Independent Media Centre Ireland
Dublin - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970

March to Israeli Embassy (IAWM)

category dublin | anti-war / imperialism | event notice author Wednesday June 02, 2010 10:47author by IAWM

Venue: Central Bank Plaza


After Israeli massacre on Gaza flotilla…. SANCTIONS ON ISRAEL NOW- FREEDOM FOR PALESTINE!

March to the Israeli Embassy, June 3rd, Assemble 6pm Central Bank Plaza, Dame St, Dublin

The Irish Anti-War Movement is holding a major march and demonstration to the Israeli Embassy, this Thursday June 3rd, calling for the Irish Government to expel the Israeli ambassador from Ireland, to impose sanctions on Israel, to demand Israel gives safe passage to the Rachel Corrie boat to Gaza and for the immediate release of all prisoners from the flotilla that are now in Israeli custody. The march will assemble at 6pm at the Central Bank plaza on Dame St, Dublin, before marching to the Dail and then on to the Israeli embassy.

Rachel Corrie was a 24 old American woman who was a member of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). She was murdered in 2003 by the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) in the Gaza Strip when they intentionally ran her over with a bulldozer while she was attempting to prevent IDF forces from demolishing the home of local Palestinian Samir Nasrallah. The Gaza aid boat was named in her honor.

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author by posterboypublication date Wed Jun 02, 2010 15:23author address author phone

image source -

March to the Israeli embassy
March to the Israeli embassy

author by numberspublication date Wed Jun 02, 2010 16:03author address author phone

it may very well be up to 19. Al Jazeera are saying "at least 9 and dozens injured". Exact figure remains unclear. Hopefully it will become clearer as activists released from Israeli custody (after being suitably bullied!) get to tell their side of the story

author by MickNedpublication date Wed Jun 02, 2010 17:24author address author phone

I am not happy that the Irish Antiwar Movement has decided to call a demonstration on Palestine because I feel that this country already has a very effective and vibrant Palestine Solidarity Campaign who I think should be allowed the courtesy of calling these demonstrations.

While everybody has a right to organize protests, and I would encourage as many people as possible to go along, I think its unhelpful that the otherwise moribund IAWM should seek to upstage the IPSC on this issue, The correct thing surely would be for the IAWM people to help organize the demo in the IPSC name, something perfectly easy to do because of the overlapping membership.

This is the usual headline chasing tactics much loved by its owners the SWP whenever some atrocity or other happens in Palestine. When Palestine goes off the front page they go back to doing little or nothing on the issue. Its hard to escape the conclusion that what is going on here is more about the need to build the political profile of a certain gentleman from Dun Laoghaire than a genuine attempt to help out. The people of Gaza starve 24/7 52 weeks a year , not just when Mr O Reilly decides to stick them on the front page..

The whole idea of holding a demo is to build a public profile, but for campaigns not for individuals and surely the campaign that deserves that is the IPSC, so why does the IAWM insist on calling demonstrations on the issue? Maybe the handful of non-SWP people could point this out to them.

Because the IAWM is a seriously hamstrung organization, with zero credibility among both the Irish activist community and the public at large, associating the Palestine issue with the IAWM is not good for the IPSC or the Palestinian cause. Call it cynical if you like but realistic is perhaps nearer the mark.

author by offkey - napublication date Wed Jun 02, 2010 17:43author address author phone

I have to agree with you MickNed.

Related Link:
author by opus diablos - the regressive hypocrite partypublication date Wed Jun 02, 2010 19:49author address author phone


And drop the acronymic sectarian wars.At least till the boat docks.We can go back to being our usual irish idiotic selves after we know the people on the front line are clear of the IDF.Stick to the issues or you will only serve those that division suits.Work it out or b quein.

author by Michael - Nonepublication date Wed Jun 02, 2010 21:46author address author phone

What I find most disturbing about Israel's actions against the Aid Flotilla is the degree of over-reaction.

This was a pathetically small flotilla carrying nothing that would threaten Israel in any meaningful way. Yet the response by Israel's military and political leaders was massive, military, mortal and illegal as, I understand, the action took place in international waters.

My concern is, as Israel has demonstrated again and again that it is prepared to act illegally and pre-emptively, what this nuclear power is capable of doing, for example, in relation to Iran, and the global consequences of such possible action.

Israel's actions have proven again and again that it is a terrorist state. The Aid Flotilla is just one more example. Until Israel is firmy made, not told, to stop, it will continue to abuse to laws of the international community and terrorise all who dare raise the voice of humanitarianism when that voice in any way opposes Israel's self-interest.

author by Go Rachel Corriepublication date Wed Jun 02, 2010 22:13author address author phone

Global call for the Saturday, 2 days after this IAWM demo - June5, 2010 Global Day 2Break Israeli Siege of Gaza. Join the action

Let’s mark Saturday, 5th June 2010 as Global Day to Break Israeli Siege with protests and demonstrations in front of Israeli embassies and consulates all over the world. We call on you to join us on this day to demand in a global united voice, from our governments to:

* Take a stance against this horrid inhumanity committed by Israel against armless humanitarians and activists by following Turkey’s footsteps in shutting down Israeli’s consulates. Crimes against inhumanity are inexcusable and will not be welcome in our countries.
* Join the growing international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement in cutting all political, economic, cultural and academic ties with Israel as a statement that crimes against humanity are inexcusable, unwelcome and will not pass unchallenged.
* Impose full sanctions against Israel until they fully abide by international law and UN conventions in relation to the siege in Gaza, occupation and apartheid in Palestine as well as the right of return of refugees.

If you do not have an Israeli embassy in your country, protest in front of major corporations or institutions with economic, political, cultural or academic ties with Israel.

fuller details at

Global Day 2Break Israeli Siege of Gaza, Saturday June5, 2010 (world environmental day)
Global Day 2Break Israeli Siege of Gaza, Saturday June5, 2010 (world environmental day)

author by Con Carrollpublication date Thu Jun 03, 2010 17:30author address author phone

nice one Nick ned
it has to be repeated this is about Palestinian people. it is not for people who throw a tantrum because there are not on platforms with their egotism

author by fotos of demopublication date Thu Jun 03, 2010 19:00author address author phone

photos emerging via echofon expect a few more will be available soon

Survivor of #freedomflotilla speaks at Dublin rally about his experiences
Survivor of #freedomflotilla speaks at Dublin rally about his experiences

author by Iawm - Iawmpublication date Thu Jun 03, 2010 23:16author address author phone

The Irish Anti-War Movement held a demonstration in Dublin this evening to protest at Israel's actions.

Hundreds of protestors have formed a human barricade around the Israeli Embassy in Ballsbridge following the march.

author by dunkpublication date Fri Jun 04, 2010 08:56author address author phone

There was a sleep out outside the Israeli Embassy last night after yesterdays demo. And with modern communication technology Denis Halliday, presently on board the MV Rachel Corrie, spoke live to the crowd through a live satellite linkup. A slightly longer more detailed report from IAWM came through facebook...

And a correct photo from the demo is enclosed. Apologies, earlier image of last nights demo is not correct (tek error), here is one of the correct ones, via WSM on TWEETPHOTO (where and what can all this ever improving communication technology lead to?) for more photos and TWEETS from them, see here

Richard Boyd Barrett said “Here in Ireland, we must demand that our Government takes genuine action against Israel. Words of criticism or a rap over the knuckles from Micheál Martin are not enough. The Israeli ambassador should be expelled from this country and all trade and diplomatic links with Israel must be severed.”

Great to see more and more anger rising all over the country and that saturday looks like it will be a huge day of protest in Ireland, with planned protests in the coming days in Strabane, Gorey, New Ross, Belfast, Sligo, Waterford, Ennis, Limerick, Cork, Belfast and Dublin.

Keep it going Ireland, the eyes of the world are again focusing on our little island, a special boat, and an utterly brave crew...

Viva Rachel Corrie, Viva GAza, Viva Pachamama


Tonight (Jun 3rd), anti-war activists and protestors have formed a human barricade around the Israeli Embassy, following a march from Dublin, called in protest at the Israeli attack on the Gaza aid flotilla earlier this week.

Over 200 activists remained to formed the chain and over 50 plan to stay the night to shut down the embassy.

The demonstration, organised by the Irish Anti-War Movement is calling for safe passage to Gaza for the Irish owned aid ship, MV Rachael Corrie, and an immediate end to the brutal Israeli siege of the beleaguered Palestinian enclave.

The protest is demanding that the Irish government impose diplomatic trade sanctions on Israel, in response to this week’s atrocity and the ongoing persecution of the people of Gaza and Palestine.

The protest organisers say the barricade around the embassy symbolises the need for Ireland and the International community to politically and economically isolate Israel until the murderous siege of Gaza is lifted and the decades of oppression visited on the entire Palestinian people is ended.

Richard Boyd Barrett, chairperson of the Irish Anti-War Movement said:

“This latest vile atrocity committed by Israel is surely the signal to the world to say: enough is enough. We cannot keep coming out every year to condemn the latest Israeli atrocity but do nothing about it. Sanctions must now be imposed on Israel to force them to lift this brutal siege and to secure self-determination and basic human rights for the people of Palestine. Our government should take a lead in this by expelling the Israeli ambassador and severing economic ties with Israel. Government criticism of Israel is little more than hot air, if it is not accompanied by concrete action. Our protest tonight is aimed at securing that end.”

Claudia Saba, Palestinian activist from the steering committee of the Irish Anti-War Movement said:

“Ireland continues to buy military equipment from Israel. Our government voted to support Israel’s entry into the OECD. We continue to allow EU trade privileges to Israel. Critical words will have no effect whatsoever if, in real political and economic terms, we continue to treat them as if they were a normal democratic state and give them special privileges. The Irish government must now match its words with deeds and impose sanctions on Israel, as was done with Apartheid South Africa. Ireland must take a lead in Europe in demanding, finally, a just peace for the Palestinian people.

Critically, with the Rachael Corrie now sailing into the teeth of the murderous regime that killed at least nine peace activists earlier this week, we must exert maximum pressure on Israel not to attack this ship and to allow vitally needed aid through to Gaza

Over 50 People Sleep out at Israeli Embassy Tonight

Tonight over 50 Anti-War activists are sleeping out at the Israeli embassy in solidarity with the people on board the MV Rachel Corrie as it attempts to deliver its humanitarian aid to the beleaguered people of Gaza.

Earlier the protesters heard from Denis Halliday on board the MV Rachel Corrie through a live satellite linkup.

Black coffins were also carried on the march to remember those that lost their lives attempting to deliver aid to Gaza.

The protesters also staged a brief sit-down at the Dail to call on the Irish government to do more than just condemn the attack

Preparing for a Sleep-out at Israeli Embassy 2010-06-03


Protesters call for Israeli ambassador to be expelled

ABOUT 500 protesters took part in a demonstration in Dublin yesterday calling for the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador to Ireland and safe passage for the Rachel Corrie aid vessel which is en route to Gaza.

The protesters marched under Palestinian and Turkish flags, following five coffins symbolising some of those who lost their lives on Monday when an aid flotilla carrying supplies intended for Gaza was raided by Israeli commandos.

A group of protesters vowed to stay overnight to surround and shut down the embassy.

March organiser and chairman of the Irish Anti-War Movement Richard Boyd Barrett said “Here in Ireland, we must demand that our Government takes genuine action against Israel. Words of criticism or a rap over the knuckles from Micheál Martin are not enough. The Israeli ambassador should be expelled from this country and all trade and diplomatic links with Israel must be severed.”

Dublin demo for Gaza - Flotilla massacre survivor Shane Dillon Addresses crowd
Dublin demo for Gaza - Flotilla massacre survivor Shane Dillon Addresses crowd

Dublin demo for Gaza, protesters sleep outside Israeli embassy and shut it down for the night
Dublin demo for Gaza, protesters sleep outside Israeli embassy and shut it down for the night

author by linkerpublication date Fri Jun 04, 2010 09:08author address author phone

Israel Embassy Protest, Dublin Ireland. June 3rd 2010

Caption: Video Id: CkR2f9-K21k Type: Youtube Video
Israel Embassy Protest, Dublin Ireland

author by Paul Daniggelispublication date Sun Jun 06, 2010 20:38author email urbisoler at aol dot comauthor address El Paso, Texas, USAauthor phone

Israel is a western nation trying to survive in an eastern sea. Since 1948 what has been the results:
Israel is a Garden of Paradise compared to the oil rich degenerates whose nations are pockets of misery. The eastern bloc are trying to revive a 16th century existence in a 21th Century world. They are blind to the freedoms and prosperity of the west in spite of the wealth of oil which they do not share with their populations.
I don't know if Israel and Palestinians can coexist or not. What I do know is that Israel has every right to exist AND defend themselves against their neighbors. If Israel abandons the blockade into Gaza they will be committing suicide. All manner of arms would flood the corrupt nation not for the defense of Gaza, but for the destruction of Israel. They will not succeed.
Here in the United States, there is a revolt in the making. With any luck we will turn this country around and steer a course for survival at the expense of our enemies not our allies of which Israel is one. There will be a lot of pain associated with this reversal of fortune but the world needs to rid itself of the deadwood. Democracy and Capitalism are those philosophies most closely associated with natural law. You had better get on the side of Freedom or you will left in the dust along with all the other Socialist nations floundering in Europe.

author by classicpublication date Sun Jun 06, 2010 21:42author address author phone

Good man Paul - you are a classic Zio-racist - when all else fails simply make it an 'East vs. West' narrative - as in 'they all hate us because we are so progressive and modern and THEY are horrible stuck-in-the-past anti-semites who just love to hate'

You're pathetic Paul - it's just a variation on the 'We are the eternal Victim' - throw in some silly emotive 'right to exist' bullshit - and hey presto - instant blind-to-reality, false-logic justification of the racist and fascistic nature of the Zionist regime's failed experiment

It never seems to occur to you racist Zionists that it actually might be YOUR attitude that is causing a problem

There's nothing progressive about Fascism, Paul, and the Zionism you love so much is a fascist ideology, with much in common with Nazism

author by opus diablos - the regressive hypocrite partypublication date Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:03author address author phone

Democracy and Capitalism are those philosophies most closely associated with natural law,Paul?I'm just curious as to where you studied,philosophy,nature or law.Natural law,as it pertains to the anthropoid branch of the evolutionary tree is the law of the jungle,as it is for most organisms outside of the oceans the deserts or the savannas.The bonobo has not minted coinage or printed legal tender that have gotten to Monte carlo or Las Vegas according to my informants,nor are their democratic credential up to scrutiny,though I have to admit when I look at the antics of Oireachtas Report the monkeys in the suits do trail behind for sapient behaviour.Oh,and east and west are just compass points,and Israel is not an island so it can hardly be a Garden of Paradise in an eastern sea.Quaint ideas, but try to get into the nineteenth century before the twenty-first closes.Otherwise you may find yourself eating dust.Shalom.

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