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"Fuck the EU" - Conclusive proof that the US is meddling in the affairs of a soverign country

category international | worker & community struggles and protests | other press author Saturday February 08, 2014 13:01author by fred Report this post to the editors

US state dept diplomat Nuland "mutt" and Geoff are caught out nicely, in a hacked and leaked phone call. In what is probably the most brazen feat of brass necked hypocrisy I've ever seen, the mainstream media have tried to make it about how awful the russians are for spying on them. And this after the Snowden revelations!! "Fuck the EU" they say. But by far the worst thing about this is how they treat this uprising they are stoking with the aid of far right fascist thugs trained by NATO on the Russian border, like it's just some sort of a chess game.
And of course the EU don't care much about the insult because they are all on exactly the same page, as the second part of the transcript clearly illustrates. Read on....
Is State dept scumbag Nuland trying to illustrate current US credibility?
Is State dept scumbag Nuland trying to illustrate current US credibility?

US diplomats Nuland "mutt" and Geoff are caught out nicely. "fuck the EU" they say.
But the worst thing is the way they treat this uprising they are helping to foment on the Russian border like a chess game.

Such a blatant double standards. If the Russians went into mexico stirring up revolution, we would have brutal reaction and possibly WWIII

Conclusive proof if you need it that the US routinely meddles in the sovereign affairs of other countries and picks who gets into office is no longer in the realms of conspiracy theory. Just a bald fact

There is a transcript and some discussion here:

I have posted the transcript below for convenience, but the source link is worth visiting.:

Full transcript of the telephone talk between the US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and the US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey R. Pyatt (posted on YouTube on Feb 6, 2014):

Victoria Nuland (V.N.): What do you think?

Geoffrey R. Pyatt (G.P.): I think we are in play. The Klitchko piece is obviously the most complicated electron here, especially the announcement of him as Deputy Prime Minister. You have seen my notes on trouble in the marriage right now, so we are trying to get a read really fast where he is on the staff. But I think your argument to him which you’ll need to make, I think that’s the next phone call that you want to set up is exactly the one you made to Yats (Yatsenuk’s nickname). I’m glad you put him on the spot. <…> He fits in this scenario. And I am very glad he said what he said.

V.N.: Good. I don’t think Klitsch (Klitschko’s nickname) should be in the government. I don’t think it’s necessary, I don’t think it’s a good idea.

G.P.: Yeah, I mean, I guess… In terms of him not going into the government… I’d just let him stay out and do his political homework. I’m just thinking, in terms of sort of the process moving ahead, we want to keep the moderate democrats together. The problem is gonna be with Tyahnibok and his guys. And, you know, I am sure that is part of what Yanukovych is calculating on all this.

V.N.: I think Yats is the guy. He has economic experience and governing experience. He is the guy. You know, what he needs is Klitsch and Tyahnibok on the outside. He needs to be talking to them four times a week. You know, I just think if Klitchko gets in, he’s going to be at that level working for Yatsenuk, it’s just not gonna work…

G.P.: Yeah, yeah, I think that’s right. Ok, good. Would you like us to set up a call with him as the next step?

V.N.: My understading from that call that you tell me was that the big three were going into their own meeting and that Yats was gonna offer in this context, you know, a «three plus one» conversation or a «three plus two» conversation with you. Is that not how you understood it?

G.P.: No. I think that was what he proposed but I think that knowing the dynamic that’s been with them where Klitchko has been the top dog, he’ll show up for whatever meetings they’ve got and he’s probably talking to his guys at this point. So, I think you reaching out directly to him, helps with the personality management among the three. And it also gives you a chance to move fast on all this stuff and put us behind it, before they all sit down and he explains why he doesn’t like it.

V.N.: Ok. Good. I am happy. Why don’t you reach out to him and see if he wants to talk before or after.

G.P.: Ok, I will do it. Thanks.

V.N.: I can’t remember if I told you this or if I only told Washington this: when I talked to Jeff Feltman this morning he had a new name for the UN guy – Robert Serry. I wrote you about it this morning.

G.P.: Yeah, I saw that.

V.N.: Ok. He’s gotten now both Serry and Ban ki-Moon to agree that Serry will come on Monday or Tuesday. That would be great I think to help glue this thing and to have the UN help glue it and, if you like.......fuck the EU.

G.P.: No, exactly. And I think we’ve got to do something to make it stick together because you can be pretty sure that if it does start to gain altitude that the Russians will be working behind the scenes to try to torpedo it. And again the fact that this is out there right now, I am still trying to figure out in my mind why Yanukovych <…> that. In the meantime there is a Party of Regions faction meeting going on right now and I am sure there is a lively argument going on in that group at this point. But anyway, we could land jelly side up on this one if we move fast. So let me work on Klitschko and if you can just keep… I think we just want to try to get somebody with an international personality to come out here and help to midwife this thing. The other issue is some kind of outreach to Yanukovych but we probably regroup on that tomorrow as we see how things start to fall into place.

V.N.: So on that piece, Jeff, when I wrote the note Sullivan’s come back to me V.F.R., saying you need Biden and I said probably tomorrow for an atta boy and to get the details to stick. So, Biden’s willing.

G.P.: Ok. Great, thanks.

* * *

Transcript of the telephone talk between the Deputy Secretary General EE AS External Service Helga M. Schmid (H.S.) and Jan Tombinsky (J.T.), EU Ambassador to Ukraine (rendering, starting 0:04:13 on the tape):

Helga M. Schmid: Jan, it’s Helga once again. I’d like to tell you one more thing, it’s confidential. The Americans are beating about the bush and saying that our stand is too soft. They believe we should be stronger and apply sanctions. I talked to Cathy (Cathrene Ashton – OR) and she agrees with us on the matter we were discussing last time. We will do it but we must arrange everything in a clever way.

Jan Tombinsky: You know we have other instruments.

H.S.: The journalists are already talking that the EU stand is “too soft”. What you should really know is that we are very angry that the Americans are beating about the bush. Maybe you tell the US Ambassador and draw his attention to the fact that our stand is not soft, we’ve just made a hard-line statement and took a tougher stance… I want you to know that it would be detrimental to our interests if we see in the newspapers that «The European Union does not support freedom». Cathy will not like it.

J.T.: Helga, we do not compete in a race. We should demonstrate that this situation is not a competition in diplomatic toughness. I’ve just heard about the opposition’s new proposal to the president. I’ll write Cathy about it right now.

H.S.: Ok.

Oriental Review

After you listen to the video, You could do worse than read this other piece on about the portrayal of Russia in the media.

It's an antidote to the current biased coverage on all screens and newspapers in their attempt to undermine the sochi olympics. Pity these so called journalists were not so vigilant about social problems during the London games.

In fact at the time, If you pointed out the ground to air missiles on the roofs in London, they would probably have said: "Aren't they pretty?" also has some pictures of NATO trained fascist thugs active in the Maidan protests:

And some proof that some media pictures are cynical fakes:

Now check out the video: (oh...and...altogether everyone "fuck the EU" ;-)

Caption: Video Id: MSxaa-67yGM Type: Youtube Video
US state dept caught with their pants down

 #   Title   Author   Date 
   wsws has some further analysis     fred    Sun Feb 09, 2014 18:46 
   US has already spent 5 billion on Ukraine as part of prep for regime change     anon    Mon Feb 10, 2014 22:39 
   USA & EU release dogs of war in Ukraine. They don't want any negotation     amused    Wed Feb 19, 2014 23:59 
   Thailand, Venezuela, Ukraine     KM    Thu Feb 20, 2014 00:16 
   Nulands choice of puppet does become Prime Minister of Ukraine.     anon    Mon Mar 03, 2014 23:16 
   William Engdahl has some interesting thoughts on the snipers     fred    Tue Mar 04, 2014 13:57 
   Propaganda in the media including RTE on Ukraine     T    Wed Mar 05, 2014 22:03 
   another damning leaked call     fred    Thu Mar 06, 2014 08:19 
   anonymous leaked emails show klitchko is western puppet     fred    Thu Mar 06, 2014 08:58 

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