"911 Truth" Candidate exposes his antisemitism
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Wednesday May 09, 2007 20:09 by Aidan
Morgan Stack, self styled "Scholar for Truth" and the Head of the Irish 911 Truth Movement is standing for election in the Dail, in Cork Central, and Kerry North. He claims he wants to expose the truth about 911. Yet he spreads Anti-semitic lies through his website.
In case Mr Stack decides to remove the article, I've made a screen grab
Across the Internet, on blogs, youtube, and myspace exists the blight that his 911 truth conspiracy theorists. Ranting about "no planes at the Pentagon”, or explosives at the WTC, or "`Star Wars" beam weapons, the seem to be involved in an escalating civil war of who can create the most outlandish theory. They claim the US administration actually carried out the events of 911, for profit and power, and can "prove it" with the most dubious of pseudoscience, and compressed video. They claim the media is suppressing the facts, (ignoring that their most pernicious methods of spreading their falsehoods, is Google video, and myspace).
Morgan Stack is one of these, self-styled, "truthers". An unemployed accountant, he is standing in two constituencies: in Kerry North, and Cork Central in the forthcoming Dail elections. He is standing on a "911 truth platform". Leaving aside the preposterous notion of, even if these conspiracy theories were true, what on earth is an Irish TD supposed to do about it; Stack has on opinion on platforms that matter to the people of these constituencies.
Stack, is not unknown to Indymedia. Earlier this year he wanted to put up notice on the event wire, of a 911-truth talk he was hosting in Dublin. Speaking at this event would be Webster Tarpley. Tarpley is a long time cohort of Lyndon J LaRouche, an American neo Nazi, and virulently anti-Semite. Tarpley hosted LaRouche's radio show for years, and even stood in a Democratic Party primary in the US for LaRouche. Webster Tarpley is one of the leading lights of the truth movement, writing one of the first books on the matter. The editorial team applied Indymedia’s no free speech for racists, and the event was hidden. Stack virulently protested, even getting English members of this "truth movement" and bombarded the Irish Collectives mailing, arguing insistently that Tarpley was certainly not an anti-Semite. It now seems that Stack himself enjoys ranting about the dangers of "The Jews"
911truth.ie is Morgan Stack's website. It links to the usual trite videos about 911 conspiracy theories, and a collection of e-mails that Stack sends out several times a week. You can read them on the site; they are a collection of pseudo science, numerology, and gibberish. However the article that piqued this writer's interest appeared on the 6th of May. The rant is a republished article from a deranged group who call themselves "Ghost Squad." The Film they are talking about is the Russell Crowe film, "A Beautiful Mind"
I wonder why the Jewish film industry would make a mistake like that, rewriting the plot of reality to convince us (with a powerful movie) not to obsess about the prospect of embedded code in the mainstream Jewish news media? You don't think there's a conspiracy do you? If you do, then you've got a problem: a beautiful mind!
By the way, now do you think you understand why it is that Ma Bush, Barbara herself, went around talking about how she hoped that conspiracy theorists didn't "start getting a beautiful mind about 911," and why she wouldn't trouble her "beautiful mind" with things? Well, if you think she knows what the rest of the Bush Family knows: that they've couped (and are controlling) us with the 911 scam, then you have a beautiful mind!
"A Beautiful Mind" was filmed before 911, in early 2001, but it was released after 911 - did the Hollywood Jews who made the movie know about 911 in advance, then brainwash us out of figuring it out? Come to think of it, was the whole attack a number game, in which the feds had spent years preparing us to call Big Brother in a national "911 call" in response to a "911 attack?” Is Hollywood part of a psychological operation?
The film was released on a very special date (and we've already seen how well dates can code): December 21st 2001. OK, try the number-code tricks I taught you above (see link, ed) and find the numeric sequence 12/21/21! The "Jewish" number 12, then 12 reversed - twice! It's all 12 permutations! Well, it's plenty tricky, but this has been a tricky infowar - at least to those of us (like Ghost Troop) with beautiful minds!
The date, incidentally, is the Winter Solstice, which means the shortest and darkest day of the year. Sound like a good day to bring out a movie that would keep everybody in the dark? Yep, sounds like it to me, too! Another trivia point, did you know that at the Academy Awards (controlled by Jewish Hollywood), "A Beautiful Mind" received the best picture award? Do you think that the Media Jews did that to make you accept the message of the movie - don't analyze media - all the more readily? I do.
One last thing, the bright Jewish screenwriter who rewrote the John Nash story to make it say something that the John Nash biography didn't say (that it's insane to try to decode news) is Akiva Goldman. Goldman has also written the screenplay for another "code" movie, "The Da Vinci Code!" Seems like the Jews think about codes all the time! They run the movies that set us up to blindly accept the media, and they've dumbed us down to the level of dirt. They told us at the beginning of the war that media would become "embedded," and even that was a code - for the fact that they were coding!
Now this is gibberish but it is blatantly antisemitic gibberish, and Morgan felt it was worth propagating.
In fact if you scratch the surface of most of these 911 truth fantasies, you'll find a link to a Neo Nazi or Anti Semitic website. The American Free Press, a magazine with ties to David Duke, formed a bulk of research for the Internet movie "Loose Change", Tarpley's link is self evident. Eric Huffmeister a noted truther has self published a holocaust denial book. What was the first 911 conspiracy theory? The Jews didn't turn up for work on 911. I'm not saying that everyone who buys these conspiracy theories is antisemitic, but Morgan clearly is.
For those on the left it is sometimes very easy to buy into the lunacy Stack and his ilk spread. As George Monibot said in a recent Guardian editorial "People believe because it proposes a closed world: comprehensible, controllable, small. Despite the great evil that runs it, it is more companionable than the chaos that really governs our lives, a world without destination or purpose" And he warns us of the danger of doing just this; "this neat story draws campaigners away from real issues - global warming, the Iraq war, nuclear weapons, privatisation, inequality - while permanently wrecking their credibility. Bush did capitalise on the attacks, and he did follow a pre-existing agenda, spelt out, as Loose Change says, by the Project for the New American Century. But by drowning this truth in an ocean of nonsense, the conspiracists ensure that it can never again be taken seriously."
Stack is a perfect example of the idiocy these people spout, and if there is any justice then perhaps one of the few people on this site, from Kerry North or, Cork Central, tempted to give Stack their vote, they may think again.
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