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Interested in maladministration. Estd. 2005

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The Daily Sceptic

offsite link Anti-British Film Wins Bafta for Best British Debut Film Mon Feb 17, 2025 09:00 | Richard Eldred
A film about a Belfast rap group, brimming with anti-British themes and nods to Irish republicanism, has scooped the gong for Best British Debut at the Baftas.
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offsite link Why Are French Councils Spending Thousands Training Psychics to Ask Nearby Animals and Plants Their ... Mon Feb 17, 2025 07:00 | Steven Tucker
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offsite link News Round-Up Mon Feb 17, 2025 01:30 | Richard Eldred
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Amnesty International UK

category national | miscellaneous | news report author Wednesday October 23, 2002 16:31author by William Finnertyauthor email wfinnerty at eircom dot net Report this post to the editors

Arrest warrant issued ...

This is the most recent development in a long drawn out saga that has taken place over the past four years or so. Detailed background information of these developments has gradually been made available to the public on two experimental web sites I built up during the period in question, and the www "Front Page" locations of these two web sites has been given further down this page.

From: Mr. William Finnerty
St Albans
New Inn
County Galway
Republic of Ireland.
PLEASE NOTE: I am at present living in temporary accommodation outside the jurisdiction of the Republic of Ireland. Also, I wish to return to my home address in the Republic of Ireland as soon as possible.

To: Amnesty International UK
99-119 Rosebery Avenue
England EC1R 4RE

Date: Monday October 14th 2002

Subject: Systemic State corruption in the Republic of Ireland.

Medium: HTML (Internet) files on CD ROM.

Dear Sir/Madam,

My brother (Mr. Gerald Finnerty) informed me in a telephone conversation yesterday evening that a warrant has been issued for my arrest in the Republic of Ireland.

This is the most recent development in a long drawn out saga that has taken place over the past four years or so. Detailed background information of these developments has gradually been made available to the public on two experimental web sites I built up during the period in question, and the www "Front Page" locations of these two web sites has been given further down this page.

When I left the Republic of Ireland last Tuesday (October 8th 2002) both of the two web sites referred to above were operating normally. The following day however, I found that one of them (referred to as "Web Site 2" below) was very severely damaged, deliberately I suspect, in a way which suggests that the whole site consists of nothing more than meaningless rubbish.

Although the company (named "Techstore") which hosts the now damaged "Web Site 2" is based in the Republic of Ireland, I have reason to believe that the computers which actually host the site MIGHT be physically located in the United States.

Even though the difficulties connected with "Web Site 2" were reported by e-mail to the Chief of Police in the Republic of Ireland (Commissioner Pat Byrne) last Wednesday (October 9th 2002), the site was still appearing in its "rubbished" form when I checked it yesterday.

The "Web Site 1" Internet address (hosted by Eircom in the Irish Republic) is: http://homepage.eircom.net/~williamfinnerty/

The "Web Site 2" Internet address (hosted by Techstore) is:

Exact copies of the HTML files which make up the above two Internet web sites can be found on this CD.

The following link leads to the "Front Page" of the CD "Finnerty" (Web Site 1) site:


The link immediately below opens the "Front Page" for the CD version of "Web Site 2" - the site which now appears in "rubbished" form to members of the public who try to view its Front Page through the Internet:
"finnachta.com" Home Page

Though there are a number of references to Article 28A of the written Constitution of the Republic of Ireland in the above two web sites, the very significant role of Article 28A in connection with my difficulties is perhaps best illustrated on one of the pages of a web site I built earlier this year for a neighbour (named Mr. Brendan Kelly) in Ireland. It is for this reason that I have included on this CD an exact copy of Mr. Kelly's web site - as it was when I stopped working on it several months ago during the run-up to the last General Election (of last May) in the Republic of Ireland. The section dealing with Article 28A can be seen by clicking on the link below:
Item 1, Section 28A of Republic of Ireland written Constitution

As far as I know, the Internet version of Mr. Kelly's web site is still available on the Internet, and the www Front Page location for his site is:

In connection with all of the above I feel it is worth mentioning that when I tried to access "Web Site 1" from the main reference library in Birmingham City Centre last Wednesday evening (October 9th 2002), "Web Site 1" appeared to be entirely unavailable. Efforts I made to view all of the several "Web Site 1" pages I tried to access in the library resulted in a very brief "unacceptable material" message of some kind. I tried several of the computers now available for public use on the new "Peoples Network" in this library, and the result was always the same: unavailable. A little later that evening I found that the "unacceptable material" was all available in a nearby Internet Cafe. The www page address for "the peoplesnetwork" given on Birmingham City Council's literature is:

Later today I plan to send a copy of this CV to you through the registered post. Largely for the purpose of trying to protect myself, I will also be giving copies of it to a number of friends and acquaintances.

More than anything, I now feel I need good quality legal advice from a suitably experienced lawyer regarding the above matters. My hope is that Amnesty International will be able to provide me with such advice: either directly, or indirectly. Later this week I intend to telephone your 020 7814 6200 number for the purpose of discussing any help your organisation might be able to offer me. With regard to this request for help, I feel I should stress that I have no wish to discuss my present difficulties with lawyers who are (in effect) supportive of State corruption. Unfortunately, a major part of my present dilemma is that it now appears to me (after searching hard in the Republic of Ireland for the past four years or so) that the type of lawyer I am seeking might not exist.

A page which I produced just before leaving Ireland for the purpose of seeking legal advice can be see at:
E-mail letter dated October 5th 2002 to the Republic of Ireland Environment Protection Agency.

Finally, I would like to end this letter by saying that - FOR NO GOOD REASON WHATSOEVER - I feel I have been subjected to EXTREME psychological torture for a prolonged uninterrupted period regarding the above matters: which is now in the region of four years duration. Consequently, I need to ask you to PLEASE treat this matter urgently.


Mr. William Finnerty.

Web Site 1: http://homepage.eircom.net/~williamfinnerty/
Web Site 2: http://www.finnachta.com/

author by Tamerlanepublication date Thu Oct 24, 2002 10:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

**I found that one of them (referred to as "Web Site 2" below) was very severely damaged, deliberately I suspect, in a way which suggests that the whole site consists of nothing more than meaningless rubbish.**

But it always consisted of nothing more than meaningless rubbish.

author by IMC Dalekpublication date Thu Oct 24, 2002 10:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hey Billy boy I've talked to Dr Who & hes agreed to rescue you in the Tardis. He'll bring you back in time to the founding conferences of the UN so that you can convince them to include you in the Universal declaration of Human Rights.

There, that should solve your problems.

author by a fan of IMC dalekspublication date Thu Oct 24, 2002 13:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

that the BBC hold the intellectual copyright paraphenalia to the TARDIS / Blue Police Box.
Thus all income and monies deriving from use of the "brand image" of the "police box"/[TARDIS] will go to the BBC, as the "blue police telephone box / TARDIS" is associated in the public mind with Dr. Who now.
I have the phone number of Amnesty International´s legal advice team in my mobile, but since you have never replied to any emails even nice ones, I think you should stew a little longer. Particularly since one of those emails congratulated you on your work in face of such odds (criminalisation, disbelief, ridicule, psychological wear and tear).
I repeat it would be a good idea for you to print out your findings / accusations in hard copy and distribute them, or at least place them in a secure library as is your right under certain copyright legislation.
& for now, leave computers alone, they are obviously not helping you.
Solidarity is always there for those who extend it.
Soldarity is a "TWO WAY THING".

Related Link: http://ww.telegraph.co.uk
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