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The publication of a damning report on Ireland’s public services was delayed by EU until after polls closed![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() EU interferes with Irish electoral process by delaying important information that would have educated and informed the Irish electorate prior to casting their votes in the hope that it's preferred parties that "play ball" would do better from public ignorance of the actual results of the policies on citizens of these EU preferred parties. ![]() None other than that rag the Indo had a story on this, but then again it doesn't really matter much after the horse has bolted does it? However it does show that the EU has interests in certain parties doing better than others and that it is prepared to (and did) hold back important information that would have educated and informed the Irish electorate prior to casting their votes in the hope that it's preferred parties that "play ball" would do better from public ignorance of the actual results of the policies on citizens of these EU preferred parties. It follows logically that the EU is not actually interested in what is best for the ordinary people of Ireland, but in what is good for the rich , corporate and financial interests, and the continuation of their neoliberal plans without any inconvenient changes in the ruling class here. The sooner people wake up and realise that the EU does not work in their interests and we that need to get free of it and regain our sovereignty, the better. Hopefully the public, in becoming aware of cynical acts like this one will eventually become aware of the true nature and agenda of the EU. The publication of a damning report on Ireland’s public services was delayed until after polls closed tonight. |
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Jump To Comment: 2 1The investigation to all of this was triggered by Mick Wallace statements in the Dail last year.
The Belfast Newsletter are reporting on what was aired tonight and report that:
Frank Cushnahan has been secretly recorded by the BBC admitting that he was in line for money in an off shore account as part of the £1.3 billion sale of Nama’s Northern Ireland loans.
The rest of the report goes into details. Looks like there will be legal cases arising out of this.
The question though is this the only corrupt NAMA deal? And the answer has to be in all probability a big NO.
What if the Irish public had got to see the spotlight program on Project Arrow
during the week. I wonder would it have dented Noonan's vote: