This file documents the significant changes made in each release of the Oscailt CMS Version 4.3.1 Released Apr 2024 ------------------------------- - Updated codebase to support PHP 8.3 by adding checks for null passed to php core functions and handling PHP errors and warnings. - Added new options to bulk delete to only delete hidden stories, comments or attachments as well as mode to switch from delete after or before a given time. - Added new sub page to image manager to test embedded videos by specifying video id, type and image sizes. - added new debug story sub page to admin view articles page to help in debugging display issues. - added new OSCAILT macro for videos that can be used for feature template files. - added some minor updates to improve performance around database access on initialization process. - Updated installer with more diagnostics and feedback. - Updated publish form to allow for uploading of video cover images and automatically moving to video cache. - Updated embedded video handling for the very long video ids for Odysee videos and re-sizing video id form field in publish based on video type. - Updated database cache to add another group to split out queries related to voting. - Updated database handling to improve connections with retries and no connections. - Updated admin view logs page to viewing previous rollover file and display of rollover files and configuration. - Updated to image editor to correctly handle video selection of timestamps for video clipping. - Updated to performance statistics display to include cpu load and disk usage status. - Updated code to improve access control for editors with public user role. - Updated editing options for CodeBox and Document objects to specify image size for embedded videos. - Minor update to import module to provide more debug information in the import records. - Minor update to CSS files for one of the red themed templates sites. - Fixed major bug in when saving configuration data affecting the installer and configuration changes. - Fixed major bug with directory permissions value incorrectly set as a string affecting the installation. - Fixed various bugs in the public upload page for file upload and handle case when file extensions are not specified and directories not created. - Fixed a potential cross site script security vulnreability. - Fixed minor bug with ticket class displaying publish cookie. - Fixed various PHP warnings. Version 4.3 Released Oct 2023 ----------------------------- - Updated codebase to support PHP 8.2.8 by removing class dynamic properties, avoiding passing null to PHP core, replacing deprecated function calls, handling XMLParser changes - Updates to site template xml files to change any usage of strftime to date for PHP 8.x compatibility. - Minor update to editeditors to improve useability around error handling. - Minor update to feature display to allow features to be tagged. - Minor update to tags class to add attribute to control suppression of errors. - Minor update to admin image manager to attach images to comments only when story id and comment ids overlap. - Minor update to admin stats page to display basic server system information. - Minor update to dashboard to report disk usage when critically low. - Minor update to admin page for generating new colour schemes for style sheets to improve colour template handling. - Fixed bug with sessions where the session lifetime was not updated causing early expiration resulting in logout. - Fixed bug when certain characters were causing errors during database insert by ensuring character_set_client is set to ISO-8859-I - Fixed bug when newswire search string only contains one stopword - Fixed minor bug in editexport.php to display error messages for a case unhandled. - Fixed minor bug in editimage.php to only free a resource when it is was created. - Fixed minor bug in attachmentbearingdisplay object to default max image size when no value set for it. - Fixed minor bug in display of scheduled tasks list of editorstatus.php - Fixed warning message in object layout preview mode of feedexport Version 4.2.1 Released Aug 2023 ------------------------------- - Added security fix for CSS Vulnerability - Fixed minor bug in adminutilites for variable name. - Fixed minor bug in ticket and scheduled task entry class definitions. Version 4.2 Released May 2023 ----------------------------- - Added support for PHP 8.2 by replacing deprecated functions and changing usage of strftime to use date in the code and update of default date format strings. - Added new subpage to View Objects admin page to display values for all objects with date format fields and all automatic update to new format. - Added configuration info about PHP opcode cache in config page and displays opcache status in the admin statistics page - Added new set of itemcache files with default language code to reduce I/O by ItemAction class - Added a new template site for importing consisting of a multi-column newswire and a sample RSS feed. - Added optional numeric captcha for editor logins configurable from the main admin configuration page. - Update to article display to handle audio file cover images and display if prefixed with "cover_" to the audio filename and embed audio files - Update to admin edit layout with option to add macro for including video files and cover images in documents and code boxes. - Update to database cache to reorganise some of the categories and add another cache group and reassigning of queries for certain areas to it. - Update to article display to embed video files with object tag and to allow videos to be used by OSCAILTMACRO for placement anywhere in a story - update to editimage.php to to add option to cut videos with ffmpeg, handling for cover images, improve link navigation and sort by date by default - update to improve session and cookie handling, session config reporting and implementation of automatic logout on expiry. - update to ticket class to work in cookie mode only and updates to its usage by the publish object. - update to publish module to display a session expire timer to alert editors just before expiry to allow for page refresh. - update to allow for scheduled featurized of attachments mainly intended for images when used with picture box object to display featured image - update to site and common area file upload page navigation and display - update to publish module to include more editing buttons to story summary, make legal section optional and to validate empty author and title with javascript - update to rollover selected log files automatically at year or month end during admin page background processes. Rollover config readable on view logs page. - update to friendly redirects page to add a subpage for storing IP addresses of links. - update to embedded video support list to add active status attribute - update to link module to add options for opening link in new window or adding "nofollow" tags. - update to add further validation to all publish form inputs and other user inputs. - Minor update to editimage.php to select time offset of video files to extract the cover image and use ffmpeg to read audio file header metadata. - Minor update to publish javascript script for using double quotes in OSCAILTIMAGE macro strings and other minor improvements - Minor update to extend jabber hide command to comments - Minor update to inset box object to include custom buttons make it easier to set activate start and end dates - Minor update to generate any missing video file cover images in the current active attachments directory automatically through background tasks - Minor update to publicupload.php to rename file function to catch case when filetype not supplied - Minor update to publicupload.php to improve link navigation and to default it to automatically sort by date - Minor update to feedimports management page to improve sorting and filtering - Minor update to improve handling for no database connections condition. - Minor update to view objects html templates sub page to list all Oscailt macros and improvements to navigation menus. - Minor update to Oscailt macro to extend options for including embedded videos by allowing video type name to be specified instead of the index. - Minor update to remove silent mode of admin display for publicuser logins - Minor update to code for editimage.php to be compatible with PHP 7.4 - Minor update to publish to alllow default width to be entered for image and video macros - Minor update to generate a language specific editimage.xml file for translating text strings - Minor update to improve numeric captcha and form field data classes with more features. - Minor update to ImageTool to check image file exists first before generating image thumbnail. - Minor update to ItemAction class to improve performance on generating editorial options HTML. - Minor update to feed import status class to clear relevant part of database cache when SQL error detected during insert or update. - Fixed bug in ItemAction class found with usage of PHP 7.x or higher around error handling during file include. - Fixed bug in indyobjectset when rebuilding objects to test for invalid layout reference object links causing errors. - Fixed bug in indybar around the handling of the Table Stacked option and fixed implementation of BarClass style sheet. - Fixed minor bug in the site layout pages leading to PHP warning message when action cancelled. Version 4.1 Released Oct 2021 ----------------------------- - Added new container object which can do things like include two consective static document pages and display them as one. - Added new mode to article archive cache to create indexes by title for retrieval by title. - Update to admin manage images page to use ffmpeg and ffprobe if installed, to generate video cover images and retrieve video meta data. - Update to admin manage images page to allow image resizing, get remote images and lots improvments to page useability. - Update to archives include option to display headlines of all the featured stories for the selected year when in feature mode - Update to public editing for comments for editor to leave note to owner of session that published the comment and only visible to them. - Update to photo essay stories to allow image width to be controlled for a given story by specifying with a custom tag in the story content - Update to admin tag management page to improve useability and options for adding, deleting and filtering tags. - Update to public upload to assign user specific upload directories and for moving and renaming files and to allow for saving textual data public and private - Update to publish to allow rumble embedded videos but the cover image must be added manually by an editor. - Update to allow for inactive or unused redirects to be saved in separate file to reduce redirect load - Update to object manager to count and display number of items in collapsed display sections. - Update to add support for publishing rumble embedded videos. Requires manual creation and upload of cover image. - Update to newswire object to display thumbnail of video cover image on newswire if story has no images attached. - Update to picturebox object when using featured image mode to filter by story type. - Ninor update to unfeaturizing images to set the site featured image back to the previously featured image. - Ninor update to Inset Box object to allow a separate style class to be used for the box display. - Ninor update to object layout page to optionally select any of the preview modes during object preview. - Ninor update to Edit Editors to show a condensed list of the security roles for a site user. - Minor update to allow video files to be featurized and to generate a thumbnail off cover images for video gallery. - Minor update to article attachment display to show video or pdf cover images if available for any video or pdf file attachments. - Minor update to internal file load page to add option to delete uploaded site files for editors with configured permission - Minor update to dashboard to make site sections as a javascript downdrop section - Minor update to publish comments to no longer include a form field for organisation to help simplify page. - Minor update to publish comments to display parent story title at top of display page. - Minor update to map some filetypes to different specific icons when displayed as attachments - Minor update to extend functionality of custom button for generating URL links to work on multiple lines and handle br html tags at start of line - Minor update to publising events to check if the event datetime is still set at the default which is publishing time and display warning. - Minor update to edit editors to add extra validation - Minor update to Jabber to extend remote command set for stories for promote and sticky. - Fixed major bug with cookie acceptance handling when trying to publish a comment it switched to publish story instead - Fixed bug with move comment to a different story where move option was missing on articledisplay object. It will update public edit entry too. - Fixed bug with publish captchas where it incorreclty displayed captcha for comments when they were disabled for comments. - Fixed bug in tag deletion option in tag management admin page - Fixed bug in memory management php file to define sem_* functions if not defined. Applies to Windows only. - Fixed bug in displaying remaining time left for public editing of stories. - Fixed bug javascript code for adding embedded video to objects and stories - Fixed bug in filename type for static documents html cache - Fixed bug in html cache file listing admin page - Fixed bug in clear html cache function to include static document cache files. - Fixed bug in displaying annotations caused by incorrect database cache id assignment. - Fixed bug in handling of timeouts around public editing for comments. - Fixed minor bug generating PHP compatibility warning around constructor for the feedimportdisplay object. Version 4.0.1 Released Apr 2021 ------------------------------- - Update to include all document page objects that have redirects into the html cache. - Minor update to edittags management sub page for story tags to add better paging navigations - Minor update to Jabber message processing to accept spam command to mark stories as spam instead of regular hide - Minor update to picture object to specify whether to use div tag in display of featurized image - Fixed bug in tags management to add correct prefix to table name when filtering data - Fixed bug in filter object class to process the includetag option so that it uses tags when selected - Fixed Minor bug in filter display object around display of multi-tag selection when tags not configured Version 4.0 Released Mar 2021 ----------------------------- - Added tags for stories to increase the categorization, including searching, associated tag management and option to export and import - Updated the code base to be compatible with PHP 7.4 removing deprecated functions and replacing with recommended alternatives - Update to increase the classifications for hiding a story or comment to three levels allowing for selective deletion of just spam in bulk deletes. - Added new public file upload page for public users using restrictive editor roles. - Added new feature to Inset Box object to optionally include an icon to make the contents collapseable by javascript and to control initial state of display. - Added new feature to sub page off style sheet management to display colour ranges to help in colour selection for style sheet changes and editing stories - Added new custom tag button in publish form for use by editors for adding a coloured box composed of html div tag elements. - Added capability to automatically ban bots trying to attack site with SQL injections. - Changed the configuration for web bots to be more flexible with configurable pages. - Updated code to make use of the inbuilt PHP Curl library if present instead of relying on a curl binary. Available for PHP 7.1, 7.2, 7.4. Used for RSS feeds. - Updated article html cache archive with further improvements. - Updated admin dashboard to highlight key site settings that are left unset and may break site functionality. - Updated admin edit object pages to automatically make all sections collapseable for easier editing. - Updated the page layout to select how the list of potential objects for including are displayed by allowing ordering by date or name. - Updated admin page html caching mechanism to include dashboard page and separate it out from main site html caching code. - Updated site settings to allow for separate objects for publishing comments and for this link to be used by article object. - Updated site import page to add extra validation around importing objects. - Updated gallery object banner mode to display just one image randomly from a set of images in the images loaded for the gallery. - Updated contact form to optionally include a preview mode of message before sending. - Minor update to Horizontal Bar and Inset Box object layout to highlight in preview mode with borders the layout of contained objects. - Minor update to Inset Box object to include an autoplay of slide show of panels when panel mode enabled. - Minor update to full code base to use pre-configured values for feature and event ids rather than hardcoded values. - Minor update to cross check in admin configuration max video, audio and file upload size with PHP set upload file size limit. - Minor update to implement a new URL macro into the document object type in the main content section to enable saving text. Also added to publish story and comment - Minor update to publish to avoid adding too many break tags when paragraph tags present when use html box not ticked. - Minor update to improve presentation of textual analysis results on admin spam settings page. - Minor update to add more default text strings and options to the archive, search, publish, gallery, events and feedimport xml object definitions. - Minor update to correct link text for admin spam settings page. - Minor update to layout of edit editors and to increase two factor authentication secondary factor options for login. - Minor update to edit roles to highlight selected options - Minor update to administration site upload files page to transfer files to attachments directory. - Minor update to add new style classes to cover items hidden as spam to stories and comments in the common.css file. - Minor update to clear cache when clearing image cache to fix some PHP warnings. - Minor update to video insertion javascript macro to include the video url. - Minor update to add to the set of social bookmarks in article display. - Fixed numerous bugs in the code handling public edits of stories and comments. - Fixed numerous bugs in article html cache archive for retrieval of archived pages - Fixed bug in magpie library where an URL passed to curl containing ampersands were dropped by curl. Fix with specific url parameter. - Fixed bug in listing object to correctly display full page mode when selected. Previously displayed summary mode. - Fixed bug in category object submit option so that it works with newswire object with context sensitive setting - Fixed bug in edit listing object layout when many objects included that was causing failure due to too many input variables which were repeated many times - Fixed bug in publish embedded video descriptions to properly handle quotes in the text - Fixed bug in edit document objects where insert embedded video macro button did not work. - Fixed bug to preserve embedded video featurized attribute when a containing story or comment is edited. - Fixed bug in OSCAILTIMAGE macro to correctly read specified width and height for embedded video image cover and for use when video displayed. - Fixed bug in banner slide panel to fix handling of links due to incompatibility with browsers. - Fixed minor bug in editor email notifications when triggered during publishing. - Fixed minor bug in for setting gallery page layout object. - Fixed minor bug in indybox around detection of panel mode enabled. - Fixed minor bug to first check for server email configuration before automatically sending event emails. - Fixed minor bug in edit editors page triggered when a new editor was added and code was trying to check against list of existing usernames. - Fixed minor bug in latest comment module was writing comment title twice in some scenarios. Version 3.9 - Released Nov 2020 ------------------------------- - Upgraded the codebase to make it compatible with PHP 7.3 which include some changes to use of preg_match and preg_replace - Changed database story table column type from time_posted to datetime for sticky_time and event_time in stories tables. This requires migration of table data. - Changed handling around searching stories to handle MySQL compatibility with RLIKE [[:>:]] and use of ICU instead of Spencer method for word searches. - Added feature to configure and detect robot webcrawlers and spambots to control access - Added feature to allow multiple objects to be displayed as a slide panel in an Inset box object for inclusion in a page object. - Added new headlines mode to latest comments module for use with page displays. - Added basic text analysis tool for stories as part of spam detection mechanism. - Added feature to page layout object to allow first inset to appear before content and remaining insets after. Allows for announcements in first and links in others that appear later in the page. - Added a new element object type called jsmarque to allow inclusion of a javascript marque to display a banner of scrolling story headlines. - Added caching for exported atom and rss feeds and option to include site announcement into the subtitle of the exported RSS or Atom feed. - Added support to publish and display BitChute, BrandNewTube and Brighteon embedded videos and removed support for several video types no longer in use. - Added admin option to directly upload images as embedded video covers from the Upload Files admin page. - Added option in clear cache admin page to check status of the HTML cache - Updated image handling for new google jpeg webp types images and option in admin images page to convert to jpg format. Only works from PHP 7.1 onwards - Updated video gallery to allow larger display of featurized image or embedded video to be displayed instead of the header in full gallary page mode - Updated publish form code to remove hard coded limits to the number of embedded videos and audios and to publish different video types at once. - Updated javascript for the paragraph and line break custom tags used in publish to handle multiple blocks of text and added basic text colour change. - Updated object layout code to add basic custom buttons for HTML tags and to include macros for embedded videos for main contents of document and codebox objects. - Updated admin view objects page to allow templates to be filtered by object type and to be viewed easily - Updated admin statistics page with option to display database table sizes for stories, comments, attachments and object definitions tables. - Updated style sheet generator with new options to set colours and to indicate if colour template is in use. - Minor update to publish to automatically select the default story language if no selection made. - Minor update to image macro to add description to title when displaying a story or comment - Minor update to admin configuration to allow the site announcement object id to be set for exported RSS and Atom feeds. - Minor update to admin layout pages to shift contained object positions to pop last contained object to top of list. - Minor update to object listing to add an option to list them in a more compact mode. - Minor update to attachments class to allow dash '-' character in image names that was previously removed automatically - Minor update to make some of the sections collapsable in a number of object types when in object edit mode. - Minor update to publish form to make extra content section collapseable when story type is not a feature. - Minor update to add a new Oscailt macro for displaying links of file attachments in a story - Minor update to display active front page id in admin friendly URLs page. - Minor update to allow for defaults of select types in object definition xml files. - Minor update to add more defaults for various radio checkboxes to various object xml definitions so as to provide reasonable values and save setup time. - Minor update to admin monitor publishes to allowing filtering by story, comment or contact types. - Minor update to admin object display to show more feature and box object fields and indicate front page id. - Minor update to bulk delete to improve initial display and audit logging - Minor update to expand the HTML cache and include exported feeds cache file generation. - Minor update to display object revision number in admin object listings when greater than 1 and to update it on each edit. - Minor update to allow embedded videos to be featurized. - Fixed bug in publish comment contents html tickbox where it reset on publish preview. - Fixed bug in login failures for case when using new password hash function and PHP 5.5 or greater - Fixed bug in SQL cache check to avoid cache breaks for certain queries - Fixed bug in html cache where it was not always working for the front page. - Fixed bug in code for converting links into full hypertext links where link URL address was getting shortened. - Fixed bug where gallery slide panel was broken which was caused by same variable used for newswire slide panel overwriting initial value - Fixed bug in code to adjust relative links in stories and comments when displaying from database. - Fixed bug in system installation display of admin configuration page. - Fixed bug several bugs in javascript code for displaying gallery and features slide panels causing by common variables. Version 3.8 - Released June 2019 - Produced a new Install and Configuration Guide to help to provide more information around these areas and make it easy to use Oscailt. - Added feature to integrate XMPPHP library to interface with Jabber chat server running on site host to send publish notifications - Added configuration interfaces for Jabber integration and administration manual testing of Jabber links - Updated spam detection to add further options and extend configuration to allow blocking of spammer emailers from the contact forms - Updated spam detection to configure URLs appearing in story titles to be marked as spam - Updated admin image manager page to allow unattached files to be attached to a story or comment - Updated custom tags on publish page for editors to now include line break inserts and font size tags in the text. - Updated code to update use of preg_replace with preg_replace_callback where necessary for PHP compatibility with more recent PHP releases. - Updated code to reorganise the automatic scheduling of various tasks into pre and post handlers - Updated object xml definitions with default text strings for most mandatory fields in article, archives, feature, newswire, publish, events, comments, contact and preferences. - Updated archives object to add features archive option, better link navigation between years and option on how to generate dates in links. - Updated admin edit topics, regions and types pages to detect missing language translations and to hightlight them. - Minor update to allow editors to schedule the automatic hiding of stories in the future. - Minor update to code to allow defaults for textarea fields in the object definition xml files. - Minor update to admin image manager to display better paging navigation links. - Minor update to make twitter account name configurable which is required when generating a twitter share link in articles page. - Minor update to admin view articles to improve links layout - Minor update to code to specify whether installation has email enabled and to ensure no calls are made to mail for notifications when disabled. - Minor update admin view logs page to filter on sticky option in editorial actions log. - Minor update to how configuration values get updated to replace just single records instead of all configuration. - Minor update to admin page bulk delete to write deleted entries basic info to log file for audit trail. - Minor update to split out the database cache further. - Minor update to object layout error handling so that it generates link to navigate back to layout pages. - Minor update to object saving to detect when content column in data objects table exceeds it's maximum size and added sub page in view objects to show sizes - Minor update to css files to add admin_hightlight style - Minor update to display language titles in links in the preferences side bar language section. - Fixed major bug in in function loadCounter which will have thrown errors on startup of any page. - Fixed bug in style filter where it increases the font size in style sheets when using text enlargement mode. Partially related to preg_replace usage. - Fixed a number of bugs with undo edits in publish form fields and related javascript file - Fixed zero date insert issue for certaim mysql configurations. - Fixed syntax errors in last release - Fixed bug in installer for table updates in upgrade mode. - Fixed minor bug in exported rss and atom feeds where item title was not using htmlspecialchars resulting in incorrect xml whenever an ampersand appeared in title - Fixed minor bug in yearly reminder where string check was case sensitive and added weekly repeat option. - Fixed minor bug with a text string not displaying in imported feeds manager. - Fixed minor PHP 5.x compatibility around a class constructor that caused warning message to be issued. Version 3.7.2 - Released Feb 2019 - Fixed bug where mysqli_insert_id called instead of mysql_insert_id when mysqli API not used for PHP 5.4 or less - Fixed initial values for event_time and sticky_time for story insert and update, causing failures, for case when zero allowed in dates in MySQL - Fixed a number of bad array accesses causing errors in logs. Version 3.7.1 - Released Oct 2018 - Added some general improvments to validating numerous inputs and malicious spam detection and improved security around some forms. - Refactored small parts of the code. - Updated redirects admin page to provide more information and improve diagnostics. - Minor update to improve handling when no database connections. - Minor update to report a few extra MySql statistics in View Statistics admin page to help diagnose performance and connection problems. - Minor update to make configurable whether to use html in event notification emails. - Fixed issue whereby if cookie permission requested, it was not asking for this in publish form and then failing because it could not set cookies. - Fixed some minor issues with several of the template import sites and copied in the correct style sheets for the colour scheme - Fixed bug in for incorrect number of parameters to calls to getTypes and getRegions and fixed an incorrect function name. - Fixed bug around generating needlessly long context links in headlines and preferences objects when publish form used. - Fixed bug around initial values for story event_time and sticky_time values being zero or null when first published. Related to db NO_ZERO_DATE mode. Version 3.7 - Released Sept 2018 - Migrated the codebase to use the mysqli API instead of the mysql API uncached_sql_query to make it compatible with PHP 5.6.X to PHP 7.X - Added feature to generate new sets of style sheets by selecting new sets of colours in the edit style sheets admin page. - Added two factor authentication capability for login, configurable per editor and includes option sending verification code via email. - Added several new basic news sites with different colour themes imto the list of available template sites to import. - Added feature to view objects to list all 'theme' images used by all objects and to generate an unique image list. - Added feature to view objects to list all objects that use a given object id. - Upgraded all the code to update all object constructors to use the new __construct instead as part of making code compatible for PHP 7.X - Upgraded all calls to avoid using callback option in PHP function preg_replace to make code compatible with PHP 5.5 onwards. - Upgraded all calls to mktime with no parameters to use of time() function instead as part of compatibility changes for PHP 5.1 - Upgraded the installer script to do upgrades from as far back as version 3.1 as well as full installs and added more diagnostic information. - Updated code with hardcoded configuration to make it request consent for use of cookies for editors and for public user preferences as part of GDPR compliance. - Updated admin pages to mask editor email addresses if perference is not set to share it with other editors as part of GDPR compliance. - Updated publish, article and newswire pages with option to hide author contact details and image description text as part of GDPR compliance. - Updated image handling to orientate main and cached image correctly according to orientation byte in exif data set when photos are taken sideways. - Updated ability to detect errors loading objects due to parse errors in view objects and to display the xml for help in debugging - Updated object definition xml files to allow a default for text and radio fields to be specifed when creating a new instance of an object. - Updated layout handling object and runtime object classes function definitions to remove numerous PHP warning messages. - Updated publish custom tags with some additional tags and option to select article image attachments or embedded videos if present for Oscailt macro. - Minor update to system reminder mechanism to allow editors to opt in to receive reminders as emails. - Minor update of code to set the default charset to ISO-8859-1 when PHP 5.6.x is detected. - Minor update to stats admin page to report database character set - Minor update to publish to validate field some lengths which can arise when foreign characters are converted to html entities. - Minor update to publish to allow public users to use the lowercase javascript function for formatting titles. - Minor update to export and import admin pages to handle site favicon.ico icon during import and export file. - Minor update to delete image cache by month and year. - Minor update to admin dashboard to add more information on timezone, latest story and comment title. - Minor update to event emails to set the site name as the heading in the email body. - Minor update to language and topics objects to make inserts compatible with later versions of MySql - Minor update to detect if the front page id configuration is not set making fresh installs a bit easier. - Minor update to detect if site URL is not changed from installation value. - Minor update to installation to insert basic site roles for default admin editor. - Fixed major bug in fresh installations with no sites yet defined to display the create new site admin page. - Fixed some minor broken html tags in import and export modules. - Fixed some minor broken html tags in audio gallery. - Fixed some bugs in the spam detection code and handling. - Fixed bug with calls to get topics, regions and types in layout handling object classes to remove numerous PHP error messages. - Fixed bug in filter display in setDisplayOptions with incorrect args causing incorrect display in later versions of PHP. - Fixed bug in admin view objects page when displaying object details - Fixed bug in clean up of old RSS cache error files based on number of days old. - Fixed bug with imported rss/atom feeds error caching and retries leading to improved page response times. - Fixed bug with javascript for custom tags used in summary and content sections of publish form. - Fixed bug with generating image cache for images with exif orientations greater than zero. - Fixed bug with the time offset in the scheduled sticky stories feature introduced in previous release. - Fixed some minor bugs in imagetool generating PHP notice messages - Info: Release now contains template files for the larger objects (publish, article, newswire, features and preferences) to make it easier and quicker to create new instances of these. Version 3.6.2 - Released Oct 2017 -Fixed incompatibility problem with MySQL 5.x database whereby passing null or empty string to a TINYINT field has changed behaviour to earlier versions. -Added keyword %TRANSLATE% for specifying where translated links appear in a story. -added check for feature template html file during feature upgrade and generates log message if not present. -Added ability to schedule making stories sticky. -Updated article display to use DIV html tag instead of P tag for image display so as to allow use of different background color for hidden images. -Updated the View Objects admin page to display the feature template file and generate it if not present. -Updated publish form to list all the image attachments already attached to story. -Updated publish form to allow use of the custom tags on the summary field. Version 3.6.1 - Released June 2017 - Updated entire code to work properly with php 5.4 to update calls to htmlspecialchars and htmlentities. This caused problems with multi-language support. - Updated admin image management to show the site featured image. - Updated admin object listing pages to sort by object last-update and limit number of listed objects. - Added cvs revision tags to almost all of the .php and .inc files - Added new buttons for OSCAILTIMAGE macro to publish page when in editor mode. - Minor update to admin view objects to show object last update when filtering on a given object type. - Minor update to admin recent attachments listing to filter on featurized field. - Minor update to allow ordering of admin dashboard of side menu links within a menu set. - Minor update to display default charset in admin installation page. - Fixed syntax errors in and from version 3.6 - Fixed a number of php warning messages on use of strftime by specifying default timezone in systemconfig.php file. - Fixed bug where site featured image was unset when configuraton was changed through admin page. Version 3.6 - Released Mar 2016 - Added feature to email out upcoming events to an email list a configurable number of days prior to the event. Includes management screen. - Added ability to import external images as an imported feed and to generate thumnails and rename with datestamp to build an archive. - Added option to generate a slide panel of feature articles in the feature newswire. It is implemented with Javascript. - Added ability of users to edit their comments for up to several mins after publication by making use of HTTP sessions. - Added ability of users to use custom tag for comments during publishing for quoted text. Can be extended for other custom tags and symbols. - Added ability to scroll the listing object display from the server side so more items can be fitted into a smaller display area. - Added Bulgarian, Greek, Czech, Romanian, Turkish, Norwegian, Dutch, Danish and Gaelic languages to the list of translated months and days of the week. - Added feature to schedule automatic generation of static html pages of site articles for archive purposes. - Added option to duplicate events useful when events span multple days. - Updated newswire and feature modules to allow multiple columns and set a maximum image thumbnail width. - Updated numeric captcha to easily extend the number of digits used and added Gaelic numbering. - Updated embedded video handling to retrieve larger video cover image if available for YouTube and Vimeo. Improved video cover image caching performance. - Updated page layout object administration page to collapse forms selections for objects to include to allow easier viewing. - Updated admin configuration installation screen for easier viewing of information and added more config info to display - Updated photo essay mode to include comment images in slide show, include direct link to the full image, option to display all images as in a normal mode and various other small improvements. - Updated publish form to filter out control characters (hex 00 to hex 1F) from stories and comments. It is configurable as may break with unicode. - Updated publish form to make embedded video and audio panel and optional sections collapseable via Javascript. - Updated View Articles admin page to list images by allowing search of attachment description field and to provide link to cache images for embedded video. - Updated imported feeds to specify a maximum image width for images specified in tags and embedded in feed stream. - Updated statistics admin page to add MySql performance processlist query output - Updated reminder message tool to have recurring monthly or yearly reminders. - Updated view articles to allow reload of embedded video cached cover image. - Updated bans to add new modes and options of banning. - Update to use newer version of Vimeo video API which fixes display when https used. - Minor update to image macro to direct image to be display at full resolution by setting height and width to zero - Minor update to publish module to display html entities within form fields when story language setting is Greek - Minor update to RSS feeds to allow users to specify whether feed is exported with ISO-8859-1 character set - Minor update to fix some PHP warning and notice messages in - Minor update to imported feeds manager to filter on feeds containig fixup rules. - Minor update to block searches over a certain length as an anti-spam measure and included option to eliminate certain junk searches. - Minor update to archives to switch between newswire and gallery mode keeping current active year setting. - Minor update to generation of page descriptions by removing quotes and html entiries to keep standards conformant. - Minor update to newswire module for headlines to fix display of non Latin characters like Greek. - Minor update to contact form object layout to specify size of form fields used in contact form. - Minor update to contact form object layout to control conversion of email text to html special chars to html entities. - Minor update to improve contact form anti-spam measures including a numeric captcha. - Minor update of embedded html for LiveLeak videos - Minor update to publish features to preview in newswire mode. - Minor update to events module to control display of various text labels and legend display. - Minor update to latest comment module to allow table heading labels to be set in the object layout - Minor update to allow admin file uploads to overwrite existing file and display file details and sort by either name, size or date. - Minor update to improve feedback of rules used in spam filter test admin page and spam detection. - Minor update to limit image thumbnail width on headlines to avoid excessive wide images disrupting page display. - Minor update to admin image manager to find orphaned files not attached to any story or comment. - Minor update to admin image manager to add ability to flip images horizontally and or vertically. - Minor update to add display Oscailt directory permissions in the ClearCache admin screen. - Minor update to add Twitter link to the set of social bookmarks in article display. - Minor update to allow files to be featurized. - Minor update to view objects admin screen to improve display and object summaries. - Minor update to report password strength when changing editor passwords. - Minor update to add more links to other admin pages in admin pages. - Minor update to add link in admin dashboard to Oscailt User Guide which is now part of the install. - Minor update to admin view logs screen to display control characters if present in faulty RSS feeds. - Minor update to shared memory configuraton and memory usage tracking in shared memory mode. - Minor update to horizontal menu bar to include table packed mode to pack pairs of objects in a table cell. - Minor update to call to ereg_replace with preg_replace since older function is deprecated in PHP 5.3.3 - Fixed html compliance problem with closing table cell tag in events display - Fixed bug with user preferences based on cookies not working, due to change in PHP usage. - Fixed bug in user preferences display around generation of bookmark javascript leading to bad URLs. Bookmkarks now not generated for bots. - Fixed bug in with PHP syntax which caused PHP failure for installations with PHP 5.4 - Fixed bug in events display when no events exist for current day. - Fixed bug in search module to display translated text for search link and show comments text - Fixed bug in view objects display with table cell alignment. - Fixed bug with search highlighting that broken display of Oscailt image macros used in features - Fixed bug to do with the ability for users to edit their own stories. This affected with installations of PHP 5.3 or greater. - Fixed bug with adding languages where insert was failing. - Fixed bug with comment edit where video type was read incorrectly. - Fixed bug with comment hourly stats count in admin statistics page. - Fixed bug in article display to use optional text from object layout for embedded video links and description fields. - Fixed bug to unfeature types other than images. - Fixed bug to correctly test for installation of Suhosin modules in admin configuration screen. - Fixed bug in with attacment export in with incorrect reference to attachment. - Fixed bug in SQL query of editorial action table for retrieving lists of hide and unhide actions. - Fixed bug when language name is saved for non-latin characters in html entity form were not stored properly. - Fixed bug when html cache is enabled where default HTTP header was used giving incorrect display for some ISO-8859-1 characters. Now sets the charset in header. - Fixed bug with selecting option for comment content for editor email notifications. - Fixed bug in inset boxes for number of days in different months for the date control of display of box contents. - Fixed issue with http mode of loading Javascript files for publish where https was never used. Now consistent with page load. - Info: Publish preview mode uses style class article-preview. - Info: video site has shutdown and thus support is no longer applicable. Version 3.5 - Released Nov 2011 - Added ability to translate topics, regions and types into all defined site languages. - Added feature to enable automatic scheduled publishing/unhiding of features. - Added new pending state in addition to hidden state for stories and comments. - Added further updates to allow translation of most of remaining editor screens. - Added feature to generate a scrollable list of preloaded images in gallery banner mode using javascript. - Added basic javascript image slide show for a photo essay mode to article module triggered by photo-essay story type. - Added support to integrate basic usage modes of the OpenWYSIWYG and TinyMCE WYSISYG HTML editors into publish form. - Added option in publish for stories and comments for users to opt not to display their email address to the public. - Added feature to allow public to edit stories based on session or password for up to a configurable amount of time. - Update to allow audio to be featurized and add headline mode in gallery for audios. - Update to configure dashboard mode to default or not. - Update to fix msgbox for embedded videos. - Update to extend Oscailt IMAGEMACRO to allow (self) referencing of story images by number -e.g image1 - Update to extend options for automatically emailing story contents and or comments to editors when published. - Update to correctly handle preferences, language and comments settings in html caching. - Update to Debug Articles screen to search database for stories with invalid values for either topics, regions or types. - Update to admin stats to display by default MySQL server statistics derived from SHOW STATUS and SHOW VARIABLES. - Update to retrive cover images for embedded Vimeo and Politube videos. - Update to IMC citylist object to filter out a comma separated list of dead IMC sites. - Update to improve configuration around embedded videos auto-hiding and cover images. - Update to improve multi filtering options in the view editorial logs screen. - Update to functionality for listing hidden stories and comments to public to allow display of hidden comments and other options - Update to clip, unclip move and release editing options to display consistently and correctly. - update to optionally display story translated links in the newswire. - Minor update to admin stats to display statistics on the number of different file types in miscellaneous attachments. - Minor update to events objects to add more labels that are configurable and can be translated. - Minor update for events to configu whether to display 12 or 24 hr clock mode for event time in article display. - Minor update to separate out most of the javascript in the publish module into a separate js file to allow caching. - Minor update to add search and replace for form text using javascript for editors in the Scratch Pad screen. - Minor update to view objects to display some more details when filter used. - Minor update in view articles admin page to select listing by attachment type. - Minor update to display story hide reason when viewing hidden story in articledisplay. - Minor update to add parent story id to log message when failure to read embedded video cover images. - Minor update to configuration to display susohin (hardened PHP) settings if installed and do validation checks. - Minor update to add viewing mode to style sheets admin page. - Minor update to import screen to select or deselect all objects with one tickbox. - Minor update to allow story promote from within article viewing page. - Minor update to add newswire mode for use by editors to generate feature/story links for pasting to features. - Minor update to use large and small icons for miscellanous attachments. - Minor update to numeric captcha to improve coding. - Minor update to stealth mode during admin login where minimum information is displayed at login and just after. - Minor update to use different style class for hidden stories to allow them to have a different background colour. - Minor update to extend publish module to allow preview of features as displayed in feature newswire. - Minor update to allow editors publishing new stories that are not features to set whether visible, pending or hidden. - Minor update to replace calls from PHP function split to preg_split and other changes for other deprecated PHP functions. - Minor update to preseve aspect ratio in image resizing. This partially existed already. - Minor update to display parent story title in comment hide email notifications. - Fixed problem where page jumped back to top when clicking embedded cover images or notice to embedded HTML - Fixed bug to allow move attachment to comment which moves to first comment in the clipboard. - Fixed bug in print mode where HTML HEAD was appearing at end of page and causing printing problems. - Fixed bug in the import module where imported language was not saved to database. - Fixed bug in the implementation of sub-host bans. - Fixed bug in the display of statistics for number of comments published in previous day and two days. - Minor bugfix to ban options array leading to incorrect ban times. - Minor bugfix to Clear Imagecache functionality which was deleting video_images directory. - Minor bugfix to attachment description edit where a single quote truncated text. - Minor bugfix to display of highlighted search words in returned text. - Minor bugfix to fix incorrect timestamp display to account for timezone offset in editmonitor. - Minor bugfix to fix incorrect month setting in inset module layout. - Minor bugfix to correct potential problem with story type id check to configured feature id in publish form. Version 3.4 - Released Aug 2010 - Added audio, video and file attachments modes to gallery display. - Added functionality for editors to add one line annotations to stories and comments that are visible to editors only. - Added ability to translate approximately 50% of the main admin pages using XML files. Later releases to complete. - Added ban by hostname and browser with option to alternatively moderate. - Added default option to control whether to hide by default or not embedded videos. Also added exclusion list. - Added mechanism to examine entries in translation table. - Added search word highlighting in newswire and article pages returned from searches. - Added spam word filter module for use by publish with options for spam detection in stories and comments. All configurable. - Added feature to retrieve cover images for YouTube videos and cache them. - Added basic html cache for use by main pages including clear html cache option. - Added basic dashboard of summary information to the admin page. - Added facility to send emails when a new story is published to editors that select to receive them. - Updated numeric captcha for languages, form validation and further publish validations. - Updated publish form to allow story summary and body and comment title and body to be converted to lowercase with a capital letter at the start of each sentence, by editors. - Updated view objects to display list of templates and create template directory if it is not present. - Updated imported feeds status to allow pre-parsing stream fixup rules to be created so that faulty feeds can be read. - Update to inset objects to display depending on date and time. Useful for automatic switch on and off. - Minor update to editimage.php to add a compact display mode. - Minor update to highlight events that have been voted upon using promote option. - Minor update to reset retry counter for a given RSS or Atom feed in RSS management page. Also shows the cache filename. - Minor update to add editorial roles during full install. - Minor update to search algorithm and add basic validations - Minor update to 'Add Bookmark' feature to preferences box. - Minor update to publish form to validate video ids. - Minor update to clear cache to create option to create embedded video cover image cache directory. - Minor update to attachments to report more error conditions on file uploads. - Minor update to display text based graph of number of comments per hour in admin stats page for current day. - Minor update to allow story publishing to be switched off globally from main configuration screen. - Minor update to add basic scratch pad facility into the Oscailt messaging screen. - Minor update to add option to tick all selections in the admin export data screen. - Minor update to add auditing to changes in comment publish delay configuration. - Minor update to file uploads in modules admin screen to display file sizes. - Minor update to add file for translation of common keywords. - Fixed faulty display of hidden embedded video mode - Fixed translation bug with features. - Fixed install bug with content_translation table with incorrectly named primary key. - Fixed bug where publish form preview in module layout returns request cancelled. - Fixed potential security bug with URL parsing. - Fixed bug with switch-on time of shared memory. - Fixed bug in full install where call to query object function failed. - Fixed bug in bargraph generation when calculating position of title within image. - Minor bug fix in attachment list display in stats.php - Minor bug fix in publish form where embedded video and audio ids were not displayed. - Minor bug fix in JS feeds to remove linefeeds and a fix to the content type returned. - Minor bug fix to display image manager link for editors to first photo in a story - Minor bug fix to not send out embedded video or audio in RSS or Atom feeds - Minor bug fix in the swap image function with timeposted field where sometimes operation failed. - Minor bug fix to remove embedded video during edit when deselected. Version 3.3 - Released April 2009 - Added new database table to store editorial actions and updated view site logs screen to display and filter this informaton. - Added new feature for editors to link translated stories together using a new translation table. - Added new feature using shared memory to track page hits for different modules and samples memory usage. Counts viewable and memory usage graphed in View Stats page. - Added new feature using shared memory to determine most popular story. Viewable to editors only for this release. - Added new administration image management module to view images and rotate them if required and identify correct image type. It provides other info about an image too, e.g links to story or comment. - Added new functonality to optionally display embedded video as a link to avoid IP tracking by video provider. - Added new functionality to generate links for social bookmarkng the top 5 social bookmark sites for article pages. - Added new fundraising bargraph code ideally used from an Oscailt code box object. - Added extra spam bot control with full site blocking and publish page blocking options. - Added Shared Memory configuration and activation to administration edit configuration screen. - Update to newswire and article module to display story or comment hide reason when logged in, read from the new editorial action table. - Added new functionality to publish module to allow story edits by public with optional password to a small set of stories. - Added new functionality to allow editors to do basic voting on stories and to generate a newswire of voted stories. - Added new functionality to track the status of imported RSS and Atom feeds viewable in a new administration page. - Added back pre Oscailt 3.0 functionality to allow Javascript non-standard site feeds. - Added goto article button generation function for use by codebox objects allowing an easy jump to an article page. - Update to publish form to accept description captions for embedded video and embedded audio. - Update to publish form with extra spam detection code. - Update to IP monitor to do a hostname lookup, show browser info and show story and comment ids. - Update to edit roles administration screen to display list of editor names with each named role. - Update to image tool class to check sufficent server memory before generating thumbnail images. - Update to database cache to use separate cache directories for each cache group. - Update to object viewer to generate links to lists of objects by type and display more info per object type - Update to imported RSS feeds to output errors to logfile if PHP error_display off and to save faulty RSS feeds in a file that are viewable in View Logs screen. - Minor update to add option to convert RSS feeds from UTF-8 before parsing stage to ISO-8859-1 - Minor update to add option to convert IMC site listing stream from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 - Minor update to edit configuration screen to add warnings for invalid PHP file upload sizes and attachment limits. - Minor update to edit configuration screen for system info to display list of PHP extension functions and magpie settings - Minor update to search module to improve ability to search with multiple words. - Minor update to code so that Edit Content mode works for static documents allowing links to editing the object. - Minor update to Oscailt message screen to allow sorting of last login times in View Editor Profiles tab. - Minor update to friendly urls page to allow sorting of display by object type - Minor update to edit editors page to allow sorting of display by editor name - Minor update to edit roles page to allow sorting of display by role type - Minor update to edit topics and edit regions pages to allow sorting of display by name - Minor update to publish to report list of image attachments uploaded - Minor update to publish to add MAX_FILE_SIZE in hidden form data for file upload to allow better error feedback. - Minor update to statistics page to correct report counts for embedded video and audio attachments - Minor update to latest comments to report number of pending or queued comments when comment delay enabled - Minor update to newswire module to give option to allow audio player to be displayed in summary area. - Minor update to view site logs admin screen to increased the display page size. - Minor update to clear cache screen to control which database caches to clear - Minor update to clear cache screen to check existence of database cache directories and indicate cache mode. - Minor update to improve diagnostics in install script. - Minor update to add home page and logout link to all administration pages. - Minor update to display comment ids beside comment title when logged in. - Minor update to add audit logging to create, updates and delete of roles. - Minor update to stylesheets edit screen to report sites using default style sheet files and display file info. - Minor update to site upload site files screen to display directory path. - Bugfix to bulk delete for logging and for timezone offset and report correct totals for comments and attachments in hidden stories. - Minor bugfix to allow hypen '-' in first and second part of a story related link URL. - Minor bugfix where event time kept reverting to a default of selected-hour and 59 minutes. - Minor bugfix to update the maximum form field size for 'related link' in publish form. - Minor bugfix to the numeric captcha in publish of images. - Minor bugfix to friendly url administration screen for document object redirects introduced in 3.2 - Minor bugfix to update incorrect field sizes in the search.xml file for translated fields. Version 3.2 - Released July 2008 - Added ability to publish multiple embedded video and audio and option to display embedded video in newswire summary - Added ability to specify event time during event publishing. - Added ability to make date texts used by events and archives to be more easily translated. - Added more text labels to allow more of events screen to be translated for multi language support. - Added more text labels to allow advanced search screen to be translated for multi language support. - Added support embedded video from to existing list. - Added Webserver, MySQL and PHP installation information to administration edit configuration screen. - Added daily email generation of mappings to hidden story and comment ids to their titles. - Added basic feature to generate static page listing most recent story and comment hides. Shows ids, titles and reasons. - Added install log to full installation script and some additional checks. - Added some extra site debug info overall, including object ids now in HTML source code as HTML comments. - Added ability for a second level of directory entries in friendly URLs for document objects. - Added audit logging for create, update and deletes for topics, types, regions and languages. - Added text based numeric captcha for use by publish form for anti spam measures. - Added Oscailt message reminder system which can schedule when to put messages on the Oscailt message system. - Updated View Objects screen with more functionality about page references and objects in other languages. - Updated Oscailt message screen to display list of editorial locks on stories and comments. - Minor update to indypage to allow page contents to appear before page insets. Useful for front page design. - Minor update to statistics page to use style sheets classes in all parts of the display. - Minor update to editors admin screen to page if more than 25 editors. - Minor update to import to record imports in editorial log. - Major bugfix in indyobjectset where ISO-8859-1 character set is now used during XML parser. This affected translated versions of static pages and other objects, by corrupting some characters. - Major bugfix for sessions lost by declaring class before usage in Affected only PHP 4.x. Similiar preventive fix to - Bugfix to send email ban notification when banning is done from IP monitor screen. - Bugfix to magpie parser code for Windows to not call the is_executable function first as this caused code to exit. - Minor bugfix for publish form for length of related link. - Minor bugfix to events display for monthly mode and when displaying past events. - Minor bugfix to user levels for warning and message. - Minor bugfix to to header so that HTML title tag appears after meta data with character set setting. - Minor bugfix so that if user error reporting is set in file, it is not overwritten by database value. Version 3.1 - Released February 2008 - Improved database caching. It is now divided up into 5 groups to help reduce destroying it all on updates. - Modified a relatively large number of links with "rel=nofollow" to tell googlebot not to follow them. - Added ability to sort by IP and show relative timestamps in IP monitor and added highlighting. - Added javascript option for editors in publish form in edit mode for 'Title Decapitalization' which means it converts the title text to lower case and uppercases all first letters of each word. - Added a new screen to display recent editor/user status and enable the sending of simple messages between editors. It also includes notification of a pending message to read at the top of the page to editors. - Added basic spam logging and anti-spam measures for long URI requests and tracking failed logins. The lengths are configurable. - Added quite extensive range of anti-spam measures in contact module/form and logging of suspected spam in a formatted way. Some of these the spam measures are configurable through module layout. - Added eventDate field for events in RSS feeds. Currently it is hard coded to check type_id = 5. Not ideal. - Added new admin screen for displaying basic object info. Enables filter by object, type etc. - Updated article display to filesizes in Mb for audio and misc files and added bigger audio and video icons. - Updated code so that hidden comments display in different background color and hidden totals are now given at top and bottom of page for editors. Requires update of style sheets for site specific colors. - Added slighly improved transparency for banned IPs, by auto-filling in the reason with the end ban date and editor and auto generating and sending and email notification. Table also updated for begin ban datetime. - Added anchor link to 'Todays' events in monthly event listing. - Added auto hiding of past events for monthly mode in calendar display. They can be turned on again. - Added the parent story title to Reported Posts functionality for comments. URL also added as a hidden form element. - Added ability to log reported posts and new display mode for them in view logs. - Added some improvements to View Logs display and added views of spam, reported posts and spam-email log files. - Added user optional extra javascript validation for publish when uploading files to help avoid validation failures after uploading. Useful for dialup. - Added editor ability to swap the displayed order of images separately in stories or comments. - Updated statistics to generate figures for previous selectable months and the last 7 days. - Updated and fixed bug in Bulk Delete. Added additional selectable times to delete back from. It also generates an entry to the action log with the count separately for number of hidden stories, comments and attachments deleted. - Added some additional logging for failed publishes of file uploads to help futher debug problems in this area. - Added code to record to editorial (action) log editor creates, deletes and updates by other editors. - Added feature when editing own profile to view the Oscailt permissions. Easier than figuring out by roles. - Fixed bug in user preferences display. This was preventing modificaitons being saved to user preference module. - Updated user preference module definition to allow option to display User Status link. - Added ability to publish stories and comments with embedded video. About 15 different types can be handled. - Added last_login and editor_details to editor table to enable last logins to be tracked and extra data stored like additional contact info. - Added Bristol IMC feature to view full comment text of comments in latest comments page. Currently only vieweable by editors. Same change includes updates to user preferences to control this. - Added Bristol IMC feature to add a configurable publish delay for comments. This effects story and latest comments modules. - Added Bristol IMC feature to add ability to ban publish with a given author name. Version 3.0.3 - Everything works properly now with PHP5 - some small bugs fixed here and there - various SQL optimisations Version 3.0.2 - Fixed bug with checking of stylesheet extension - Added anti-spam checkbox to contact forms Version 3.0.1 - Fixed a bug with the default feed logo pointing to a non-existant jpeg file Version 3.0 - Added a whole new module system and tonnes of other good stuff too numerous to mention Version 2.04 - Fixed bug in rsswirebar in selecting channel link which isn't global rss, if its in the format * - Changed default value of oml listing to new value - Fixed bug in feature reset time function, which caused it not to work - Changed Feature thumbnail to point to article rather than image within article - Fixed typo preventing video icon link from showing on sidebar - Changed category exclusions so they only apply on newswire default view, or filter searches. Text or date searches from sidebar, search page and archive no longer use excludes. - Fixed bug in gallery which was displaying images even though they were contained in hidden comments Version 2.03 - Added scanning tool for editors to detect and fix link errors in html content. - Added config item to enable/disable OML listing in page footer - Fixed html publishing and time posted altering permission issues in editor interface. - Extended searching to now search attachment descriptions. - Added gallery search option to advance search and quick search. - Added gallery mode to archives page. - Added image gallery and related database changes. - Added exclusion functionality to categories to enable other press section to be created. - Added thumbnail engine to allows thumbnails to be shown on newswire and to replace client side scaling of of existing newswire bar thumbnail. - Switched RSS feeds to UTF-8 encoding. - Fixed editor read permissions bug in bulk delete. - Fixed problems with global rss wire date format parsing. - Added feature to allow various data caches to be cleared by editors. Version 2.02 - Updated archives page to show only one calendar year at a time. Also added feature to select the newswire for any given week in the past. - Added events listing to the sidebar. - Fixed some bugs in the event calendar weekly mode display for leap year and end year rollover. - Fixed bug in the event calendar monthly mode display to correctly check the date and apply colours. Style sheet updated with colours too. - Fixed bug that prevented events being added for 'today'. - Fixed bug that sometimes resulted in same month being listed twice in the month drop-down list in publish events. - Fixed Db upgrade utility files so as to access objects/ file correctly. - Fixed SQL syntax error in the install database script. - Fixed bug causing potential sql security issue. - Fixed bug in .htaccess file that accidently commented out vital directives - Fixed bug in latestcomments.php that had db name hardcoded. - Stylesheet updated with style style for front page notice - Updated Oscailt design notes, install guide and FAQ. Version 2.01 - Added fix to uploaded file permissions to allow manual backups. - Added feature to allow custom icons for miscellaneous file types. Included icons for .pdf and .doc files, can be extended by editing Version 2.0 - Added php configuration overrides to .htaccess file to force magicquotes to off and prevent transparent display of session id's. - Added stylesheet filter to allow dynamic resizing of a pages text size based on users cookie preference - Renamed include files to .inc extension rather than .php to prevent malicious execution. - Switched default query values to be alphabetic eg(region=dublin rather than region_id=4), old ones still work though. - Added fix for statistic and bulk delete time based queries round to nearest 12 am to prevent unique time for each query bypassing cache. - Added reply to field in email config to allow different reply address for emails - Added fix to prevent escape slashes appearing in auto notifications. - Added fix for bug in saving boolean values in configuration - Added hidden comments to editor view of lastest comments - Added code to fetch and parse OML listings from the global IMC contact database (every 24 hours) to keep IMC network list up to date. - Integrated Magpie RSS code better with main codebase and changed it to use querycache - Rejigged query cache to provide generic caching of any data not just sql. - Added atomic file locking to query cache creation to prevent file corruption. - Added autohealing to querycache allowing it to clean out cached database query failures. - Added ability to default to specific language filter based on HTTP request language preferences. - Added automatically generated headlines display box on frontpage. Headlines specific to topic or region selected. - Added ability to load different banner graphics and stylesheets based on topic and region filters - Overhauled interface with new layout allowing easier customisation using stylesheets - Added fix for bug preventing moving/copying of attachments with quotes in description - Added fix for bug causing problems with pasting links of certain comments from clipboard Version 1.05 - Added mechanism for publishing new story type "event notices" with time of event - Added event calendar for viewing events. - Modified default newswire and newsfeed view to not display events. - Added extra option to type filter in newswire, newsfeed and search allowing default eclusion of events to be overridden - Added upcoming events box to front page - Renamed newswire calendar to "archives" to prevent confusion with new event calendar - Added mechanism "under the hood" to have negative filter ie topic_id=-4 shows all stories except those with topic 4. Will need to be improved and has no UI yet - Added mechanism to allow editors to publish using inactive categories - Added more display options to latest comments page Version 1.04 - Added new config settings to force email notifications (with configurable exception for features) - Added auto notification of edit actions on stories and comments - Added ability to select feature images, displayed as thumbnail on front page at top of newswire box - Added front page notice to config allowing temporary notices to be put on front page. - Added text area display function to config page - Fixed bug in config page failing when quotes used - Added new story category of language - Removed all references to IMC Ireland in the code and replaced with link to site identification variables - Added new design documentation - Added description for attachments, and changed images to be centred in page - Added ordering preferences to coment display and mechanism to persist comment dispay preferences in cookie Version 1.03 - Added story categories display on neswire summary display - Added comment navigation links and condensed comment display mode - Added "open publishing control" feature which allows stories and comments to be auto hidden upon publication - Removed media type and size restrictions when in editor mode. - Added "printable version" display mode on story pages - Fixed navigation bug on front page that was causing newswire sidebar to use query offset of centre column. - Added newswire calendar and navigation links for easily traversing the newswire and feature archives - Fixed bug in preview feature that was overwriting summary with content. - Fixed reliance on "register globals" in storydisplay.php in its use of php_self variable Version 1.02 - Added preview feature for story and comments publishing (disabled for uploads and while in editor mode) - Fixed incorrect spacer image tag in filterbar causing 404 errors in logs - Changed html title on story pages to include story title. - Fixed bug in comment copying which wasn't copying any comment attachments - Changed "upgrade to feature" functionality to create a temporary story for editing which is later merged with original, rather than hiding original story. - Fixed rogue table element possibly causing display problem on older browsers - Fixed problem with certain urls in automatic mail notifications - Fixed problem with images in feature summaries pushing down into next summary Version 1.01 - Removed IMC List from sidebar except on index and newswire summary page - Added global newswire column to newswire using Magpie RSS Parser. - Changed RSS Channel Title calculation to better suit Global Indymedia newsfeed. - Changed RSS item creator to short version of site name. - Changed RSS "feedtype" parameter to "depth" in line with standard usage. Defaults to "summary depth". - Added RSS "content_type" parameter to allow choice of html or plain text in newsfeeds. Defaults to plain text. - Fixed duplicate icon error in Javascript newsfeed for stories containing images. - Added notice to publish pages, asking use to use contact form for editorial queries/requests - Added feature to publish page to automatically prepend http:// to "related link" field if no URL prefix is present. - Reformatted layout of advanced search page and url generator page. Version 1.0 - First version so no notes yet really, future releases will contain notes on all new features.