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Missing CD ROMs ???

category national | miscellaneous | news report author Thursday October 24, 2002 18:32author by William Finnerty Report this post to the editors

Where are they now ?

Amnesty International UK say they did not receive two CDs ROMS sent to them on October 14th 2002. The UK Post Office claims that the small packet (sent through the Royal Mail "Special Delivery" service) containing the two CD ROMs was satisfactorily delivered on October 15th 2002.

From: "Billy Finnerty"
To: winchestercab@care4free.net
CC: billyfinnerty1945@hotmail.com, nicola.simpson@nacab.org.uk, newinngalway@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: Re: Amnesty International UK and the missing CDs.
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 09:39:32 +0000

Dear Mrs Meadows,

I am very grateful to you for the CAB (Citizens Advice Bureau) letter which was sent on my behalf to the Director of Amnesty International UK on October 22nd 2002.

In the meantime, I have tried to make my difficulties better know to a wider world; and consequently the basic text information I sent to Amnesty International on October 14th 2002 was published yesterday (October 23rd 2002) by the Internet "Indymedia" publishing organisation at the following www page location: http://www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=211951

As you may already know, Indymedia seem to specialise in publishing information which the normal media tend to ignore.

Rightly or otherwise, I'm inclined to believe that the more people who know about my "political" difficulties, the safer I will be: both physically and mentally.


William Finnerty.


From: "Winchester CAB"
To: "Billy Finnerty"
Subject: Re: Amnesty International UK and the missing CDs.
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 15:05:07 +0100

Apologies Mr Finnerty, what you received was our automatic response email. We receive very many requests for information by email and to save our resources we are only able to answer the ones from our area. However, if clients telephone, write, fax or drop in we do not ask this question.

We confirm receipt of the CD ROM and below is the text of the letter send today to Amnesty International.

The Director
Amnesty International
99-119 Rosebery Avenue
London EC1R 4RE

Our Ref: TB/Finnerty

Dear Sir/Madam

We have been asked by our client, Mr. William Finnerty, to write to you asking for your help over his legal problems in Ireland.

He was accused of assault when he shouted at an official at the home of his brother in Ireland, and felt that he would not receive justice there, as he feels that the law supports the State. He came to the U.K. and the case was held in his absence. He understands that there is now a warrant for his arrest outstanding.

We understand that he has written and sent e-mails to you but not received a reply. We would be grateful if you could let him know if you are able to help him in this matter, and please get in touch with us if we can give you more information regarding this case.

Yours faithfully,

Jenny Meadows (Mrs)
Bureau Manager

Jenny Meadows, Bureau Manager
Winchester Citizens Advice Bureau
The Winchester Centre, 68 St Georges Street, Winchester, SO23 8AH
Tel: 01962 848000 Fax: 01962 848005
Opening hours: Mon/Wed/Thurs 10-4, Tues/Fri 10-1


----- Original Message -----

From: "Billy Finnerty"
To: ;
Cc: ; ;
; ;
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 12:43 PM
Subject: Amnesty International UK and the missing CDs

To: Citizens Advice Bureau (Winchester, Hampshire, England.)

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your e-mail dated October 21st 2002.

With reference to your point 1, please note that I am neither living nor working in the Winchester Council local authority area at the present time. Consequently, and as suggested, I will contact the local CAB where I am now staying (probably within the coming few days).

With reference to your point 2, and allowing for the possibility that I might need to return to live in the Winchester area sometime within the coming few months or so, I am entirely happy for you (and the CAB Head Office in London) to store all of the information I supply you with regarding my request for help. Unless I am advised otherwise, I will assume that the two copies of the Amnesty International CD named "Oct 14 2002" I sent to you last Saturday (October 19th 2002) through the Royal Mail "SPECIAL DELIVERY" service to your office in Winchester, and to the London CAB Head Office, have now been received.

Also, and as it is the case that I feel I have nothing whatsoever to hide (or feel ashamed of), please be aware that I am entirely happy for the CAB to copy all or any of the information I send to you to ANYBODY you wish.

I would like to STRESS that I do not believe I have committed ANY crime of any significance worth talking about in ANY jurisdiction. I also believe that the warrant issued for my arrest in the Republic of Ireland on October 9th 2002 is simply a PLOY to keep me out of the country - and a direct result of my efforts at trying to challenge State corruption in the Republic of Ireland during the past four years or so. And, had I attended the court on October 9th 2002, I very strongly suspect that I would have been CORRUPTLY saddled with a criminal conviction for assault (and possibly imprisoned as well): purely for the purpose of discrediting me and the work I have done in connection with the type of SYSTEMATIC State corruption I am now battling against: which appears more and more disgusting to me as events progress.

It seems wholly unacceptable to me that people like myself who try their best to live within the limits of the law should have to witness their own government blatantly break it, and abuse it, for no good reason that I know of. I think it would have to be a very dull person who reads the relevant information on the Amnesty International CD named "Oct 14 2002" I have now provided you (and others) with, and who at the same time fails to see through the basics of how the perpetrators and supporters (active and passive) of State corruption go about their grisly business: apparently with no qualms whatsoever regarding the damage they are selfishly and unlawfully inflicting on law-abiding people such as myself.

Though my request for help is URGENT, I believe it has now been allowed - through no fault of mine (or yours) – to grow far too complex to be dealt with satisfactorily on the telephone: certainly not as far as my personal interests (and legal rights) are concerned.

Please note that I made enquiries at a Royal Mail Post Office yesterday regarding the small packet containing the two CDs I sent to Amnesty International UK on October 14th 2002; and, the Post Office lady I spoke with informed me that the packet WAS delivered to the Amnesty International "Rosebery Avenue" address on October 15th 2002. She also very kindly provided me with written evidence to support what she told me.

As I trust you will understand, it is now a COMPLETE MYSTERY to me as to why Amnesty International UK advised me (on October 17th 2002) that they "have not received any CD" from me: please see a copy of the e-mail I received from Amnesty International UK dated October 17th 2002 below.

I would also like you to note that I sent a copy of the Amnesty International CD named "Oct 14 2002" through the registered post last Friday (October 18th 2002) to Mr John O'Sullivan (at www.techstore.ie in the Republic of Ireland) which contains the files he needs to undo the large-scale damage which first appeared on my www.finnachta.com web site on October 8th or 9th 2002. Consequently, I am expecting the www.finnachta.com web site to soon be restored to the way it was on the day I felt forced to leave the Republic of Ireland - on October 8th 2002. (Techstore is the Republic of Ireland company responsible for hosting the www.finnachta.com Internet site.)

I would like to thank the CAB again for help I have been given to date.

Finally, I would like to reiterate that I wish to return to the Republic of Ireland as soon as possible. My only home, and almost all of my belongings are now located there. In addition, I am very conscious of my greatly increased living expenses since I removed myself from the Republic of Ireland jurisdiction on the day before the October 9th 2002 court hearing. I would ask those concerned to note that ALL costs to date connected with my challenge to State corruption over the past four years or so have come from own personal savings - which were originally put to one side for my retirement.


Mr William Finnerty.

PS: The e-mail address in the CC section of this e-mail is for the Chief of Police in the Republic of Ireland (Commissioner Pat Byrne); and, the agswr@iol.ie > above CC e-mail address is for Police Inspector O'Riordan in Galway City.


From: "Billy Finnerty"
To: winchestercab@care4free.net
CC: nicola.simpson@nacab.org.uk, billyfinnerty1945@hotmail.com,
Subject: Amnesty International UK
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2002 16:18:36 +0000

To: Trish (Citizens Advice Bureau, 68 St George's Street, Winchester, England SO23 8AH.)


Thank you for your efforts at trying to help me yesterday.

As you can see below, I received an e-mail this morning from Amnesty International UK stating that they have NOT received the CDs I sent to them. The two CDs in question (both containing identical electronic information) were sent by me on October 14th 2002 to the Amnesty International address at 99-119 Rosebery Avenue, London EC1R 4RE; and, as I showed you yesterday, the Royal Mail "specialdelivery" reference for the small packet containing the CDs is: SU 4681 0908 6GB.

As I also mentioned to you yesterday, I called into the Amnesty International Office myself on Rosebery Avenue last Thursday Morning (October 17th 2002) at around 11.30, and asked the lady on reception if she could confirm that the registered packet I sent to them on October 14th 2002 had been received. She declined to give me this information, and she also declined to give me her name. (It was the same receptionist who later advised me to seek help regarding my difficulties from the Citizens Advice Bureaux Registered Office in nearby Pentonville Road.)

After leaving your office yesterday, the thought crossed my mind that the people at Amnesty International you and I have spoken with regarding my difficulties may be very junior in the organisation. Consequently, and allowing for the fact that the lawyer you spoke to while I was with you yesterday believes that I could VERY easily be extradited back to the Republic of Ireland (and that as things stand I have no real defence against this), I now believe it might be helpful if the Citizens Advice Bureaux could try to discuss my problems with someone more senior at Amnesty International ?

With the contents of the paragraph immediately above in mind, I intend to send you a copy of the CD (I sent to Amnesty International on October 14th 2002) to you later today. I will also send a copy to the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux, 115-123 Pentonville Road, London N1 9LZ.

It would be much appreciated if both Citizens Advice Bureaux Offices (Winchester and Pentonville Road) could let me have written acknowledgement of receipt for the CDs in question as soon as possible after they are received - either by replying to this Hotmail e-mail address, or, by writing to the following postal address:
Mr William Finnerty, "St Albans", New Inn, Ballinasloe, County Galway, Republic of Ireland.


Mr William Finnerty.


From: information@amnesty.org.uk
To: "Billy Finnerty"
Subject: Re: Systemic State corruption (Republic of Ireland)
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 14:07:41 +0100

Dear Bill,

We have not received any CD.

We would suggest that you contact our office in Ireland, or our Research Headquarters. Details can be found at:

Yours sincerely,

Information and Publicity Office
Amnesty International UK


Mr William Finnerty.


From: "Billy Finnerty"
To: information@amnesty.org.uk
CC: billyfinnerty1945@hotmail.com, comstaff@iol.ie, agswr@iol.ie,
Subject: Systemic State corruption (Republic of Ireland)
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 16:46:23 +0000

Dear Sir/Madam,

Earlier today I sent a letter to you through the "Special Delivery" post which contains the CD referred to in the text below.

I hope you will be able to help me, and bring to an end all of the nonsense and torture I am being subjected to for no GOOD reason.


Mr. William Finnerty.

From: Mr. William Finnerty
St Albans
New Inn
County Galway
Republic of Ireland.

PLEASE NOTE: I am at present living in temporary accommodation outside the jurisdiction of the Republic of Ireland. Also, I wish to return to my home address in the Republic of Ireland as soon as possible.

To: Amnesty International UK
99-119 Rosebery Avenue
England EC1R 4RE

Date: Monday October 14th 2002

Subject: Systemic State corruption in the Republic of Ireland.

Medium: HTML (Internet) files on CD ROM.

Dear Sir/Madam,

My brother (Mr. Gerald Finnerty) informed me in a telephone conversation yesterday evening that a warrant has been issued for my arrest in the Republic of Ireland.

This is the most recent development in a long drawn out saga that has taken place over the past four years or so. Detailed background information of these developments has gradually been made available to the public on two experimental web sites I built up during the period in question, and the www "Front Page" locations of these two web sites has been given further down this page.

When I left the Republic of Ireland last Tuesday (October 8th 2002) both of the two web sites referred to above were operating normally. The following day however, I found that one of them (referred to as "Web Site 2" below) was very severely damaged, deliberately I suspect, in a way which suggests that the whole site consists of nothing more than meaningless rubbish.

Although the company (named "Techstore") which hosts the now damaged "Web Site 2" is based in the Republic of Ireland, I have reason to believe that the computers which actually host the site MIGHT be physically located in the United States.

Even though the difficulties connected with "Web Site 2" were reported by e-mail to the "Internet Service Provider", and to the Chief of Police in the Republic of Ireland (Commissioner Pat Byrne) last Wednesday (October 9th 2002), the site was still appearing in its "rubbished" form when I checked it yesterday (October 13th 2002).

The "Web Site 1" Internet address (hosted by Eircom in the Irish Republic) is: http://homepage.eircom.net/~williamfinnerty/

The "Web Site 2" Internet address (hosted by Techstore) is:

Exact copies of the HTML files which make up the above two Internet websites can be found on this CD.

The following link leads to the "Front Page" of the CD "Finnerty" (WebSite1) site:


The link immediately below opens the "Front Page" for the CD version of "Web Site 2" - the site which now appears in "rubbished" form to members of the public who try to view its Front Page through the Internet:
"finnachta.com" Home Page

Though there are a number of references to Article 28A of the written Constitution of the Republic of Ireland in the above two web sites, the very significant role of Article 28A in connection with my difficulties is perhaps best illustrated on one of the pages of a web site I built earlier this year for a neighbour (named Mr. Brendan Kelly) in Ireland. It is for this reason that I have included on this CD an exact copy of Mr. Kelly's web site - as it was when I stopped working on it several months ago during the run-up to the last General Election (of last May) in the Republic of Ireland. The section dealing with Article 28A can be seen by clicking on the link below:
Item 1, Section 28A of Republic of Ireland written constitution.

As far as I know, the Internet version of Mr. Kelly's web site is still available on the Internet, and the www Front Page location for his site is:

In connection with all of the above I feel it is worth mentioning that when I tried to access "Web Site 1" from the main reference library in Birmingham City Centre last Wednesday evening (October 9th 2002), "Web Site 1" appeared to be entirely unavailable. Efforts I made to view all of the Several "Web Site 1" pages I tried to access in the library resulted in a very brief "unacceptable material" message of some kind. I tried several of the computers now available for public use on the new Peoples Network" in this library, and the result was always the same: unavailable. A little later that evening I found that the "unacceptable material" was all available in a nearby Internet cafe. The www page address for "the peoplesnetwork" given on Birmingham City Council's literature is:

Later today I plan to send a copy of this CD ROM to you through the registered post. Largely for the purpose of trying to protect myself, I will also be giving copies of it to a number of friends and acquaintances.

More than anything, I now feel I need good quality legal advice from a suitably experienced lawyer regarding the above matters. My hope is that Amnesty International will be able to provide me with such advice: either directly, or indirectly. Later this week I intend to telephone your 020 7814 6200 number for the purpose of discussing any help your organisation might be able to offer me. With regard to this request for help, I feel I should stress that I have no wish to discuss my present difficulties with lawyers who are (in effect) supportive of State corruption. Unfortunately, a major part of my present dilemma is that it now appears to me (after searching hard in the Republic of Ireland for the past four years or so) that the type of lawyer I am seeking might not exist.

A page which I produced just before leaving Ireland for the purpose of seeking legal advice can be seen at:
E-mail letter dated October 5th 2002 to the Republic of Ireland Environment Protection Agency.

Finally, I would like to end this letter by saying that - FOR NO GOOD REASON WHATSOEVER - I feel I have been subjected to EXTREME psychological torture for a prolonged uninterrupted period regarding the above matters: which is now in the region of four years duration. Consequently, I need to ask you to PLEASE treat this matter urgently.


Mr. William Finnerty.

Web Site 1: http://homepage.eircom.net/~williamfinnerty/
Web Site 2: http://www.finnachta.com/

author by aware of your 'plight'publication date Thu Oct 24, 2002 19:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

that unless witnessed an assualt is deemed
common assault.
this concept applies in both Irish and Scottish and English/Welsh Law.
Assault is when a person is caused fear of imminent physical danger or distress.
You don´t have to hit anyone to assault them only cause them reasonable fear that you might hit them.
Common assault charges are usually two way things.
Someone charges you with CA you charge them back, the usual outcome in court is a handshake and undertaking not to annoy each other again.

Sending sensitive material through the post is best done using recorded delivery.

Hard copy printing of your material is also a most sensible option in your predicament.

The best thing seems to be at the moment to do your best to calm down, and stay away from computers, they often "fry the brain". That may seem patronising but it isn´t.

Websites regulary "act-up".
Yesterday it was reported across European state/capitalist/independent media networks that China had closed its internet access to the wider world.
The Chinese are furthermore accusing Falon Gong a persecuted cult based in China of waging "cyber-war" against Chinese tele-communication satelites.

Today Swedish indymedia is experiencing problems.
Just as free news activists were attempting to contact neutral citizen Russian speakers there.

So Mr Finnerty you may realise there are a list of global priorities in maintaining free speech and access to information.
Your work on corruption in Irish political life has been recognised and appreciated and will no doubt help many others working in this field in due course upon its merits.
Irish corruption issues touch upon a very wide political campaign including Africa, Asia as well as North American and off shore concerns.
Hang on in there.

author by King Mobpublication date Thu Oct 24, 2002 22:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I stopped caring after the words

"William" and "Finnerty"

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