International - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
Press Conference on: 'Impacts of Fracking'
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event notice
Thursday May 23, 2013 19:22
by No Fracking Ireland

Press Conference / Public welcome - Friday 24th - Dublin in Buswells Hotel - 4pm on Molesworth Street opposite Dail Entrance
How and Why the Irish EPA must ensure Human Health and our Environment are Protected Against the "Fracking" Industry
Internationally renowned researcher and campaigner Dr.Mariann Lloyd Smith and Juliet Duff, Chairperson of Irish Doctors Environmental Association on the impacts of 'fracking' (unconventional gas extraction)
Dr.Mariann Lloyd Smith is Senior Advisor to Australia's National Toxics Network and currently serves on the Technical Advisory Group of Australia's national industrial chemical regulator.
Further information here -
Juliet Duff, Chairperson of Irish Doctors Environmental Association
Further information here -
The Irish government is currently awaiting the publication of an EPA research report into "fracking" (shale gas extraction) before it decides on whether or not to allow companies to proceed with the controversial process.
Campaigners argue that the independent, scientific evidence and research is already available and that it strongly supports a call to ban the industry. Bans and moratoria have already been put in place in France, Bulgaria, South Africa, parts of Canada, Germany and many states in the U.S.
Here in Ireland five county councils have called on the government to ban fracking, and thousands have signed a petition supporting this.
Dr Mariann Lloyd-Smith is an Australian legal expert and senior advisor to both the Australian National Toxics Network (NTN), and to the International Persistent Organics Pollution (POPs) Elimination Network, which represents over 700 NGOs in over 100 countries committed to a toxics-free future.
She was a member of the UN Expert Group on Climate Change and Chemicals. She recently co-authored NTN’s report on the chemical impacts of hydraulic fracturing in the Australian shale and coal seam gas industry.
Dr.Mariann Lloyd Smith along with a member of Irish Doctors Environmental Association will be speaking about the already, substantial body of evidence stacked against the fracking industry.
NB - Dr Mariann Lloyd-Smith will also be speaking in Belfast on Saturday 25th - The Long Gallery, Parliament Buildings, Stormont - 2.30pm
Areas in Ireland that Govt intends to license for fracking