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The Saker
A bird's eye view of the vineyard

offsite link Alternative Copy of thesaker.is site is available Thu May 25, 2023 14:38 | Ice-Saker-V6bKu3nz
Alternative site: https://thesaker.si/saker-a... Site was created using the downloads provided Regards Herb

offsite link The Saker blog is now frozen Tue Feb 28, 2023 23:55 | The Saker
Dear friends As I have previously announced, we are now “freezing” the blog.  We are also making archives of the blog available for free download in various formats (see below). 

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Public Inquiry
Interested in maladministration. Estd. 2005

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Human Rights in Ireland
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Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

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The post Has the Pro-Trans Side Lost the Culture War in Britain? appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

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offsite link The Covid Conspiracy of Silence Nobody is Talking About Mon Jun 17, 2024 20:00 | Will Jones
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Demands of Iraqi Women In Exile

category national | miscellaneous | news report author Tuesday May 27, 2003 14:55author by Iraqi Women's Leagueauthor email lppc at ukonline dot co dot uk Report this post to the editors

The Iraqi Women's League in the UK has asked the Global Women's Strike in Ireland to publicise their letter to the then International Development Secretary, Clare Short. She said she would meet with them but then never followed up. Her successor has still not responded........... Dear Clare Short We are writing to ask for an urgent meeting to raise a number of issues with you. We are a group of Iraqi women in exile who have come together at the initiative of the Iraqi Women’s League (IWL). IWL started in 1952 in Iraq and has been active in the UK since 1979 providing support and practical help to Iraqi women in exile. Many of us have family in Iraq. Until the start of the war we were in daily contact but now the telephone lines are down and we don’t know what is happening. We are desperately worried about their safety

Iraqi Women League - UK
Fax: 020 7833 3970 Tel: 020 7278 5629
E-Mail: lppc@ukonline.co.uk

Clare Short
Secretary of State for International Development
1 Palace Street
London SW1E 5HE

14 April 2003

Dear Clare Short

We are writing to ask for an urgent meeting to raise a number of issues with you. We are a group of Iraqi women in exile who
have come together at the initiative of the Iraqi Women’s League (IWL). IWL started in 1952 in Iraq and has been active in the
UK since 1979 providing support and practical help to Iraqi women in exile.

Many of us have family in Iraq. Until the start of the war we were in daily contact but now the telephone lines are down and we
don’t know what is happening. We are desperately worried about their safety and welfare. In some cases we don’t know
whether our families are alive. We know, as you must, that in many places there is no safe drinking water, food, electricity and
inadequate or non-existent medical care. Women are desperately trying to care for the injured, the sick and young children in
these horrendous conditions and many are effectively imprisoned in their own homes because of fear of attack. Many more
people will die, especially, children, older people, the injured and mothers unless help is received within the next few days. We
want to know whether we will see as much money and dedication put into saving lives as there was into the bombing.

The issues we wish to raise are:

1. The UN should immediately be in charge of the reconstruction of Iraq and delivering humanitarian aid. The US and
UK must end their occupation and let the UN set up an interim administration.

2. Food and safe water must urgently be provided for each woman, child and man. This should be given directly to
women, the primary carers, not to who is assumed to be the head of the household.

3. Priority for food and water must be given to breast-feeding mothers to protect their milk supply, and thus ensuring
the survival of both mothers and small children. Baby milk formula must not be provided in aid packages as it results
in illness and the death of babies.

4. Urgent provision of medical supplies. These must be based on what Iraqi nurses and doctors say is needed rather
than allowing the pharmaceutical companies to decide what they want to send.

5. Immediate restoration of water facilities, electricity and telephone lines.

6. Provision of a welfare system as people are now without an income and the most vulnerable people such as single
mothers, elderly people and those with disabilities are the main sufferers.

7. The reconstruction should be carried out by Iraqi people with active support of the UN, not by US owned companies
or other multi-nationals.

8. The reconstruction should be paid for by the countries which waged this war rather than by the Iraqi people. The oil
revenue should not be used to pay for reconstruction because it is required for the well-being of the Iraqi people who
have suffered so much.

9. A date must be set now for free elections under the supervision of the UN. No leaders should be imposed from
outside. Iraqi people should be allowed to decide on their constitution.

10. Urgent cleaning up of cluster bombs and depleted uranium, paid for by those responsible for unleashing these
weapons which will otherwise kill and maim Iraqi people, particularly children and unborn babies, for generations to
come, massively increasing women’s suffering and workload.

11. Release of all political prisoners, and revealing the fate of the “disappeared”. We are particularly concerned about
thousands of women imprisoned under the Saddam Hussain regime. We have raised this issue before with the UK

12. Right of return for all displaced, deported women, children, men and their families, no forced return of exiled people.
Ensuring the right of full citizenship for people returning to Iraq.

13. Protection of women's rights according to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against
Women and the Convention for the Prevention of Violence Against Women.

14. Protection of children's rights according to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Can you please contact us immediately with a date to meet? We have asked representatives of the Global Women’s Strike to
be part of our delegation. We share their belief in ‘Invest in caring not killing’, and approached them for help. We have been
working together to make visible the cost of war and sanctions to our communities in Iraq beginning with women and children,
and our needs. We urgently await your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Clair Cohen
Nawal Karim
Haifa Zangena

author by Irish Americanpublication date Tue May 27, 2003 16:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Didn't Claire Short resign?

And what were those Iraqi women doing while Uday was raping women?

author by Raymond McInerneypublication date Tue May 27, 2003 17:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Thursday, May 22, 2003 ::
Good news :
Any Iraqis reading this? Spread the word. If you have family, relatives, friends in Baghdad and their phone number starts with [555] [556] [557] you can call them form wherever you are. Normal international call. An ingenious Iraqi communication engineer put up a dish on top of the Dawoodi exchange and set up a number of phone booths for people to make phone calls abroad. Cheaper than the Thuraya sharks. They have banners on the Dawoodi exchange building saying “communication with the outside world possible here”.
The happy side-effect is that when there isn’t too much traffic the calls get directed as usual to your phone at home if you are on that particular exchange. He is making the south-western district of Baghdad very happy. Anyway. If you are an Iraqi or know one, spread the word. Start dialing.
Update : the Dawoodi exchange has been linked to the exchanges in Baghdad-al-jadeeda, Amin and Zayoona areas. These are numbers starting with [77X], I guess you should try anything within Baghdad that does not start with [541 or 542]. We can’t call you from home but you can call us.

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