Anarchists welcome public sector strike on Wednesday Nov 30th
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press release
Monday November 28, 2011 13:12
by Workers Solidarity Movement PRO - Workers Solidarity Movement

and calls for “a mass militant campaign against all cuts and attacks on services”
Anarchist organisation Workers Solidarity Movement (WSM) has welcomed Wednesday’s public sector strike and called for this to be “the start of a sustained campaign of opposition to the government’s attacks on workers and the unemployed.”
Anarchist organisation Workers Solidarity Movement (WSM) has welcomed Wednesday’s public sector strike and called for this to be “the start of a sustained campaign of opposition to the government’s attacks on workers and the unemployed.”
“All of those who have built for and are going to take part in this action deserve huge congratulations,” said Sean Matthews, a WSM member based in Belfast. “Public sector workers are relied on every day to run the hospitals, schools, fire service, and all other public services that society depends on to function. Wednesday’s strike will show that when we withdraw our labour and stand together in defence of our rights we have real strength.”
“We know of course that the government is not going to back down after one day’s strike action,” said Mr. Matthews. “That’s why workers need to get organised and build for further strike action.”
“We also know that the leadership of the trade union movement cannot be relied on to organise the necessary action. That’s why we need to build a mass militant campaign which is opposed to all cuts and attacks on services, and which is controlled by rank and file workers.”
“Building such a campaign will not be easy. To do so we need to begin to organise workers and the unemployed in a real and meaningful way – organising and motivating public and private sector workers, as well as those currently out of work, to become involved in discussing, agreeing on and organising the tactics necessary to build resistance.”
“Wednesday’s strike is of crucial importance for all of us.” Mr. Matthews concluded. “A victory on the pensions for public sector workers will build confidence and help us all to build towards the fight needed to win a victory for all workers against government attacks on our living standards.”
Statement Ends
For confirmation or to arrange interview please contact Sean Matthews on
075 17933639
Note to Editor:-Workers Solidarity Movement (WSM) is an Irish anarchist organisation with members in Northern Irelandand the Republic. WSM members are actively involved in many community and trade union campaigns, and have been involved at local and workplace level, North and South, in building opposition to the government attempts to make workers and the unemployed pay for the financial crisis.
For more information about the WSM visit our website