo although I suspect her remark was more for public consumption to boost her image rather than a sincere personal statement. But I am not sure. Maybe she was being sincere. Anyway it was in character to some extent at least. A lot of the euphemism and bullshit language surrounding mental illness gets on my nerves and I look for the simplest way through the bullshit. Naturally a lot of people do not like my language. A patient in my book is anyone who is receiving medical treatment from a doctor. A mental patient is one who is receiving medical treatment for a mental illness. A mentally ill person in my vocabulary is anyone who has received a diagnosis from a psychiatrist or anyone who is likely to receive such a diagnosis in the near future. The rights and the wrongs of it are not an issue with me and I agree with you. In my book, and in yours, it is clearly a mad mad world. But I rarely ever talk about that. You are able to do that far more eloquently than I. I see it as my function to advocate on a daily basis for mental patients and the mentally ill, an increasingly large and fraught category of people. I would welcome your advice. Really I would welcome advice from any quarter. But spare me a lot of bullshit.

author by opus diablos - the regressive hypocrite partypublication date Sun Dec 05, 2010 13:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I recognise what you are saying about individuals suffering the psychological turmoil of what we call mental illness, and have personal experience of dealing with people in various states of disintegration, sometimes requiring chemical or physical intervention. These are real problems, and I am not advocating we desert such individuals in some denial of their predicament. More trying to rebalance the focus to include the social drivers of the symptoms.Formally I have big respect for the likes of Ivor Browne, people who can see over their academic and professional partitions to larger set of definitions.
My case, such that it is, is that our societies are sick, neurotic, and at their furthest extreme when all restraint is abandoned, perverted and psychotic to a pathological degree. Witness the torture, lies, robbery, rape, kidnapping destruction unleashed every time we unleash the dogs of our resource wars(now noticable by the public refusal to acknoledge they are going on at all) as we return to the justifications of our actions on humanitarian grounds, bringing 'democracy' and human rights to the Balkans(nobody remembers the self-serving Deutchland pulling the loose thread of Slovenia to start the unravelling of a delicate balance), Iraq, et al.
Re-run of the 'civilising mission' of the white man bringing civilisation to the heathen savage, even as we(Europe) enslaved, plundered, massacred and prostituted these 'savages' who had often a less martial analysis of the highest achievements of our species.

T'aint simple(otherwise we would not be dealing with 'complexes' of psychological problems), and any statement can be misinterpreted or misrepresented by those who have an aversion to some of the ramifications of non-orthodox analysis. I am sure you are familiar with our capacity for self-delusion, we dont have to look hard for examples in public life.I'm listening to the same geniuses every day instructing us as to how we are to extract us from a mess they created, their credibility by no means damaged by their failures, and their bullshit unchallenged by the fourth estate pundits. The conditions these nuts will now inflict on the less egotistic and greedy will do nothing to lessen stress and poverty which will fedd into crime, alcohol and hard drug self-medication which is going to increase your own workload.This, as I said is neither smart nor sane.
I'm not financially capable of making the trip to Vienna, but if anything is going on in Ireland next year that you think I might be able to give any useful feedback to I can try and make it. I'm out west, so particularly anything this side of the shannon is more reachable.

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