Saturday's Action in Limerick - Solidarity with Rossport!
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Monday October 09, 2006 18:25
by Cian Prendiville - Socialist Party and Socialist Youth
comradecian at eircom dot net

On Saturday Socialist Youth in Limerick took (unfortunately limited) action tp raise awareness of and support for the struggle of Rossport against $hell's dangerous pipeline.

Thats about half the pupulation of Limerick!
From 1pm members of Socialist Youth handed ouit leaflets and collected petitions demanding the Corrib Gas be refined at sea, condemning the state repression of the protesters in Mayo but also arguning the case for the Corrib and other gas to be taken out of the hands of $hell and co. and brought into public ownership, where the vaswt wealth can be used to benifit ordinary working class and young people.
Unfortunately turn-out wasn't great, with only 4 people, but that is partly explainable by stalls on the issue held on tuesday and thursday.
There was a lot of support, but there were many charity collectors in town which seems to have distracted some attention. Also, there was a fundraising stall (man-ed by Labour Party public faces) for the 2 innocent children recently harmed when the car they were in was set alight, which, rightly, got a lot of attention.
Limerick SY and UL-SP are hoping to continue with more campaigning on this issue, hopefully stepping up to a picket and also a public meeting possibly. We are also hoping on joint work with the UL enviro-soc.
If anybody wishes to help out with any of these activities, don't hesitate to call/text me on 085-7077919 or post on here.

Close up of the Display - Tell it like it is!

If you build it, they will come

NATIONALISE the Gas! Don't forget - under democratic control!!
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Sorry about that.
My mistake - as people may guess, I'm mistake prone. this is the close up!
How on earth can this one man stall be described as an 'action'?
I understand how much energy goes into an action and more so if one goes ahead alone. Congratulations and thanks for your commitment all the more impressive on your own. Oaks begin with acorns.
The stall was mann-ed by 4 ppl (2 male and 2 female actually, but however). There was the charchter behind the stall, me (taking the pic) and 2 girls who are new to socialist youth.
I would never take part in a one man stall, especially as i am a socialist and there have been threats by fascists against socialist youth in limerick. Socialist Youth would not allow this to take place either.
Even the shinners aren't so shamefully self-promotional over the rossport issue, an issue that SY have been thin on the ground for. Who does the petition go to? Head office in dublin with tick beside the names of people who bought a paper or seemed interested.
The petitions will be taken up to Rossport when we sacrifice more people to attend the protests.
Thanks you for your positive, non-sectarian, totally un cynical comments,
With LOVE,
Any action, however small adds to the overall struggle against imperialism. Well done and fair play to ya.
All actions draw attention to the issue and encourage others to take part.
hello just as a wee adition to the other stuff writen on this page ,
what diference does it make if the sy,or bfg, or abc ,
or the xyc,
are raising the issue of rossport on the streets ,why bother being scathing of this?
what does that achieve?
mabey party politics is not the answer to the worlds ills ,
but regardless good one for having a stall about rossport ,shell to sea ,
mabey you could have flyers about the solidarity camp .
and the shell to see campaign on your stall
so if you want to have a long bloated argument about anarchism and politiks,
yoopie do
what is going to stop shell,
one thing