Independent Media Centre Ireland

April 2008 issue of The Socialist (#34) now online

category national | miscellaneous | other press author Saturday May 03, 2008 15:02author by SP Online - Socialist Partyauthor email info at socialistparty dot net

The April 2008 issue of The Socialist (#34) is now online at the Socialist Party website. See below for contents.
The Socialist (#34) - April 2008
The Socialist (#34) - April 2008


Ireland - South
Defend Public Healthcare: Stop the health cuts!
Campaign for a Real Public Health Service national conference
2,000 people march to save Tallaght Hospital
Mercy part-time A&E: Mickey Mouse service not acceptable
Joe Higgins Column: Ahern's real legacy
Unions must defend jobs: "Shocking" rise in unemployment
Cork's wild animal ban
Joe Higgins confronts "big guns" over Lisbon
Boxers won't be knocked out!
Parties betray community on Tolka Valley
Fight Irish gangster capitalism
Tighten your belts and work til 70! - Workers can’t afford "social partnership"
Exposing the bosses wage lies
HSE: Lobbying politicians won't work. Vote for action!

Ireland - North
Exclusive: Rates bills and water charges may be illegal
Ten Years On: The Good Friday Agreement
Sacked Belfast Airport workers: Their battle for justice continues
Stop the deportation of the Kazadi family
News in brief

Socialist Youth News
Torch protests, child labour and the multinationals!
The Real Miss UCD!
Fight for young workers' rights
SY Event: 1968 – A year of revolt
Scrap fees - Free education for all
End the occupation of Iraq – Young people show their anger

International News
World Food Crisis: Millions face starvation
Brutal repression of Tibetan protests

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