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BBC Fakes Tripoli Video

category international | anti-war / imperialism | opinion/analysis author Thursday August 25, 2011 12:58author by Declan Cullen - None Report this post to the editors

Once again the BBC has proven that it is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the British Government with its latest video proclaiming to be victory celebrations in Tripoli.

Once again the BBC has proven that it is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the British Government with its latest video proclaiming to be victory celebrations in Tripoli.

If you examine the video closely you will notice that people are waving Indian flags and that they are in fact wearing indian style clothing and look Indian. The last time I checked an Atlas India was not on the continent of Africa.

Nor is this just a case of the wrong video loaded by the BBC, because they had added the caption 'Live Tripoli'. It looks more like a crowd celebrating after a cricket match win or something. Watching the video they don't have the sort of adrenaline you expect from something as terrifying as a combat zone.

People from now on will have to question or even disregard everything we are told by the likes of BBC, CNN, Sky News, etc, and start viewing articles and videos contained on all the other alternative, non - corporate controlled, media sources. Such as the one you are all viewing now.

I have provided a link to the BBC video so you can see for yourself the deception at play.

I remember Hilary Clinton saying recently that the US Government is losing the information war. Seeing the low levels the mainstream media will sink to, I think she's right.

featured image
Flag of India
featured image
Flag of Libya

Related Link:

Screen shot 1 from video showing Indian flags
Screen shot 1 from video showing Indian flags

Screen shot 2 from video showing Indian flags
Screen shot 2 from video showing Indian flags

Caption: Video Id: R_-lzI8I0_0 Type: Youtube Video
Recording made of Wednesday Aug 23rd BBC Breakfast TV program

author by Dpublication date Fri Aug 26, 2011 13:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I saw the programme and the BBC presenter made a clear apology for showing the Indian scene a few minutes later. It is therefore unreasonable to suggest that it was anything other than a genuine mistake.

author by no it isn'tpublication date Fri Aug 26, 2011 14:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It is therefore unreasonable to suggest that it was anything other than a genuine mistake.

No it is not - the BBC are the Paid propaganda wing of the British State - the British state is a present engaged in the bombing of innocent Libyans - so it is not at all inconceivable that the Paid propaganda wing of the British State would engage in such falsification

They certainly have previous-form in this respect - during the Tibet civil disturbances a few years ago the BBC, the Paid propaganda wing of the British State, frequently showed footage of riots in from Nepal, (i.e.: NOT Tibet) which they misrepresented as being footage from Tibet.

They also did something similar during the civil disturbances in Iran when they were caught showing photos of a massive crowd attending a pro-Gov't rally in Tehran which they claimed at the time was a massive crowd attending an Anti-Gov't rally in Tehran. They simply cropped out of the photo some of the pro-Gov't signs being held-up by the crowd. THAT photo cropping was not a mistake, but a deliberate action by someone int he BBC News Dept.

author by No it isn'tpublication date Fri Aug 26, 2011 14:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

the BBC presenter made a clear apology for showing the Indian scene a few minutes later

your statement is simply untrue - I saw the same program, and immediately noticed the Indian flags in the crowd, and NO announcement and apology was made during the programs broadcast -

The BBC, Paid propaganda wing of the British State , only made an apology for the 'mistake' a day AFTER they were caught falsifying the video report

author by Serfpublication date Fri Aug 26, 2011 14:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Qyestion: how many people saw the video but didn't see the apology??

this is a standard media tactic when they have no good evidence for something and need to cover their asses legally but still want to misinform . As used in an "investigative" video about gypsy begging rings on TV3 recently.

In that video almost the entire thing consisted of innuendo and interviews with right wing assholes that implied that there were almost certainly begging rings. then in the last 2 minutes of a 1 hour show they pointed out that actually it was all not true and there was no evidence to support this theory.

But the point was that most people had gotten bored long before the end and switched over to some celebrity guff before the last 2 minutes and would have been left with the impression that there WERE roma begging rings all over the place, then probably kicked a beggar the next day on the way to work .and laughed about it with their friends in work.who didn't see the last two minutes of the show either. Yet TV3 had their evil racist asses totally covered by the last 2 minutes

author by An Draighneán Donnpublication date Sun Aug 28, 2011 03:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I think from a Freudian point of view, it's clear that the BBC have such an emotional need to see scenes like this in Libya, and such an emotional rejection of the possibility that real Libyan people consider this NATO invasion an horrific rape, that when they see any piece of film of happy brown people, from any part of the world, they - for a moment - completely fail to even notice such details as flags and location. The BBC are saying: this is what Libyan people SHOULD feel like. Of course, ultimately, for the Anglo-Saxon ruling class and their cowardly footmen in the media, all brown people are the same.

author by FFSpublication date Sun Aug 28, 2011 15:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

CNN in Libya faking an attack on their location - note the sound of gunfire - the sound remains the same, same loudness etc, even though the CNN group are driving rapidly away from the site. Note also that one guy stands on the roadside, nonchalantly chatting away on his mobile while supposedly under-fire

Caption: Video Id: ElwGIC1eR4A Type: Youtube Video
CNN faking attcks in Libya

author by BBC=Propagandapublication date Mon Aug 29, 2011 01:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"It is not necessary to bury the truth. It is sufficient merely to delay it until nobody cares". - Napoléon Bonaparte.

While the Nato-Financed Al Qeada-linked Mercenaries in Libya are murdering any and all that might have supported Ghaddafi the execrable BBC (Propaganda wing of the NATO-Member British State, currently bombing Libya) publishes a concern-troll 'story' (and a story is all it is) titled "Libya rebels fear for Gaddafi prisoners"

Remember that there is photographic evidence of these NATO-Financed Al Qeada 'rebels' murdering prisoners who have had their hands cuffed.

But the BBC thinks it's Ghaddafi that might murder prisoners and makes absolutely no mention of the 'rebels' murdering prisoners.

Consider also the details of this ridiculous piece of BBC propaganda - the story states that

Libyan rebels say they are concerned over the fate of thousands of prisoners held in Tripoli by the Gaddafi regime.

Rebel military spokesman Col Ahmed Omar Bani said almost 50,000 people arrested in recent months were unaccounted for.

The rebels believe they may be being held in underground bunkers, which have since been abandoned.

This figure of 50,000 is pure nonsense - - 50,000 people take up a LOT of space, dead or alive, you cannot hide that number of people, or their bodies. Mass-Graves would show up pretty quickly. right now there must be at least 4 or 5 satellites, at an absolute minimum, trained on Libya, so where are these mythical 50,000 people being held?

Note that the BBC thought of that so they inserted complete nonsense about "they may be being held in underground bunkers" - pure nonsense - anyone that swallows such nonsense should consider themselves bona-fide morons

Rights groups have seen evidence that dozens of people have been massacred near prisons, but Col Bani did not accuse anyone of killing the prisoners.

Yes, because as France 24 have told us It is the NATO-Financed 'rebels' who are massacring these people. -

"The number of people arrested over the past months is estimated at between 57,000 and 60,000," he said in a news conference in Benghazi.

"Between 10,000 and 11,000 prisoners have been freed up until now... so where are the others?"

The colonel appealed for anyone with information to come forward, and said it would be "catastrophic" if they had been killed.

These 'rebels' (NATO-Financed Al Qeada mercenaries) are simply laying the groundwork for when evidence of massacres becomes undeniable - they can simply point the finger at Ghaddafi, and claim that the murders the rebels themselves are RIGHT NOW committing, are actually these non-existent 50,000 'disappeared'

And the BBC is happily helping them do this - some arse-head hack named Jon Lynne writes

Those still missing are many of the tens of thousands of Libyans rounded up since the start of the revolution on 17 February. They include protesters, both from Tripoli and elsewhere in the country.

The opposition insist they have kept detailed records.
[ O'Rly? And how exactly did they do this? The 'rebels' rolled in from the East - they had almost NO structure in Tripoli. How exactly did they keep "detailed records" of anonymous people in crowds in Tripoli being arrested?]

So they know that 57,000-60,000 Libyans were arrested, but so far only 11,000 are accounted for.

The fear is that the rest are still trapped in secret underground prison bunkers, where they have been abandoned by their captors since the opposition overran Tripoli. It's a race against time to find and to release them.

More of the 'seekrit underground bunker' crap - the BBC must think everyone is an idiot to even think they could get away with this shite.

What kind of moron would swallow this drivel?

author by BBC=Propagandapublication date Mon Aug 29, 2011 01:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"It is not necessary to bury the truth. It is sufficient merely to delay it until nobody cares". - Napoléon Bonaparte.

While the Nato-Financed Al Qeada-linked Mercenaries in Libya are murdering any and all that might have supported Ghaddafi the execrable BBC (Propaganda wing of the NATO-Member British State, currently bombing Libya) publishes a concern-troll 'story' (and a story is all it is) titled "Libya rebels fear for Gaddafi prisoners"

Remember that there is photographic evidence of these NATO-Financed Al Qeada 'rebels' murdering prisoners who have had their hands cuffed.

But the BBC thinks it's Ghaddafi that might murder prisoners and makes absolutely no mention of the 'rebels' murdering prisoners.

Consider also the details of this ridiculous piece of BBC propaganda - the story states that

Libyan rebels say they are concerned over the fate of thousands of prisoners held in Tripoli by the Gaddafi regime.

Rebel military spokesman Col Ahmed Omar Bani said almost 50,000 people arrested in recent months were unaccounted for.

The rebels believe they may be being held in underground bunkers, which have since been abandoned.

This figure of 50,000 is pure nonsense - - 50,000 people take up a LOT of space, dead or alive, you cannot hide that number of people, or their bodies. Mass-Graves would show up pretty quickly. right now there must be at least 4 or 5 satellites, at an absolute minimum, trained on Libya, so where are these mythical 50,000 people being held?

Note that the BBC thought of that so they inserted complete nonsense about "they may be being held in underground bunkers" - pure nonsense - anyone that swallows such nonsense should consider themselves bona-fide morons

Rights groups have seen evidence that dozens of people have been massacred near prisons, but Col Bani did not accuse anyone of killing the prisoners.

Yes, because as France 24 have told us It is the NATO-Financed 'rebels' who are massacring these people. -

"The number of people arrested over the past months is estimated at between 57,000 and 60,000," he said in a news conference in Benghazi.

"Between 10,000 and 11,000 prisoners have been freed up until now... so where are the others?"

The colonel appealed for anyone with information to come forward, and said it would be "catastrophic" if they had been killed.

These 'rebels' (NATO-Financed Al Qeada mercenaries) are simply laying the groundwork for when evidence of massacres becomes undeniable - they can simply point the finger at Ghaddafi, and claim that the murders the rebels themselves are RIGHT NOW committing, are actually these non-existent 50,000 'disappeared'

And the BBC is happily helping them do this - some arse-head hack named Jon Lynne writes

Those still missing are many of the tens of thousands of Libyans rounded up since the start of the revolution on 17 February. They include protesters, both from Tripoli and elsewhere in the country.

The opposition insist they have kept detailed records.
[ O'Rly? And how exactly did they do this? The 'rebels' rolled in from the East - they had almost NO structure in Tripoli. How exactly did they keep "detailed records" of anonymous people in crowds in Tripoli being arrested?]

So they know that 57,000-60,000 Libyans were arrested, but so far only 11,000 are accounted for.

The fear is that the rest are still trapped in secret underground prison bunkers, where they have been abandoned by their captors since the opposition overran Tripoli. It's a race against time to find and to release them.

More of the 'seekrit underground bunker' crap - the BBC must think everyone is an idiot to even think they could get away with this shite.

What kind of moron would swallow this drivel?

author by Des - Nonepublication date Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This 'story' is also headlined on the RTE website. It is good to know that standards are being maintained.

author by Serfpublication date Mon Aug 29, 2011 19:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

so what you are saying in a nutshell is:

the BBC are creating a cover story blaming Gadaffi that will help cover up for (50000-11000=) 39000 of the people going missing.

39000 of the People who are currently being massacred by the US/NATO backed rebels

And RTE are pushing this cover story too.

And we are paying a licence fee for this??

author by Des - Nonepublication date Mon Aug 29, 2011 20:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Yes Serf, we are actually paying a fee in order to subsidise imperialist propaganda, courtesy of the 'serfs' in Montrose.

author by An DDpublication date Mon Aug 29, 2011 21:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Ever since the invasions of Iraq and Afganistan, the RTÉ media whores have been bombarding their viewers with films and programs glorifying British imperialism and British militarism. WE have already seen the results of this vile campaign - gullible young Irish men returning in body bags to Ireland from imperial adventures in far off lands. Historically, Ireland was one of the main sources of cannon fodder for the British army. The whores in RTÉ are determined that this will become the case again. The Race for Africa is now back on - Irish dupes are to play their part in winning oil, land and resources for the Anglo-Saxon ruling classes.

author by More Fakepublication date Tue Aug 30, 2011 08:45author address author phone Report this post to the editors

There is more evidence of a different type of faking by Al Jazeera and Sky News which apparently played on Sun Aug 21st.

It appears an actual fake Green Square was setup in Doha (home of Al Jazeera) and then they had some rebel supporters obviously pretending they were celebrating. Watching the video which was taken at night, I must say it even looks like a set and the crowd look like they are acting.

Here is some of the text taken from the link below which is covering this.
First off, let’s see a recording of a show aired on the Libyan state television on 17 Aug, just four days before the incident. In it, we are told that parts of Tripoli have been reproduced in Qatar, to be used as a scenery for fake proof of the fall of Tripoli.

The relatively small crowd in the video seems to be there solely for the camera. We are reminded a lot of the staged toppling of Saddam’s statue in April 2003, which Robert Fisk called “the most staged photo-opportunity since Iwo Jima.”

@GrayCardinal1 noted that there haven’t been any daytime pictures from today showing rebels cheering inside Tripoli. He suggested that the scenery works better for nighttime shots. He also suggested that Al Jazeera has prepared fake footage showing victorious rebels in front of the Bab al-Azizia compound, which it is yet to air.

Reported here:

And below

Comparison of Fake Green Sq Doha and Tripoli
Comparison of Fake Green Sq Doha and Tripoli

Related Link:
author by An DDpublication date Tue Aug 30, 2011 20:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It's a pity Boudrillard is not still alive - he would have seen that even his most wild speculation about the total destruction of reality by the ruling classes and their media, and the total gullibility of the sheeple, was actually not wild enough...

author by Tpublication date Tue Aug 30, 2011 21:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Yes, indeed that is what you are reading but they give it a positive spin because they even say it helped to get 11 new countries to accept the NTC.

See for yourself the translated subtitles on the video.

Sourced from link below.
M Abdeljalil admits that they NTC lied and with the support of international media CNN, Al jazeera, Al Arabya, etc with the aim acquiring more support from other countries

Did NATO and the NTC used fake video to manipulate public opinion about The fall of Tripoli?

Caption: Video Id: y0hGcHTB6fc Type: Youtube Video
NTC admits fall of Tripoli video was fake

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