Independent Media Centre Ireland

Hotelier plans to throw turkeys off tower to see if they fly ...

category fermanagh | animal rights | opinion/analysis author Monday November 09, 2009 16:29author by Bernie Wright - Alliance for Animal Rights (AFAR]author email berniew at esatclear dot ieauthor address AFAR, PO Box 4734. Dublin1author phone 0872651720

Plans for throwing turkeys now changed to stuffed ones.

Hotelier plans to throw turkeys off tower to see if they fly ...
This was the brainchild of a hotelier Joe Mahon who now wanted to throw turkeys from a 100ft roof for fun to see if they can fly. It’s a stunt for publicity by this sick bumkin in Fermanagh.
However as he now says he never said 'live' in his news release he insists he is using toy turkeys.

Response received from Joe Mahon-
This is the response several folk have had from Joe Mahon -


Dear xxx

Just to let you know that there was never any intention of throwing live turkeys off the tower it doesn’t state anywhere in the original articles that the turkeys are Live,
The turkeys that we where using for the stunt are in fact toy turkeys (not Live)

The whole event is a charity event in aid of Cancer Research U.K. , we have a craft fair with local crafts and then an auction of Live turkeys on the street where they are perfectly safe and well looked after.

We ran a similar event last year (A Turkey Parade) as well and everything went well raising over a thousand pounds for Cancer Research, and all the children that attended the event enjoyed seeing live Turkeys.

I hope this answers your query

Joe Mahon
AFAR had put out an email alert as follows.
We urged our fellow activists to contact Joe Mahon by ph or email.
Below are his contact details at his
Mahon's Hotel Irvinestown County Fermanagh Northern Ireland BT94 1GS
Tel: + 44 (0 ) 28 6862 1656 E: Email.

More below on his hotel .
Joe gets a roasting over plans to toss turkeys off tower - News ...
5 - Cached

We do believe he was planning to use real Turkeys, if not why did he not say so in the first place..Many newspapers covered the event. They were to be caught in a blanket 100 ft below to stop them hitting the ground.that was the answer he initially gave to cruelty claims from the public.
At least that is off now. He got lots of activists calling him and had legal advice not to go on radio with me this morning. I was on Shannonside and moved on the debate to Veganism and asked everyone to look to their own relationships with non human animals not just Turkeys.
It went well ...... it plants the seeds…and Joe Mahon wont hopefully use animals again.

Related Link:

Comments (5 of 5)

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author by John Carmody - Animal Rights Action Network (ARAN)publication date Tue Nov 10, 2009 13:34author email arancampaigns at eircom dot netauthor address author phone

ARAN had a demonstration planned and phone blockade took place of this joint until the good news it's not going ahead - an injuction was also been sought by PETA Europe plus more....Even turkey's have rights.

Thanks to everyone who got involved and of course the calls and email.

Related Link:
author by Concerned socialist - Reality Checkpublication date Tue Nov 10, 2009 15:52author address author phone

....anyone who seriously planned on protesting at this event is an imbecile. This is, LITERALLY, the oldest trick in the book of generating publicity. It used to be common for cinema owners to announce that they were going to give a baby away during the main feature; when the time came, it was a baby pig. Nice to see suckers are still suckers a century on.

author by John Carmody - ARANpublication date Tue Nov 10, 2009 20:50author email arancampaigns at eircom dot netauthor address author phone


Thanks for your feedback, good or bad it's welcome!!!

Yes you can be sure ARAN would be doing whatever we could to stop this hideous planned turkey throw. Regardless if it was a real idea or just a sick publicity stunt, it helped us once again to get our message out about animal rights and cruelty to animals into the public arena. Thankfully this story has been covered widely on many radio stations and newspapers across Northern Ireland helping to direct people's attention to the animals plight.

But let us here at ARAN make it clear, if this ever does go ahead in the future we certainly will be standing by ready to move mountains to stop it.

Thank you.

author by Mike Novackpublication date Wed Nov 11, 2009 02:49author address author phone

From the land where they are a native wild species, let me assure you, turkeys most certainly can fly. They don't normally bother flying very high or very far, since the only reason to leave the ground is to escape from a predator that they can't outrun -- if caught in the open (crashing through heavy brush turkeys are very fast indeed). So normally it's just get up high enough to get to a lower limb of a tree within 100 meters or two (they would very rarely stray into an area so open that there wasn't a safe perch within a distance like that. However they will sometimes go higher.). I've seen them go up over 20 meters.

So no, drop them from a tower and they won't crash to the ground. Think of your own "ground birds". Your grouse, like ours, also don't usually fly very high or very far but that doesn't mean one wouldn't land safely if dropped from a tower. Or the familiar pheasant (which isn't native), peacocks either. Turkeys fly every bit as well as those. Just less jittery about staying on the ground as they aren't scared of small predators and like I said, fast movers through brush.

You don't have any remaining wild predators that could cause a turkey to take to the air. They don't fear an itty bitty fox.

NOTE: This was NOT to suggest such silly a stunt wasn't misuse of an animal. Just debunking the notion that turkeys can't fly.

author by BirdBrainpublication date Wed Nov 11, 2009 03:34author address author phone

Mike, You're talking about wild turkeys not grossly fattened factory farmed birds pumped up with hormones etc to fatten them quickly. I'll bet some of those would fall like a stone and meet their fate on the pavement.

Again not condoning cruelty here, in fact highlighting the real cruelty behind turkey breeding , given the season thats in it. People reading this, you can show real concern for the fate of turkeys by eating something else (and probably much healthier) other than factory farmed turkey for xmas.

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