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Workers destroy Baronstown at 4am

category international | miscellaneous | news report author Wednesday July 04, 2007 18:46author by Roestown Report this post to the editors

Under cover of moonlight

The SIAC/Ferrovial construction company, Eurolink, resorted to underhand tactics in the early hours of Wednesday morning July 4th when they arrived at Baronstown, reportedly, at 4am with machines to destroy the monument there. This may very well have been a National Monument along with the extraordinary graveyard at Collierstown.
Baronstown in April 2007
Baronstown in April 2007

Help the protesters - save the Valley from further destruction. Ring the Vigil for information - 086-1758557
Baronstown is one of the closest sites to the Lismullin National Monument, the recently discovered henge, and this move shows the frustration of the company with the protesters who had prevented any destruction in the Valley for weeks now.
The tone of the workers has changed as well, today one man was assaulted – something that has not happened since the very beginning of the protest. The protesters were told by an engineer that the move on Baronstown was a “hush-hush” operation and only those workers who were involved were told that it would happen.
They were also told that a bulldozer that was being moved from the site fell off the lowloader on the N3 and if it had been moving in the opposite direction it would have fallen on the oncoming traffic. Some weeks ago, the machine that was moved into Baronstown broke down immediately.
At another site in Ardsallagh (on the road beside Tara na Rí pub) there is a planning permission sign erected by Ferrovial.
In another sinister move, the protesters are being filmed by a TV size camera mounted on a truck and each worker now has a digital camera documenting every move.
The locals around Trevet are also complaining about the work that is being carried out at night in the area and about the fact that their drinking water is being affected by the work in this area. They are organising a public meeting in Swans pub on Monday 9th July to discuss these problems.
There seems to be a general frustration with the protesters and one man was assaulted by a worker for the first time in weeks. They appear to be lashing out at people in a new way.
Trevet, where the drainage system was found some weeks ago, is now a small lake and despite their attempts to drain the area it is completely waterlogged for two weeks and it is impossible to work there. One protester had to been pulled out of the mud – she was up to her knees in the muck.
But it must also be said that although the site is destroyed – no construction has taken place in the Valley.
The protesters cannot be there 24/7 and they need as much support as you people can give.

A closer view April 2007
A closer view April 2007

author by Roestownpublication date Wed Jul 04, 2007 19:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Just to show the extent of the site from the air

Another shot
Another shot

And again
And again

author by thomas painepublication date Wed Jul 04, 2007 20:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Siac as opposed to the generic "worker's" destroyed the site.

author by Druid - protestorpublication date Wed Jul 04, 2007 20:25author address Dublin and Tara!author phone 0876100771Report this post to the editors

Dear All,

I have been Protesting Peacefully at Soldier's Hill, Barronstown, Collierstown,Dowdstown, Ardsallagh and Trevett for the last few weeks. We desperately need more people to come and stand peacfully with us. So far we have been very successful with small numbers BUT we cant keep it up alone!
Please come PREPARED for the Weather. Mother Nature is taking care of Trevett :)
A Direct Action Account has been set up temporarily while we set up a pay pal account. PLEASE DONATE...the Protestors NEED food, First Aid equipment, emergency items and even a FIVER donation WILL make a Difference. Thankyou for LISTENING. NOW ACT

Direct Action Account Sort Code ....932523
Account Number....21793080

Indymedia, you may use this as a lead story if you wish.

author by Observer - The Irishpublication date Wed Jul 04, 2007 20:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Isnt that a shame. Why has it taken nine hours to report this? Why now that nothing can be done? No construction has been undertaken because its not due to start untill Sept.
Barrenstown is gone. Barrenstown is GONE.

author by Distraughtpublication date Wed Jul 04, 2007 20:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This is a travesty. I agree with the above post. Why did the announcement come so late in the day? People could have arrived to help if we had known. What are the Campaign to Save Tara doing to let this happen?

The protestors should now abandon the tipi, and that forsaken fire. Somebody needs to be camped at each site that remains. It is clearly the only way to protect the sites. If someone with a vehicle could make regular visits with food, etc, then this is a viable option.

If these sites are lost, then the arguments to save the valley are weakened. The NRA must be laughing.

author by Miss Demenorpublication date Wed Jul 04, 2007 21:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Siac as opposed to the generic "worker's" destroyed the site"

Not only are the workers happy to destroy sites but many are willing to go well beyond their job description by assaulting ,threatening and intimidating protesters engaged in non violent direct action .Workers also have engaged in dirty tricks campaign such as purposefully blocking roads with vehicles then blaming the disruption to traffic on protesters.

author by Druid Protestorpublication date Wed Jul 04, 2007 21:13author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Well, take this in too then....the guy that was ASSAULTED is BLIND, apart from the fact that he stands there quietly adding his support to the Peaceful protest with his white stick, you can tell by looking at his face that he is BLIND and he was ON HIS OWN standing there at Soldier's Hill. That is how LOW they will go.

Please ring the Vigil phone number 0861758557 with your ideas on how you can help and LEAVE YOUR MESSAGE and contact details. All messages are listened to. Make it short and sweet please.

And PLEEEEEEASE DONATE. We have volunteers who do a food run during the day, we need more help so that we can do our work.


author by antediluvianpublication date Wed Jul 04, 2007 22:58author address author phone Report this post to the editors

... because the "reporter" was on the scene, with other protesters, trying to make sure further damage didn't occur.

I wasn't there, so I don't really know. But I have been on Tara four times in the last 6 months (and I'm an American), and can tell anyone that cares that the people who are there full time (a few there over a year) are completely burned out. I find it amazing that they still have the gumption to stand in cold rain and mud, blocking machinery for 12+ hours a day, particularly after so much loss and disappointment.

I'm also amazed and saddened that anybody, particularly on this forum, would stoop so low as to criticise any of the efforts put forth by those on the ground, in the Gabhra Valley. Especially anybody who is Irish, sitting in the comfort of their home, while a few brave, beaten souls do the work that thousands should have done years ago.

It should have never gotten to this point, and anybody who is nuts enough to blame the people on the Hill for not being on ALL the dig sites, ALL of the time, should really look in the mirror and do a serious, personal evaluation of themselves.

In the end, the loss of this valley will not be on the shouders of those who were out there, sacrificing themselves on a daily basis, it will be on the shoulders of the Irish arm-chair critics who did nothing, or very little, while a few gave everything they had.

author by Pat - nonepublication date Wed Jul 04, 2007 23:19author address noneauthor phone noneReport this post to the editors

I would like to drop off some food and first aid, its not much but i would like to help in some way.
Exactly where should i go to drop them off ?

author by Roestownpublication date Thu Jul 05, 2007 00:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi Pat,
Ring the Vigil phone 086-1758557 and ask where they are at the time. There is no way to know where the latest push will be.
Thanks for the offer - much appreciated.

author by Elainepublication date Thu Jul 05, 2007 02:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Fair enough, the protesters have been participating in actions for the past few weeks. At long last! This is a multifaceted campaign-there are political, fundraising, action, legal, publicity and other angles to it. The people involved in all of these fronts are stretched, agreed. However, from what I can understand, the protesters on the ground have shunned the advice and assistance of many experienced activists. Everyone is up to their eyes, be they on the ground or at a computer. I am disgusted that Baronstown has been lost, just like Roestown. There is no sense in pointing the finger at those who are working in other capacities to save Tara. The people who are there must bear some responsibility, and not blame those who cannot be there.

I am not part of any particular group, but am well aware of what is going on. You say that contact wasn't made because everyone was protesting-come on, a text message or even word of mouth communication could have spread the word. Members of the Vigil, wake up. You appear to have been manipulated by certain political activists who do not have Tara at heart. Open up, and Tara will be saved.

author by Roestownpublication date Thu Jul 05, 2007 08:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You can still vote and comment on the head2head on Ireland.com.

author by jimbobpublication date Thu Jul 05, 2007 11:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

What we need now is a massive effort to get the vote out for the Green Party in the local elections. By backing the Green party's electoral effort we will be able to :

1 Save Tara
2 Stop US warplanes using Shannon Airport
3 Send Shell to Sea
4 Stop co-location and a two tier health service
5 End the plans for Incinerators

We must not involve ourselves in direct action as this can lead to violence and anarchy.

author by Mpublication date Thu Jul 05, 2007 11:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

What planet are you on, Jimbob? The Greens won't do anything. Gormley's not interested. Wait until local elections? Tara will be long gone if we do that. The Green Party do not care, they are far too interested in their new position now.

author by Dafpublication date Thu Jul 05, 2007 14:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

From what I've seen most of the workers are non-nationals. I can only assume that if the campaign never even tried to reach out to the local community they haven't bothered reaching out to the workers either. Not that it would necessarily make a difference but if you came down off your high horses and stopped mentioning druids etc. you might actually build a campaign.

author by M. Ni Bhrolchainpublication date Thu Jul 05, 2007 23:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi all,
Just talked to the Vigil.
Just to let you know that there was construction work going on tonight at 10pm and the protesters went onsite as usual. One of them was beaten up by the security guys onsite. They were also threatened with weapons for the first time - pieces of wood with large nails in them.
Work was stopped but the security guys jumped into the diggers and threatened the protesters. They had to jump into the buckets of the machines to escape.
These are new tactics - working through the night. Due to the success of the protesters during the day now they want to work all night.

There is a dire need for cameras, batteries and mob phones for the protesters. There is a dire need for bodies every week day.


Related Link: http://www.savetara.com
author by Danpublication date Thu Jul 05, 2007 23:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I can only post this comment tonight as a supporter has a laptop on the hill tonight,will ye all stop the bickering come out of your virtual world .
I`ve been on the hill 12 months
It`s time to come down on the ground and support us.We have been holding off work for 9 weeks and more 7 till 7 with max ten people on a 50 klm stretch
of proposed route.Me personally am not part of any campaign not part of the vigil and i am not religious so all excuses are gone NOW COP ON!

Tonight they were trying to work and we stopped them ,after getting up at 6 am we are a bit stretched lads and lassies,I got kicked in the head by "security" they gave up in the end though!

author by Earthapublication date Fri Jul 06, 2007 10:56author email eartha at dsl dot pipex dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

I managed to get out to Tara at the end of May and again at the begining of June - to Dan and all the others in the front line - standing in front of the diggers - I just wanted to say that I am so glad I was able to be there then and stand with you, even if it was only for a few days. To anyone who has been reading the slanging match going on - ignore what you read - go out to Tara, get up at 5.30am and stand there all day in front of the diggers. Then make your own mind up.

Don't stir up negative stuff with on-line bickering - there is enough destruction going on already. If you can't get out to Tara then do whatever you can that is positive - tell people what is happening, raise awareness, send emails, make phone calls - go to the demonstrations being organised outside the embassies. If you work in a healing way - send healing energies. If you work magically - then do so.

To all the people I met at Tara and at Rath Lugh - I have felt your energy, I have seen your committment, I know why you are there.


PS I was at the Glastonbury Tara gig (Sara is a friend of mine) we are doing all we can here in England to raise funds and let people know what is happening.

author by Carmelpublication date Fri Jul 06, 2007 13:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors


A Pay Pal Account has finally been set up with the help of my friend Graem in London. Thankyou Graem :)

You may donate to the cause on the ground, to help run the present camp and set up much needed new ones, at the address below:




author by Michael Canney - Campaign to Save Tarapublication date Fri Jul 06, 2007 16:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Today's publication of documents relating to the Lismullen National Monument is a welcome indication that there will be a degree of transparency relating to heritage matters under this new coalition government. However, the failure of the Minister to release all materials relating to all the sites which have been uncovered so far is baffling and requires explanation.

The documents released today prove that the National Museum recommended the designation of other sites as National Monuments. The documents make clear that Baronstown, the site destroyed under cover of darkness during the early hours of Tuesday morning, was considered a National Monument by Pat Wallace, the Director of the National Museum.

Other sites such as Dowdstown and Collierstown in particular are of national and international significance. We believe their non-designation is based, not on sound archaeological judgment, but on political expediency and the desire not to interfere with powerful local and national vested interests. The willful ignoring and downplaying of expert advice from the National Museum is further proof that we are witnessing what amounts to nothing less than a scandal.

We call on Minister Gormley to review and make public all documentation relating to all archaeology in the Valley. These documents should be assessed from a heritage standpoint and not in relation to infrastructural development. Preservation in-situ of these monuments should be first option to be considered, as there are benefits to the community of continued existence of archaeological monuments with visible above ground features. The above sites all have impressive and visible above ground features.

The vast majority of the people of this country want this road re-routed away from the Valley and it is only a small but powerful minority who support the present proposed route. Tara and its environs belong to the people of this country and are too precious to be destroyed for short-term gain. Our archaeological heritage is a unique and non-renewable cultural and scientific resource that must be cherished and protected.

Minister Gormley's ‘landscape preservation’ initiative contains nothing that will prevent wholesale development within the Valley. He simply assures us that he will review all planning applications, his predecessor Dick Roche promised exactly the same thing. If the Government believes that this initiative will make the route more acceptable they are mistaken.

The prospect of a four-lane tolled motorway, including a 26 acre interchange, through the richest archaeological and cultural landscape in Ireland is unacceptable, and no assurances as to the future use of land in its vicinity will change this.


Related Link: http://savetara.com
author by Glastonbury Bobpublication date Fri Jul 06, 2007 16:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

hi ,im new to this campaign,as only found out when there was as gig in aid of tara by tarawatch in glastonbury.
Its amazing to think what is going on.Lets hope all the funds go to all camps.

I would like to say thanks to Sara for organising and Daz for chatting to me and giving me info on tarawatch.

thanks guys,


author by Marypublication date Fri Jul 06, 2007 17:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Road to Ruin

Archaeology Magazine - A publication of the Archaeological Institute of America
http://www.archaeology.org/online/features/tara/ (follow link for images)

July 2, 2007

by Laura Sexton

On June 14, 2007, construction resumed on a four-lane highway near the Hill of Tara in central Ireland. Traditionally the seat of the high kings of Ireland, the landscape is littered with burial mounds, rock art, earthen enclosures, and stone monuments. Tara, which has been described as Ireland's equivalent of Stonehenge, was named one of the 100 most endangered sites by the World Monuments Fund this year.

Given Tara's cultural significance and national monument status, it is not surprising that the Irish government met resistance when it announced plans for a 60 km road running straight through the Gabhra Valley between Tara and the nearby Hill of Skreen. Archaeologists and historians claimed that the entire valley, not just the hill, contains historical monuments and artifacts and should therefore be protected. In its defense, the National Roads Association (NRA) argued that a new road was necessary because the existing N3 highway is deteriorating, thereby making travel dangerous and inefficient for drivers between Dublin and Navan. A deal was signed with Eurolink, an independent contractor, and construction began in Spring 2006.

The M3 proposal was heavily criticized, especially after the recent discovery of Lismullin, a ceremonial enclosure located on the edge of the valley, just 2 km (1.24 mi) away from Tara. It is thought to be from the Early Iron Age, which would make it at least 2,000 years old. The site consists of an outer enclosure 80 m in diameter and an inner enclosure 16 m in diameter. Both are bounded by two rings of stakeholes, suggesting that they were initially made from timber. It has been argued that the presence of a ritual site in the Gabhra Valley confirms earlier claims that Tara is a complex of historical monuments, and not only an isolated hill.

After the discovery of Lismullin, all works near the site were put on hold. Section 14 of the National Monuments Act of 2004 requires that road development stop when a historically significant monument is discovered in its path. The road authority must also report the find to the minister for the environment, who is in charge of providing directions to secure its preservation. In the case of Lismullin, Minister Dick Roche ordered that the site be preserved "by record." In other words, archaeologists record their findings as they excavate, and then the site is demolished to make room for the new highway.

Several concerns were raised in response to Roche's plan of action. First, many questioned the validity of the NRA's refusal to protect the entire Tara complex, including Lismullin. Prior to construction, the NRA conducted surveys to determine the best highway route from an archaeological point of view. The surveys revealed 38 sites on the chosen route, none of which they said were culturally or historically significant (click here for map). The NRA still says on its M3 motorway website that, "An unprecedented level of archaeological study and investigation has been carried out as part of the planning process and is continuing prior to construction. It is, therefore, unlikely that any major archaeological site would be uncovered during the construction stage." The M3 was chosen and given the go-ahead largely because of the NRA's claim that the route would not disrupt culturally significant areas.

Although the NRA insists on the quality and rigor of its initial surveys, the discovery of Lismullin exposes the shortcomings of that work. Irish politician Olivia Mitchell notes that Lismullin, "isn't a small [fortification] or a single standing stone, it's the size of three football fields." Indeed, if preliminary surveys missed a site as large and significant as Lismullin, then there is a very real possibility that road developers will unexpectedly run into other historically significant sites as the project continues.

So what's the harm with discovering new sites along the way? After all, only a few sites have ever been excavated in the area. The NRA therefore argues that road construction is a positive development that spurred archaeological research which may not have otherwise occurred. Ronan Swan, the acting head archaeologist at the NRA, states, "The intense archaeological work being done along this route would not have been done. ...Without the road going through, you wouldn't have had this high level of excavation taking place."

However, archaeologists and activists are not so optimistic. According to Vincent Salafia of Tarawatch, an organization committed to protecting Tara Hill, one problem is that severe time constraints make it highly unlikely that the site will be recorded properly. John Waddell, head of the archaeology department at the National University of Ireland, Galway, worries about the use of 22-ton mechanical diggers. (Click here for the university's Tara website.) Although they provide quick access to lower layers of soil, removing upper layers believed to contain few remains, mechanical diggers are likely to destroy delicate artifacts close to the surface. Save Tara, another preservation group, echoed this concern, and requested an independent assessment of the damage caused by mechanical diggers at Lismullin. In general, archaeologists are upset with Roche's decision because they fear that the information will not be documented as thoroughly as it would be in an independent research project. Anthropologist Ronald Hicks of Ball State University warns, "Archaeology is by its very nature highly destructive. And any data not recovered in the process are lost forever." (Hicks's full statement is online here.)

Aside from attacking the archaeology, many argue that the M3 is simply unnecessary given the availability of more reasonable alternatives. The Save Tara organization, along with Ciaran Cuffe, environmental spokesperson of the Green Party, would both prefer to reinstate the Navan-Clonsilla railway, which would provide a link between Navan and Dublin. Rather than building the M3 to bypass newly populated towns, they suggest reducing congestion through improvements in public transportation. The rail line was closed in 1963, but could be restored in a five-year period.

Salafia is convinced that there is a more practical solution to the problem. Since the contract to build the M3 has already been signed, he argues that moving the highway is more feasible than abandoning it altogether. Salafia recommends a route farther west than the planned M3 course. A western road would avoid major archaeological sites, provided it is placed outside of Ringlestown Rath, which delimits the Tara complex on the west. The NRA warns that a western route would "visually obstruct" the panoramic view from atop the Hill of Tara, but Salafia maintains that the road could be hidden given the topographical features of the area.

Accusations that the NRA implemented flawed archaeology and overlooked reasonable alternatives made many uneasy about Roche's decision to demolish the site after it had been documented. Interestingly, after all of the controversy surrounding his decision, Roche will not have the final word on the issue. John Gormley of the preservation-conscious Green Party recently took office as Roche's successor. He began serving on June 15, just one day after Roche's decision. According to Section 22 of the Interpretation Act of 2005, the Minister for the Environment can amend or overturn previous decisions. Gormley therefore has the power to reverse Roche's controversial decision.

Curiously, Gormley does not seem terribly eager to do so. He initially stated, "I will be looking at the documentation in the coming days, but I think it is fair to say that I cannot really do anything about our previous minister's decisions." Later--perhaps after the Interpretation Act was brought to his attention--he stated that, "based on the advice received, the decision cannot be reversed." According to Salafia, the Green Party has begun to accept their minister's reluctance to reroute the M3. Salafia himself admits that political action from Gormley is unlikely.

Many speculate that both ministers are tied down by political negotiations. At the end of the general election in May, the reigning party, Fianna Fail, lost seven parliament seats, six of which went to the Green Party. The two sides subsequently entered into negotiations, ultimately deciding that Fianna Fail would stay in power, provided they granted certain concessions to the Green Party. Other Green issues, such as pollution and global warming, were apparently pushed at the expense of protecting Tara. It may therefore be the case that Gormley cannot reverse the decision without violating the contract between the two parties.

To ensure a constitutional decision, Tarawatch will continue to protest, and even take legal action if necessary. In court, Salafia would attack Roche on grounds that he did not follow legal procedure correctly. He states, "The decision that was made by the minister is a decision that is very specifically prescribed in the National Monuments Act itself. ...It's all clearly mapped out for him. A judicial review is not a review of the substance of the decision--say, whether it's a good or bad decision--but a review of the procedure." Salafia hopes to show that a proper ruling under Irish law would entail the preservation of the entire Tara complex.

There are eight weeks left to protest, at which point legal action must be taken, or else the opportunity will expire under Ireland's statute of limitations. In this eight-week period, Salafia says that Tarawatch will do everything it can to pressure Gormley into making a decision. "We don't want to go to court. We want the minister to make the decision himself," he says, "But if push comes to shove and we have to go to court, then we will obviously change gears and put most of our energy into that arena." The fate of Tara, a monument more than 2,000 years old, may come down to a mere matter of weeks.

Laura Sexton is an undergraduate majoring in History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science and Medicine at the University of Chicago.

© 2007 by the Archaeological Institute of America

Related Link: http://www.archaeology.org/online/features/tara/
author by john gormleypublication date Fri Jul 06, 2007 19:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Unfortunately my delay in releasing these documents for the last week allowed time for SIAC/NRA to destroy another monument at Baronstown - this raft of documents is the first concrete proof that the National Museum have been advising the designation of other significant sites for months. Er...sorry.

Related Link: http://www.environ.ie
author by Michael Martin - TaraWatchpublication date Sat Jul 07, 2007 09:57author email Wicklowwolf at yahoo dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

A TaraWatch meeting will be held today (Saturday). Come to the Spar coffee shop on corner Abbey Street/Capel Street, Dublin at 2 pm.

Related Link: http://tarawatch.org
author by from barkingpublication date Sat Jul 07, 2007 12:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Where has Tarawatch.org gone?
When you search for it this is the message:

Account for domain tarawatch.org has been suspended

Related Link: http://www.tarawatch.org
author by carnsore pointpublication date Sat Jul 07, 2007 14:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This strand is a sad reflection on this campaign. If you are all going to whine and attack each other do it in private emails. Are you all as stupid as this stuff makes you look. ?????
Keep whining, fights about money, personal attacks OUT of the public eye. This applies to all sides but I esp. urge CST to really examine where they are going with this and cut out the mud slinging.
ps i just checked and tarawatch.org appears to be still active, file comment re this under "bickering"?

author by Mandypublication date Sat Jul 07, 2007 14:45author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Well he would say that, wouldn't he?

"He (Minister Gormley) said he had received 'unequivocal' advice from the Attorney General (Paul Gallagher) that, without a change in material circumstances relating to the newly discovered monument, it 'is not open to him to review, or amend, the directions given by his predecessor in this case'." (Irish Times at http://www.ireland.com/newspaper/breaking/2007/0706/bre...8.htm )

Where's "Tin God" Paul Gallagher getting this verbal rubbish from - the Bilderberg Group, or is the Trilateral Commission maybe?

Paul Gallagher knows perfectly well that laws can be found to be unconstitutional by the High Court or the Supreme Court.

Laws can also be repealed can they not? - in other words annulled, rescinded, revoked - because, for example, they are found to be the stinking-rotten product of corrupt PPP type swindlers working hand-in-hand with their many corrupt lackeys in the legal profession.

What's to stop Minister Gormley, or ANYBODY else living in the Republic of Ireland, from initiating the procedure at http://www.citizensinformation.ie/categories/government...sions for the purpose of showing that the law (National Monuments Amendment Act 2004) used by former Environment Minister Roche to destroy heritage sites is bogus, for the simple reason it violates the Constitution - as constitutional law expert Dr Hogan has explained in public at http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/20....html ?

It's time to stop the tinkering with this problem, and to go for the jugular.

Nothing less is any good at this late stage.

Who in their right minds really believes that the protesters on the Hill of Tara can stop the destruction by themselves? These good people can delay the destruction, and many like myself are extremely grateful to them for doing that, but they can't possibly stop it - not unless the "law" being used is SOON publicly exposed for what it really is: ILLEGAL RUBBISH.

author by Michael Martin - TaraWatchpublication date Sat Jul 07, 2007 17:50author email Wicklowwolf at yahoo dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Our website is down due to technical/administrative problems.. The person responsible for the site is currently out of computer reach. But TaraWatch isn't gone (sorry CST, but you have to put the champagne back on ice again!), and the site will be restored again in the not too distant future.
For the time being check out our other site at

Related Link: http://www.myspace.com/hilloftara
author by internet bodpublication date Sat Jul 07, 2007 17:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

your site is down because a request was sent to your domain host to suspend it. Oh! a little titbit which might perhaps b eof interest to people who care for Tara & don't care for Ego - is the news that the wikipedia entry on Michael Vincent O'Toole (born 1966) who goes under the moniker Vincent Salafia is still scheduled for delete. That's what you get when you write your own encyclopedia page.

Now a wee bit of truth would be pleasant.

author by Webmaster - CSTpublication date Sun Jul 08, 2007 16:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors


I don't take kindly to threats and always react pro-actively to same.

The Web Team at savetara.com do not engage in such tactics, even if it were possible.
I note the Error Page says the site is "suspended"
This means your Hosting Service has put a block on it.............it has not been deleted or removed.
Websites are usually suspended if they violate certain codes of conduct or if they distribute spam or viruses.
ISPs are bound by a "duty of care" in certain countries. You need to talk to your ISP for definitive answers.

I sympatise with your plight and I hope you get it back up again very soon.
It is an excellent Website and a very useful resource particularily on the Legal aspect of this campaign.

Campaign to Save Tara.

author by Michael Martin - TaraWatchpublication date Mon Jul 09, 2007 10:35author email Wicklowwolf at yahoo dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Technical problems solved, folks. TaraWatch wbsite is up and running again. Click on

Related Link: http://tarawatch.org
author by W. Finnerty.publication date Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Parts of a report from John Burke and Pat Leahy at The Sunday Business Post (dated 08 July 2007) read as follows:

"The government and the European Commission are on a collision course over the €184 billion National Development Plan (NDP), following a formal warning from the EU that the entire project is in breach of European law."

"The (European Union) commission has also raised concerns over the destruction of an archaeological find at Lismullin in Meath, sanctioned by former minister Dick Roche, connected to the M3 Tara motorway."

The full text of yesterday's Sunday Business Post article can be viewed at:

Related Link: http://www.indymedia.ie/article/83209&comment_limit=0&condense_comments=false#comment200465
author by cckpublication date Mon Jul 09, 2007 13:09author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"The government and the European Commission are on a collision course"

By the time the european commission gets its act together we'll all be talking to our ancestors.
We can't wait for europe.

author by Tara campaignerpublication date Mon Jul 09, 2007 14:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

M3 protest outside Green offices

Last Updated: 09/07/2007 13:46

Campaigners today opened a petition outside Green Party headquarters demanding that Minister for the Environment John Gormley re-route the controversial M3 motorway.

The event, organised by TaraWatch, is calling for the road to be diverted away from the ancient Hill of Tara site in Co Meath.

"The purpose of the petition is to compel Minister Gormley to act to protect Tara, so that Irish citizens are not forced to risk seeking relief in the courts," campaigner Vincent Salafia said.

The group claim that Minister Gormley has both the power and duty to protect the national monuments at Tara.

However, in earlier statements Mr Gormley said he could not revisit his predecessor's decisions unless there was "a material change in circumstances."

In their petition today Tarawatch claim five changes have taken place that would allow the minister to re-route the motorway.

They say the inclusion of the Hill of Tara on the World Monuments Fund's List of 100 Most Endangered Sites, possible EU action against the NDP and the discovery of an important underground complex at Lismullin are all "material changes in circumstances".

Campaigners also said that flaws in NRA methodology and the fact that the M3 was planned and approved in 2003 using outdated analysis are other reasons not to go ahead with the project.

"Minister Gormley must act now to correct the mistakes of the past, or the entire National Development Plan, and every project in it, may brought to a standstill," Mr Salafia added.

Minister comes under further pressure to halt M3 work
Monday, July 09, 2007

The Environment Minister has come under further pressure to halt work on the M3 motorway.
Campaign group Tarawatch launched a petition today, claiming that there has been a number of changes to the situation at Tara since the former Minister signed the order.

They say work should at least be temporarily stopped pending a review, as the Hill of Tara has now become one of the most endangered sites.

The Environment Minister John Gormley, however, said he has tried everything - but it's just not possible.

"Unfortunately, there is contract in place, so you're into legal difficulties, you're into factual difficulties and at this stage, unfortunately, I don't think it is possible," he said.

"I've looked at all the legal possibilities, and the [Attorney General] has advised that it isn't possible."

Petition is located at: http://www.petitiononline.com/taram3/petition.html

author by maybepublication date Mon Jul 09, 2007 20:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Maybe if the shouting stopped, people would listen to you. It might be hard to understand
being overseas but it is absolutely necessary to have distinct camaigns with different
emphasis. an issue as big as Tara requires multiple levels of experience and I think
that Tarawatch and CST would both acknowledge that difference of approach is necessary.
I do not understand why an international media campaign would seek to lead on the issue
of Tara when personnel are required at community level, indeed, not one person , no
matter how driven can collate and organise necessary research and expertise.
things get lost or dropped when one campaign cannot cover all angles- a bit of acceptance
of different methodologies is required and good leadership on eco would recognise that.
This however does not explain the relentless attacks on a group with a differing
methodology of approach. Both CST and Tarawatch have on the newswire recognised
difference of application and approach so there should be no problem or ground s for
attack, surely to goodness?
My understanding is that Tarawatch is primarily litigant and CST a working umbrealla
group for community action. thats simple enough to understand and accept?

author by watcher UK - Jolly Foreingerpublication date Mon Jul 09, 2007 21:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Well i am not shouting at any one thanks,Just expressing my thoughts,the International Media are taking an interest in Tara because a lot of them can not believe what your Govt is doing ,they change the rules to suite themselves,
So 'maybe' us jolly foreigners should leave you alone and let you watch TARA be destroyed.There are people World wide doing there bit for Tara ,all i m saying is lets combine the energies of all camps for the fight not belittle each other.

Jolly foreigner 'Watcher UK'

author by dear watcher ukpublication date Mon Jul 09, 2007 21:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The campaigns are separate but the aim is the same. now a directing of all the
energy into doing both legal and community- a two pronged -front would be nice,
wouldn't it?
Afterall putting all the eggs into a single basket reduces the ability to fan and out
get things done, its a simple enough premise, isn't it?
Both campaigns have a job to do and should be let get on with it, you should choose
which one suits your need to articulate your obvious energy and just ignore the other
one and realise that maybe a different approach will give the same result- like the footie!

author by Mick Egan - Nonepublication date Mon Jul 09, 2007 21:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Maybe" you've almost nailed it in your assessment of the two Groups.
Tarawatch through Vincent Salafia pursued the failed Legal Case/s in this Campaign and in fact keep promising/threatening further Cases.
The latest such attempt came when they claimed to have found/uncovered two new Souterrains in proximinity to the Lismullin Nat. Monument and that these constituted the "material change" John Gormley said he needed to overturn Dick Roche's decision of 12th. June.
The two souterrains appeared on CST's website in April prior to the declaration of Lismullin as a Nat. Monument! Anyway I digress too much.

CST's approach seems to me to be more of a political approach to the problem of solving the Tara issue - in my view the only realistic approach.
A Legal Case will only succeed in delaying the inevitable as the Government will simply enact new legislation to get around any unfavourable judgement.

CST's approach before, during and after the recent General Election succeeded in putting a "dead issue" right to the top of the "Agenda" throughout that period and after - rumour has it that negotiations between the Greens and FF on forming a Government almost came to blows on it.

OK it didnt work out. Not CST's fault. Not Tarawatch's fault. But it came closer than any one else ever has and it still remains the only hope for Tara.

What is needed now is for Tara to give John Gormley, Conor Newman, Dr. Pat Wallace, etc the opportunity they need to save Tara. Its time to face facts I'm thinking. It's down to Tara now. Hopefully it has more, much more to reveal to us.

author by maybepublication date Mon Jul 09, 2007 22:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Recognition of the separate and indeed necessary approach to Tara as an issue is lost
in silly point scoring .CST has done immense work getting the issue onto the political
agenda. Thank you!
Tarawatch are good at litigation.

There is a separation of issues that require an ability to recognise and use the talents
of both groups, I do not see a necessity for a union in campaigns when the directions
they take are so incredibly disparate. One operates a world list and a media schema
of highlighting the issues. The other has political focus and community support.
this happens in many campaigns and is not about letting slip every aspect of control
but accepting difference of approach. there is nothing wrong in having a two or indeed
multi-pronged approach to the same issue.

author by agogpublication date Tue Jul 10, 2007 03:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

CST did sweet F all. Don't even think about taking credit for reviving the Tara issue. CST campaigned locally since February - gave out a few flyers and sent out a lot of press releases, mostly about things that had nothing to do with them. What did they actually do? There are a lot of good people in that group but they have been completely ineffectual due to being led by inexperienced and politically motivated people, who are swayed by a party line. A good example is recently how they tried to claim responsibility for the EU Tara visit. It had nothing to do with them, as they didn't make a complaint, nor did any of their members. They didn't do the World Monuments Fund, but took credit for that. They let Roestown be dismantled - rock by rock - and didn't even notice it, after having had a big press photo opportunity there a couple of weeks earlier, talking about how they were spending their lives protecting it. They did know about the henge discovery and yet didn't report it to the media or the public for weeks, but then took credit for it when someone else did the the Minister immediately halted work. They knew about the fact that the Director of the Museum said Baronstown was a national monument, before it was demolished, and didn't say anything about it. They didn't organise anything for Summer Solstice. They didn't hold any academic events, and held one single political event at Maynooth, where Trevor Sargent was the guest of honour, and told a lot of tall tales. They don't organise their own gigs, but want to take the money we collect money from them. The political strategy failed. Tara became a political issue BECAUSE it failed, and promises and principles were broken by those who asked for and received the Tara vote. The first set of protests were organised in January by TaraWatch and the Vigil (when CST formed) and all subsequent actions have been Vigil organised. They have been hopelessly organised and invisible in the media, sue to bad strategy and divisive attitudes, which scare people away from joining. TaraWatch asked for a meeting, with a view to working in co-operation, and never even received a response. Instead, they play silly gmaes on Indymedia and think they're smart. What is wrong with these purple people? Credit should go where credit is due. Both groups want to achieve the same aim. Once this goes to court, it is out of everybody's hands. That means there is about a month, maximum, to up public pressure. The Love Tara march is happening on Sat 21 June. That means everybody who Loves Tara will be there, marching shoulder to shoulder, for probably the first and last time. Can we drop all the crap and set about getting as many people there as possible, and fight over the spoils AFTER the victory?

author by joan - Nonepublication date Tue Jul 10, 2007 22:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Its true that what is needed now is a united front not led by any organisation, but by the people of Ireland. Eighty Per cent of The People are against the destruction of Tara. Please may they organise themselves to take their rightful place as protectors of history and of culture.

author by Muireann Ni Bhrolchainpublication date Wed Jul 11, 2007 09:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I've just received a request from the protesters - people are needed at Roestown to help. This is the area just outside Dunshaughlin where the M3 is planned to cross the N3 for the first time.

Ring the Vigil phone for definite information - 086-1758557.

NRA map of the sites
NRA map of the sites

Related Link: http://www.savetara.com
author by Danny Cusackpublication date Wed Jul 11, 2007 11:59author email dcusack at diginet dot ieauthor address Carrick Schoolhouse Kellsauthor phone 085-7396938Report this post to the editors

Would like to help but no car transport. Bussing it to sites is difficult. Anyone in Kells area involved and willing to offer lift?

author by A friend of Tarapublication date Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The souterrains at Roestown were destroyed four months ago. There is nothing left on that site worth while protecting! The people who are now desperately trying to drum up four months to late support are the same people who endangered the site in the first place for self-serving political games! What are these people trying to cover up now, maybe their failed political strategies and agendas????

author by Aims and Meanspublication date Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The aim is to prevent the bisection of the Gabhra Valley, this involves a blockade
along the route of the motorway, this is commensurate with the stated aim of the vigil
and supported by CST. The focus on Lismullin divides that aim, when it is obviously secure
until the dig (superviSed by Newman) is complete. The trolling and offence is becoming
ridiculous and I do wonder what the stated aim of the micro-group is in relation to
historical preservation of the whole Gabhra Valley inclusive of the 39 sites
(this figure includes Lismullin) A look at the map would indicate that the area of Roestown and
Collierstown are where there is no turning back on the Route and thus their protection
includes Lismullin . this is called strategy, has the friend of Tara a strategy?

To explain in English- To put it clearly, the focus of the corporate sponsors and developers
in on Roestwon, Barronstown and Collierstown. if and when they are all covered nothing will prevent
Lismullin's destruction. tarawatch solidarity is at the wrong end of the bisection (also unsurprising).

author by Roestownpublication date Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This might help to clarify - the area at most issue is that between Roestown towards the bottom and that at Ardsallagh at the top of the map.
Ardsallagh area because there is a bridge planned for this area.
What is not well known is that it appears that there will be dozens of bridges over the sites/old roads in the Valley - as if the Interchange at Blundelstown was not enough

Map of sites
Map of sites

author by Michael Martin - TaraWatchpublication date Wed Jul 11, 2007 14:08author email Wicklowwolf at yahoo dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

This is a good strategy I fully agree with. But TaraWatch tried to focus on the protection of Roestown as far back as January..Unfortunately some of the people now so overly eager to "hold and defend" Roestown under all circumstances then ridiculed the TaraWatch strategy on Roestown and even actively worked against it, including letting diggers and JCB rampaging unchallenged over the site for two days! If these people would have only listened back in January..........!
I suppose the current Roestown frenzy orchestrated by some fringe elements of the overall Save Tara campaign is a typical case of 'Johnny came lately'!
Have a nice day out at the sadly destroyed and gone heritage site in Roestown, folks!

Related Link: http://tarawatch.org
author by Sampublication date Wed Jul 11, 2007 15:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I really think this obvious divide between people involved in the Tara cause, is highly damaging. Tarawatch really seem to have done a lot, getting national and international recognition for Tara etc. They have experienced activists from Carrickmines and Glen of the Downs-maybe their strategies are worth listening to. Can anyone clearly explain why the CST local group will not work with them? I have seen comments here against Tarawatch people, that are based on spite more than anything else. It looks like CST are envious of Tarawatch-this isn't a competition. Maybe if you decided to support the main group, you people in CST would be more successful in your own endeavors, and Tara would benefit

author by Joepublication date Wed Jul 11, 2007 17:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hope everybody can make it to the march.Here's some new stories about TaraWatch efforts in Ireland and around the globe.

Irish Post (UK): Uphill battle to save Tara
Uphill battle to save Tara http://www.irishpost.co.uk/news/story.asp?j=5952&cat=news

Meath Chronicle: Minister may sterilise area around Tara



Greens may be absent from this march, as they have now moved on to Greeeener pastures
Greens may be absent from this march, as they have now moved on to Greeeener pastures

author by Mick Egan - Navan - Nonepublication date Thu Jul 12, 2007 02:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Ultimately all conflicts are resolved as a consequence of the will of the people being brought to bear on the politicians on both sides of the conflict. No other resolution holds.

This tenet holds good for WW2, Vietnam, Northern Ireland etc.

Tarawatch are the "Marines" in this conflict whilst CtST are the political wing of the campaign. Its that simple. There need be no conflict between these two groups. The ultimate goal is the same. Tarawatch have tried the "Legal route" it failed. They are now trying the "Protest" tact. It to will, regretably, unfortunately fail.

Give them their due. Tarawatch have tried everything to have this issued resolved and ......sadly ....failed. There is no great interest amongst "Joe Public". It doesn't materially effect him - yet. And until it does nothing will change there.

Sadly when Meath residents find themselves paying out vast amounts in Toll charges to use this road it will be too late for their cries of support.

Face facts everyone. If you can't change the minds of the people we elect to govern us, nothing...absolutely nothing...will change.

Regarding previous posts here I must mention:

"Clarification": Tarawatch were not officially present at either Roestown, Collierstown or Barronstown.

"sam": CtST is the Official Group. Tara Watch were the only group who refused to join the amalgam of groups who had previously being campaigning on different courses on this issue and subsequently formed themselves into Campaign to Save Tara.

"agog": People really don't care unless it effects them financialiy. I really hope you get the crowds you expect. But if you don't......................I told you so!

Finally. to preclude claims from either group. I am not a member of either, or any group, involved in this campaign - my occupation precludes my participation......but that does not mean I can just sit back and let this insult to my ancestors pass without trying, in my limited way, to influence those trying to right this great wrong.

author by Michael Martin - TaraWatchpublication date Thu Jul 12, 2007 02:37author email Wicklowwolf at yahoo dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

I dispute the accuracy of statements made above re CST and TaraWatch. TaraWatch was part of the Campaign to save Tara. In fact CST was created, as "The Save Tara Campaign" , by TaraWatch to bring all the factions fighting for the preservation of our archaeological heritage under one umbrella. But unfortunately people with self-serving political ambitions and quarrelsome mentalities joined and hijacked CST, and TaraWatch decided in early February to officially withdraw from CST. The last TaraWatch member, myself, was driven out of CST in April. Up till then I acted as moderator of the internal CST Yahoo E-list.
TaraWatch is the larger group of the two. We have over 1000 members on our Yahoo E-list and close to 2000 on the Tarawatch MySpace E-list. Compare this to the 175 members on the public CST Yahoo E-list, and the 30 or so school kids they have on their Bebo.com site.

It is correct to say that no TaraWatch members participated in direct action in Roestown and Baronstown in recent weeks because we were told by CST / Vigil members that TaraWatch people are not welcome at their events.

Related Link: http://tarawatch.org
author by Newshoundpublication date Thu Jul 12, 2007 17:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

No M3 re-routing despite EU warning
Clodagh Mulvey Last Updated: 12/07/2007 16:06

Campaigners against the current route of the M3 motorway near the Hill of Tara will picket a number of international Irish embassies and Dáil Eireann tomorrow in protest at the Government's response to a European Commission warning over the legality of aspects of the project.

Members of Tarawatch will picket at noon (local times) in London, New York, Chicago, Boston and Los Angeles, while local protesters will begin gathering at Leinster House at 11am.

A protest march will also be held in Dublin on Saturday, July 21st at 1pm, which will go from the Garden of Remembrance to Custom House, the headquarters of the Department of the Environment.

Campaigners have said they are "inflamed" by what they describe as the Green Party's election pact with Fianna Fáil to agree to the M3 motorway project and today's announcement by Environment Minister John Gormley that the Government will not re-route the road despite Euopean criticism.

Earlier today the Government said it will not re-route the M3 despite an official warning from the European Commission that it is in breach of European law in relation to the planning of the controversial road.

This morning Minister for the Environment John Gormley said he did not have the power to undo the last-minute decision taken by predecessor Dick Roche to sign an order which permits the road works to proceed.

But Irish MEP Kathy Sinnott has called on the Government to re-route the M3, saying the legal breach now makes it possible for the Minister to do so.

She said Mr Gormley "can and must" re-route the road, which campaigners claim will destroy precious cultural and archaeological heritage near the Hill of Tara site at Lismullen, Co Meath.

Speaking on RTÉ radio this morning Mr Gormley said his department had received a 20-page document from the European Commission last week outlining the legal breach, which he claimed is "essentially about the transposition of environmental impact assessment directives and our failure to do that properly".

Mr Gormley said the matter had been raised with the Government initially in 2001 and again in 2005 but said that following the legal advice of the Attorney General he was now in a position where "unless there was a material change of circumstances I could not revise the decision that was made by Dick Roche".

However, Ms Sinnott said the identification of the Lismullen site as a national monument this year constituted a material change of circumstances and insisted the M3 Motorway project was now "illegal" as it lacks a valid Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

"According to the European Commission a material change has occurred in the shape of the monument at Lismullin, which was not taken into account in the Environmental Impact Assessment conducted in 2003," she said.

"This assessment was on the basis that no national monument lay in the path of the road. The discovery and identification of Lismullin as a national monument this year represents a definite change in circumstance that could not have been taken into account at the time of the 2003 EIA," she added.

Today Mr Gormley said he was taking the EU warning "very seriously indeed" and would travel tomorrow to Brussels to discuss the matter with the European Commissioner for the Environment Stavros Dimas.

Responding to Ms Sinnott's calls to re-route the M3 Motorway, Mr Gormely said: "I don't have the power to re-route the entire M3 . . . I can only deal with the powers that I have, and what I intend to do is to speak to Commissioner Dimas tomorrow".

Darren Delahunty, one of the London group organisers, said: "Irish people in the UK are outraged at the refusal of the Irish authorities to try and proceed with the road, even when the public are so against it, and the EU have stated it is illegal.

"Since the Irish abroad could not vote in the Irish elections, we are making our views known to our Government in the only way we can," he said of the planned picket.

TaraWatch to stage worldwide protest against construction of M3 motorway
Thursday July 12 2007

TaraWatch campaigners are to stage protests at Irish embassies around the world tomorrow.

Demonstrations will get underway in New York, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and London, to highlight what protestors say is the government's refusal to acknowledge that the construction of the M3 motorway is illegal.

TaraWatch is stepping up its protests to try and put pressure on Environment Minister John Gormley to act on this issue, and prevent their case coming before the courts.

A "Love Tara" march will also be held in Dublin on Saturday.


author by Darren Delahunty - Tarawatch UKpublication date Thu Jul 12, 2007 18:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

A recent press release has quoted me saying this:

"Irish people in the UK are outraged at the refusal of the Irish authorities to try and proceed with the road, even when the public are so against it, and the EU have stated it is illegal.''

When in fact I said this:

''Irish people in the UK are outraged at the refusal of the Irish authorities to stop proceeding with the road, even when the Public are so against it, and the EU have stated it is illegal.''

I must add that I am AGAINST this route and do not want the M3 where it is as there are other options. Please do not quote me wrongly! Lets all Save Tara!!


author by Tadhg Crowleypublication date Thu Jul 12, 2007 22:42author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Its very clear who are those who are most focused on doing what they can to Save Tara.

They are the one's who are not taking part in the neurotic, childish ego-boosting, judging, bitterness, blaming and counter blaming that this page shows. Its just pathetic.
Please grow up!

If you want to Save Tara then let your actions speak for you, if you have something to say then make it positive and constructive, otherwise shut up.

So just do; stop thinking and creating problem after problem.
Tara requires our positive action and words only. If we fail to save it then it will be the fault of the same kind of negativity shown here.

So put pressure on MEPs, put pressure on local councillors, join the direct action, join the March and do anything and everything you can to Save Tara....but DO IT POSITIVELY or NOT AT ALL - PLEASE!

author by Mick Egan - Navan - nonepublication date Fri Jul 13, 2007 02:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors


You are being less then truthful in your responce to my original post.

It is a matter of fact that Tarawatch refused to join the alliance. They were the ONLY group to do so.

(You, personally do not appear to have been been driven out. You continue to post to their Yahoo Group and they continue to put these posts up. So you still contribute to their discussions - last posting 9th. July I believe).

Your assertion that Tarawatch is the larger group is irrelevant. SIZE ONLY MATTERS IN BED!!
Think - Rourke's Drift, Thermopylae, The Battle of Britan, Kathy Sinnott. Quality. Not quantity matters.
The members of CST are highly qualified, highly committed, well educated and well respected members of the community who stand a far greater chance of achieving the stated goal of "saving Tara" then any vast hoard of..........

And even if any of them actually have political ambitions what of it. Is there any reason why they should not. Is this country not in dire need of people of this caliper, should we shun them, dismiss them, because they strive to achieve what we all want......

And finally.
Why were you told not to participate at Baronstown etc ?

author by Siobhan Rice - TaraWatchpublication date Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Mick! You odviously have no idea what is going on, or what went on in the past. this constant misinformed babble is becoming very boring.

Related Link: http://TaraWatch.org
author by Michael Martin - TaraWatchpublication date Sat Jul 14, 2007 23:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

For all of you folks who still doubt that CST was initiated by TaraWatch to bring all the different factions of the Tara campaign under one umbrella, please click on
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hilloftara/message/1970 and other message from December 2006.

It is true, I still have access to CST's public E-group, and I still post messages from time to time, as some CST people do on the TaraWatch E-group. But the trust between myself and the CST leadership has been severely undermined due to one of their spokespeople telling lies to my face about campaign-related affairs The same person also sent me a string of hateful E-mails, one of them containing threats of violence against another TaraWatch member . I posted one or two of his hate E-mails on the internal CST E-list hours before I resigned from that group.

I was one of the founding members of the Glen O'Downs campaign exactly 10 years ago, and I have been involved with Carrickmines as well. Ten years of first hand experience have taught me how to differentiate between the good and the bad guys inside campaigns. I am very sorry to say that CST is one of those campaign groups I can not recommend to people for support.

Related Link: http://tarawatch.org
author by man in laoispublication date Sun Jul 15, 2007 07:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Here we go again same old hobby horse Micky Martin !

When are you going to put up something constructive and useful it's always the same old diatribe... like bloody big kids all this constant bickering betwen CST and Tarawitch.... it does absolutely nothing for the campaign; except put yourselves into bad light and drive the more moderate and would be members away.

For example now a days whenever Tarawatch send me a e-mail I drop it into the trashbox, without bothering to read it and I am not the only person doing this.

So either put up something constructive or shut the *F* up!

author by Daterpublication date Sun Jul 15, 2007 08:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You will find that many campaigners who eschew the media legal direction have been
working together a lot longer than that, years in fact. the old two prong approach not
quite sinking in yet. Not everyone believes a protracted legal campaign is sufficent
to save Tara and yes, do actively resist co-option practices by TW.

author by employment agencypublication date Sun Jul 15, 2007 12:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I would hope your capabilities and credibility for playing an active part in any & all campaigns related to Tara is not to be based on examination of "the good and bad guys" of the Glen of Downs. But since you mention it, I wonder would your list match mine? Let's cast our minds back. Now you had the right wing press and elements of the Gardai rumour factory alledging members of the IRA were passing through the camp (because a training area and dump was not too far away) and then you had one member of the SAS who was spotted a few times with his haversack and leaflets on the ferry from Wales enroute to Avoca to yet again "do his camping surveillance thing". Great lad -gappy teeth did mullah camps, Alf camps, GoD, SNP youth camps, wickermen gigs, raves - lost track of him in the last three years though. He might have got cosmetic dentistry done now & work in sweetie distribution or he may have retired to the shetland islands & stuff animals for a hobby. It's not really relevant. Coz of course you know who was good and bad didn't you? All the same you collectively came out looking well despite some very poorly informed monitoring by local entities, I'd like to think you got a little silver star for not being duped into facilitating something with much bigger longterm ramifacations then a few hectares of broad leaf trees. "Don't make comparisons or connections or invite closer examination of all that now Michael" would be my advice. Not unless you've got it all written down complete with the backlists of catylist magazine and guest book signatures and really thought it through & are prepared to go through it all again on its proper thread. But yes, "you have been around a long time" which in fairness is I think the point you were trying to make. Of all the dedicated types in Ireland on openish email lists you must surely come in close to the top 50 for shelter improvisation & bender tent erection. & you have of course progressed to litigation and playing a loyal & key role in Mr Salafist's network. He's got quite an interesting CV too. Let's not dwell on those past legal actions or campaigns or camps now.
Let's all work together. There's an effin big EBE craft we want out of the ground & neither your bickering or Ratzinger is going to stop us.


author by technicianpublication date Sun Jul 15, 2007 14:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You see you're still trying to plug in just one speaker to the system and no doubt you're right you've got as good as you gave - but we've gone stereo now. The last word is two links.


author by Kirstenpublication date Tue Aug 14, 2007 13:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hello. I don't live in Ireland but am very interested in what's going on at Tara.

I was told by someone the M3 is actually about a mile away from the site?

Is that accurate?

Could you please tell me, or show me if you can, where it's going to be? I'm getting a bit confused.

Thanks a lot.

Related Link: http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/CelticCafe/
author by major tompublication date Tue Aug 14, 2007 13:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The motorway is going through the Gabhra Valley - Tara's extended landscape. The route has impacted at least 40 archaeological sites - some are huge as can be seen from this and other threads.
The M3 is not going through the Hill of Tara but it will sever Tara from its sister hill Skryne and from one of its defensive promentary forts, Rath Lugh. It will be much bigger and more invasive than the existing little road. It is intended to attract development to this greenfield area and Tara will be swallowed up by this in the future.
The M3 will be a kilometre from the TOP OF THE HILL - where it is planned to cross the existing N3 it will be on the slope of the Hill and here is planned a huge massive interchange for no apparent reason.
Visit the website below where there is a Yahoo Group and also a huge Photobucket on the sites etc.

Related Link: http://www.savetara.com
author by Michael Martin - TaraWatchpublication date Tue Aug 14, 2007 14:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Strictly speaking the M3 will run across the Hill of Tara itself. The Blundlestown (Soldiers Hill) interchange is located on the lower northern slope of the Hill itself. That slope is part of the Hill of Tara . Most people don't realize that the Hill of Tara extents well beyond the public car park and the nearby coffee shop / souvenire store.
For regular updates on the fight for the preservation of the entire Tara complex check

Related Link: http://tarawatch.org
author by W. Finnerty.publication date Thu Mar 06, 2008 09:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Should you wish to view a 'sample consequence' of the treasonous and destructive types of PPP associated crime I have in mind, relating to the total destruction on July 4th last (in the middle of the night) of what appears to have been an extremely important heritage site located at Baronstown, please go to the following address: http://www.humanrightsireland.com/IndyMediaIreland/4Jul...e.htm ".

The text above forms part of a letter sent last Monday (i.e. March 3rd 2008) to hospital consultant C.K. Mulholland (Northern Ireland).

The full text of the letter in question to Mr Mulholand can be seen at http://www.humanrightsireland.com/CKMulholland/3March20...r.htm 

Related Link: http://www.humanrightsireland.com
author by o'sullivan - followers of dagdapublication date Mon Jun 23, 2008 01:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I think a good idea would be to pressure SIAC to stop by hitting them where it matters to them, the money.

All around the country, if theres a construction site or camp that you definetely know is siac's, we should do something like break the vehicles on the site, and leave posters/papers saying something like 'No M3 motorway through Tara valley'.

No people would be hurt from this, but SIAC would have to pay to repair the vehicles and continue work.

These actions are justified and morally legal, because companies and people in power have no right to ignore and bully us, and destroy our heritage for us and future generations.

The government will ignore you as much as they can until AFter the road is built.

-protect the graves of fionn and the fianna, like they protected the land of our ancestors.

Related Link: http://www.freewebs.com/gaelicanarchy/
author by W. Finnertypublication date Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Equinox (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equinox), Balance, Justice, King Ollamh Fodhla, Cairn T, Loughcrew, Hill of Tara ...

The March 20th, 2012 excerpt in the section below has been copied from the following www location:


Ireland's (and possibly the world's?) Most Ancient & Most Dynamic Symbol of Justice?

View Early Tomorrow Morning (subject to cloud-free sky), March 21st, Cairn T (Loughcrew) ...

Though not nearly as well known about at the present time as it might be, there is an amazing Bronze Age "Equinox Detector" (believed to be in excess of 5,000 years old) in County Meath, Republic of Ireland: which still works accurately to this day, and which is also believed to have very close and important connections with Brehon Law and the Hill of Tara.

As some will already know, Brehon Law is widely believed to be among the very oldest, most successful, and most compassionate systems of justice the world has ever know. Against the wishes of the indigenous people of Ireland of the time, it began to get pushed to one side immediately following the Anglo Norman invasion in the 1160s; and, by the mid 1600s it had been fully stamped out altogether throughout the whole of Ireland: and replaced by what we've got now.

Balance, Justice, ...

The "equinox days" themselves -- nominally centred around March 21st (tomorrow!!) and September 21st -- are of course the days when there is very close to perfect balance between the hours of daylight and darkness throughout the entire world. It is this naturally occurring bi-annual presentation of perfect balance in our part of our galaxy -- closely and symbolically connected to the idea of perfect justice within humanity, i.e. justice of the kind where the punishment is designed to balance the crime to as near "perfection" as possible through the use of the very finely-tuned fines that the Brehon Law system of justice largely depended upon -- which is probably responsible for the fact that Cairn T is claimed by some to also be the burial place of King Ollamh Fodhla (who was very closely associated with the origins of Brehon Law), and who, according to the "Annals of Ireland by the Four Masters", ruled Ireland for the 40 year period between 1317 - 1277 BC.

More on this subject, which contains some indirect evidence of how extremely seriously the people of ancient Ireland respected and treated the very important subject of justice, can be found via the following link:

Related Justice Issue:
"It's not God that's subjecting the people of the world to Hell on Earth"ť:


SIAC/Ferrovial/Eurolink Construction Company:

Destruction of Barronstown Heritage Site near the "Hill of Tara" (using National Monuments Amendment Act 2004):


Related Link:


Further "Equinox" information can be found via the following link:



author by W. Finnertypublication date Thu Jul 04, 2013 06:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"The SIAC/Ferrovial construction company, Eurolink, resorted to underhand tactics in the early hours of Wednesday morning July 4th when they arrived at Baronstown, reportedly, at 4am with machines to destroy the monument there. This may very well have been a National Monument along with the extraordinary graveyard at Collierstown."

The above excerpt, first published on Wednesday July 04, 2007 18:46, is from:

Related Link:
"Former Chief Justice John L Murray, unconstitutional legislation, cultural genocide, government corruption, crime, cover ups, impunity ..."

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