Independent Media Centre Ireland
International - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970

Samhain (Halloween) Event

category international | environment | event notice author Wednesday September 26, 2007 20:29author by Carmel - Campaign To Save Taraauthor email carmeldiviney at eircom dot netauthor phone 0876100771

Lighting the Fires, Great Banquet

This year we will be staging a large scale Samhain Fire event followed by a Great Banquet/Party to revitalise the Ancient Customs of our land.

In Ancient Times Tara was well associated with the lighting of Fires at this time and on it's surrounding hills. When the fires were lit, from hill to hill the message spread throughout the land , with fires being lit on every high place in responce. You may research this at your leisure but for the purpose of this email I am making a brief summary, which I hope will ignite your interest and passion.

This custom has continued on a small scale over the years by those who wish to keep our Ancient ways alive but THIS year we hope to make this event National and International to make our message clear, that we CARE about TARA and our Heritage and wish to protect it from the destruction heaved upon it by a short sighted , corrupt Governmenment .

We wish to highlight the alternatives , the Meath Master Plan and re route the road away from such a delicate Archaeological Landscape.

Interested parties have committed to joining with us in Solidarity for Tara from Canada and the US so far. We have a few weeks to make this as widely known out there as possible and require YOUR help to do so. The idea of fires lit for Tara especially here in Ireland in each county and being photographed from space... let alone the World ...(Google Earth ) is awe inspiring.

We need You to make this happen.

On Oct 31st Fires will be lit at Tara, Uisneach, Tlachtga and all over Ireland in responce to our call for people to unite in Solidarity. Be pro active and join us on a hill near you!

On Saturday Nov 3rd a mighty get together will take place at the Great Banqueting Hall on the Hill of Tara. We are calling Poets, Musicians (acoustic ), Re enactors, Artists, Speakers to come together to make this a spectacular. We call on all those that CARE about what is happening to our land and to the Heritage that we pass on to future generations, to join us.

If you have an idea or would like to contribute please contact

Carmel 0876100771 Emma 0857147745

We would love to hear from you.

The Harp that once through Tara's Halls will sing again . LOUD AND CLEAR!

Thank you.

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Comments (8 of 8)

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author by Vic Gray - Astro 353publication date Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:53author address author phone

I think that if you held your gathering on the right days it would give them more meaning and more power.
Beltaine, Lammas (or Lughnasa), Samhain and Imbolc are Solar festivals occurring half way between the Solstices and the Equinoxes. The early Christian Church attempting to deny its origins, changed the Winter solstice into Christmas day, the Spring Equinox into Easter and other festivals into various saints days on Sundays near to their true dates, such as St Brigid's day (Imbolc). This was only partially successful and S May Day (Beltaine),Halloween (Samhain), , Lughnasa and Midsummers day( Summer solstice) re-emerged outside the Christian calendar. Confusion however remained and only Midsummer is now celebrated on the right day. Even if you take an alternative viewpoint that the Quarter days were Lunar festivals then the dates usually celebrated still make no sense. Anyone who has studied the alignments of standing stones and stone circles in depth has calculated that they are aligned to these solar midpoints.

By using dates for celebrations that are often as much as a week away from the actual solar midpoint you are denying the validity of the sacred sites themselves. and if you argue that it is only symbolic then we may as well build a replica of Tara some where else and celebrate there.

It may be too late to organise a different day this year so have a good day anyway ...but maybe in the future lets get it right and use the power of the stones on the right day.

Samhain 2007... 7th November
Imbolc 2008 ........Feb 3rd
Beltaine 2008 .....May 6th
Lammas 2008... 7th September
Samhain 2008... 7th November

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author by Neolithic Timespublication date Thu Sep 27, 2007 11:40author address author phone

As nearby Newgrange ("The Winter Solstice Detector") is in all probably very closely connected with Tara in several ways, perhaps "Saturnalia" should also be included in the above list of feasts (at Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:53 above)?

"For much of life on earth, NATURE transmits an important signal on December 21st of each year. This is the day of The Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere."

"It is on this day that nature's annual cycle of decay and degeneration gently (and almost imperceptibly) switches large portions of its energies to those of the opposite process: regeneration, and the creation of new life."

More on the VERY ancient "Feast of Saturnalia" can be found via .

author by Carmel - CSTpublication date Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:12author address author phone

Thank you for your very interesting input. The above 2 mails will be discussed at length over the weekend between members of CST and the Direct Action.

We realise that the majority of people are not interested in Pagan Festivals and more are not interested in the power of the stones unfortunately , so that is why we changed the name from Samhain Beacons to Halloween Fires or to a combination of both in order to appeal to as many people as possible to come out and object to the destruction in the valley. It would seem more feasible to hold the Banquet on a Saturday night and let anyone who wishes to celebrate in a Spiritual way hold their celebrations in whatever way they wish.

I agree with you that the exact dates should be acknowledged but like I said, it will be given further discussion :)

We have so far recieved an offer from a Fire Display Artist and a donation of Halloween decorations. I have also suggested asking people to bring glass jars with them in which to put a tea light and replicate the Aerial event with the letters in Fire! Samhain is a Fire Festival :) There are a few more ideas being considered so please feel free to make suggestions and contributions. There are a few weeks in which to bring this all together.


Ps; No committments as yet from any Poets or Musicians!!!!

author by John S.publication date Sat Oct 11, 2008 17:15author address author phone

I'm an American guy currently in Tralee and planning on touring around Ireland and visiting the Hill of Tara was on my list. The 3 November event sounds interesting. Is there a separate web page describing the event in more detail?

Assuming it isn't problem and the date is set (I ask because of the subsequent comments), I'll make arrangements to be there.

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author by -publication date Sat Oct 11, 2008 19:47author address author phone

Dig in and help out, bring a song or a poem.(mobile Phone credit is good too)


author by Eric Blairpublication date Wed Oct 15, 2008 14:15author address author phone

there's no tradition of lighting a samhain fire at Tara. The time for a fire at Tara is Midsummer. I appreciate what you're trying to do, but the timing is out of kilter with tradition, much as the motorway is

throw a log on for me,

author by Tara Tara Tarapublication date Wed Oct 15, 2008 17:49author address author phone

This event happened last year. Sorry you missed it.

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author by Fred Johnstonpublication date Thu Oct 16, 2008 16:01author email sylfredcar at iolfree dot ieauthor address author phone

Best wishes and congratulations to all of you holding out at Tara. God bless.

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