Dublin - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
EU Presidency Counter Summit 2013 15th to 17th of February
dublin |
anti-capitalism |
event notice
Saturday January 26, 2013 17:35
by Fred Engels

Weekend of Discussion on Austerity, Resistance and the Left Alternative
Friday Rally:Austerity – weapon not policy 7:30 – 10pm, Liberty Hall, Eden Quay, Dublin1
Chairperson: Paul Murphy MEP
Jimmy Kelly (UNITE)
Cllr Ruth Coppinger (Socialist Party & anti-property tax campaigner)
Owen Jones (Author of ‘Chavs: The demonisation of the Working Class)’
Andros Payiatsos (Greek Socialist)
Tommy Sheridan (Scottish Socialist)
Saturday Morning Commissions (choose one) 10am – 12pm
Greece: Golden Dawn and the threat of fascism
Andros Payiatsos
EU – European democracy or market dictatorship?
Kenneth Haar and Brendan Young
Saturday Afternoon Commissions (choose one) 1 – 3pm
‘Social’ or ‘Neo-liberal’? History and future of the EU
Owen Jones and Paul Murphy and Alex Gordon
Youth unemployment and workfare – a timebomb for capitalism?
Youth Fight for Jobs, Scambridge.ie speaker, Spanish Indignado
Sexism, Abortion Rights and Inequality in the Age of Austerity
Laurie Penny, Laura Fitzgerald, activist from Abortion rights campaigning
Saturday evening commissions (choose one) 3.30 – 5.30pm:
The media and the crisis – manufacturing consent
Tommy Sheridan
How the EU aids the occupation of Palestine
David Cronin, Zoe Lawlor (IPSC, recently returned from factfinding trip to Gaza) , Tanja Niemeier (Adviser on Trade – European United Left)
Two weapons of Austerity – Debt and Deflation
Dr. Andy Storey, Dr. Conor McCabe
Saturday Debate (6 – 8pm):
Alternatives to Austerity
6pm to 8pm, chairperson: Cllr. Ruth Coppinger
Joe Higgins TD (Socialist Party)
Eoin O’Broin (Sinn Fein)
Paul Dillon (Labour Party & Campaign for Labour Policies)
Richard Boyd Barrett (People Before Profit Alliance/SWP)
Sunday Commissions (choose one) 1 – 3pm
The militarisation of Europe
Roger Cole (PANA), Kevin Henry
Lessons of the poll tax battle
Tommy Sheridan, Cllr Mick Barry
Sunday Closing Rally:
Building Europe-wide resistance … the next steps
(3.30 – 5.30pm)
Kenneth Haar
Paul Murphy MEP
Italian Trade Unionst from FIOM
Alex Gordon (RMT union in UK)
Carmel Gates (NIPSA Northern Ireland)
Spanish Indignado
Liberty Hall, Eden Quay, Dublin1
Counter Summit 2013 is hosted by Paul Murphy, Socialist Party MEP for Dublin & GUE/NGL
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Jump To Comment: 2 1Thanks for the response..
A weekend of action would be nice. I'm not totally criticising you(s), but it would be nice to see action.