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Creating a Sample HTML page

Campaign Tools: How to create the most basic of HTML pages

This page gives very basic information on how to create a webpage. It is geared towards people who are trying to setup campaigns. HTML is rather simple. It just gets complicated when you want to do anything that is more than just a very basic page
HTML is composed of tags which you must 'open' and then 'close'. It has features to create titles, headings, line breaks and paragraphs. It also includes tags to bold or italice text. With just those few features, you can do quite a lot. Usually the next stage is to add images and links to other pages. These are briefly demonstrated too. If you create a webpage with any text editor, say Notepad in Windows, you can get started. Remember to give it a name with the ending or file type of .html. You can then click on that file and it will open in your browser. To make this file viewable on the Web, you need to have the file transferred to a website.

The sample page now follows. You will see that the line break tag <br> is one of the few that does not have a closing tag. The tags can be in upper or lower case. You must close all tags.

********* Start of Sample Page Html ************
<title> Title for Sample Page </title>
<h1> Main Heading for Sample Page </h1>
<h2> Level 2 (Smaller) Heading for Sample Page </h2>
The campaign for xyz was setup in .... and is ... add in whatever text you want in the first paragraph here.

We hold regular meetings every Saturday ..... and place your text here. You can <b>bold text</b> or <u>underline</u> it or even <font color="green">change the color to green</font> or <font color="blue">blue</font> or any other color with the font tag.

Contact details:
Joe Soap,
Main Street,
Dublin 2.
Tel 01123456
Website: <a href="http://www.mycampaign.ie">www.mycampaign.ie</a>
Logo: <img src="graphics/ilogo.gif" alt="Indymedia logo image" >

<i>Last updated Feb 2011</i>
********* End of Sample Page Html ************

The above sample page should look like this:

Main Heading for Sample Page

Level 2 (Smaller) Heading for Sample Page

The campaign for xyz was setup in .... and is ... add in whatever text you want in the first paragraph here.

We hold regular meetings every Saturday ..... and place your text here. You can bold text or underline it or even change the color to green or blue or any other color with the font tag.

Contact details:
Joe Soap,
Main Street,
Dublin 2.
Tel 01123456
Website: www.mycampaign.ie
Logo: Indymedia logo image

Last updated Feb 2011