Independent Media Centre Ireland
Dublin - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970

Time for a real left alternative-Public Conference

category dublin | miscellaneous | event notice author Tuesday November 07, 2006 17:06author by rory - PBPA

Speakers Include:

Vincent McGrath (Shell to Sea/Rossport 5)
Catherine Connolly (Galway City Cllr),
Joan Collins (Indp Socialist Cllr and Campaign for Indp Left, candidate for Dublin South Central),
Eamonn McCann (Raytheon 9, Journalist)
Catherine Murphy (Indp. TD)
Richard Boyd Barrett (People Before Profit), Prof Kathleen Lynch (UCD), Carmel McKenna, Dr. Abdullah Sayed, Ailbhe Smyth, Kieran Allen, Rory Hearne

When: Fri 24th & Sat 25th Nov.
Where: Central Hotel, Exchequer St, Dublin 2

Conference Registration: Waged €5 Unwaged €2

This conference is bringing together individuals, groups, political organisations, campaigns, and unions who want to create an Ireland and a world based on what people need rather than the needs of corporations. Come along to discuss and listen to issues such as war, globalisation, privatisation of public services and the creation of alternatives. We believe a radical alternative to the establishment political parties is necessary; one that represents working people and all those currently alienated by the consensus politics that prioritises the needs of corporations, developers, and the wealthy elite over the needs of workers, local communities and ordinary people.

Friday Nov. 24th:
6pm Education & Privatisation for Profit - the dangers for public education
Prof. Kathleen Lynch (UCD), Niall Smyth (Campaign for Commercial Free Education), Dr. David Carey, Froebel College, Blackrock, Coordinator of Special Education and Programme Development at the Froebel College of Education

7.30pm War, globalisation and Ireland
Dr Abdullah Sayed (Irish-Lebanese Community), Richard Boyd Barrett (Chair, Irish Anti War Movement & PBPA Candidate Dun Laoghaire), Ailbhe Smyth (UCD), Eamon McCann (Journalist & Raytheon 9)

Saturday November 25th:
10.30am Privatisation & neoliberalism: the future for our public services?
Catherine Murphy (Indp TD), Catherine Connolly (Cllr. Galway), Kieran Allen (UCD)

12pm People power and strategies of resistance
Vincent Mcgrath (Rossport 5), Frances Corr (Combined Residents Against Incineration), Rory Hearne (People Before Profit Alliance)

2.30pm People before profit: time for a new left alternative
Joan Collins (Indp Cllr), Carmel Mckenna (People Before Profit Alliance Candidate Wicklow), Richard Boyd Barrett, Catherine Connolly

Org. by People Before Profit Alliance/Davitt League Contact 086 1523542/086 0566290

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author by Pushkin - VLL PISFI (ICR)publication date Tue Nov 07, 2006 20:17author address author phone

Four of the speakers are members of the SWP who are not acknowledged as such in the above story. Why do the SWP resort to this? They are not fooling activists. Does anyone really believe that Kieran Allen is along because he lectures in UCD?

author by Lemacpublication date Tue Nov 07, 2006 20:34author address author phone

The SWP say above:

"This conference is bringing together individuals, groups, political organisations, campaigns, and unions who want to create an Ireland and a world based on what people need rather than the needs of corporations."

My questions are which trade unions are supporting this "conference"? Which trade unions are supporting People Before Profit and or the idea of a new left alternative?

author by Leftiepublication date Wed Nov 08, 2006 13:44author address author phone

I see Joan and Catherine are addressing the last session 'People before profit: time for a new left alternative. '
This would seem to indicate that People Before Profit is more than just a SWP front. Interesting development.

author by Sagepublication date Wed Nov 08, 2006 14:59author address author phone

"People Before Profit" is just the title of the debate session. It does not mean that Joan & Ctherine support PBPA.

author by Parsley, Rosemary and Thymepublication date Wed Nov 08, 2006 17:20author address author phone

""People Before Profit" is just the title of the debate session. It does not mean that Joan & Ctherine support PBPA."

I think they should be referred to misleading advertising then. It might be the title of the debate session but it is also the name of the group hosting the event. And the ad gives the impression that the four speakers will be saying that the sponsoring group is the left alternative. You got some inside info that says otherwise.

author by rory - PBPApublication date Tue Nov 14, 2006 16:26author address author phone

There will also be a speaker from Labour Youth at the Conference

The final meeting is a debate over the new left. It is not claiming PBPA IS the only new left organisation or that the speakers are part of PBPA. We explain we want to work with all groups etc who are working towards a new left.

author by lefty - -publication date Tue Nov 14, 2006 16:37author address author phone

Q: Which trade unions are supporting People Before Profit and or the idea of a new left alternative?
A: ATGWU support the idea of a new left alternative. There was a meeting before the summer with many trade unionists from many unions at it to discuss the idea of an alternative left. The meeting had people from the Campaign for an Independant Left, Workers Party, SWP, SP, ISN and others.

author by cropbeye - Anti war Irealnd Corkpublication date Sat Nov 25, 2006 19:00author address Cork City (Northside)author phone

The latest opinion poll shows that Sinn Fein The Greens and Labour have

30% between them.

This is more than ever before in a general sense of critiquing main stream politics

from a centre left point of view.

Maby it also reflects a subtle shift in political outlook internationally.

While in no way making a case for the above parties surely some of the people in the 30% can

be considered genuinely left. So there is a pool that needs to be fished at some point.

Worth considering at any rate.

author by Nonpublication date Sat Nov 25, 2006 22:09author address author phone

Lefty I think you will find that the ATGWU does not support the idea of a new left alternative. Individuals who are members of the ATGWU certainly do and where involved in getting that union to help organise the meeting you refer to. The ATGWU are affiliated to the Labour Party and there are no plans for that to change. Key ATGWU speaker at the meeting you referred to made it clear that they were members of Labour and for them a new left alternative would mean Labour forming alliances with other "left" parties rather than FG. Mick O'Reilly is on record as being opposed to the formation of a new left party.

author by leftypublication date Sat Nov 25, 2006 22:19author address author phone

Non, I think YOU will find that the ATGWU does support the idea of a new left alternative. The ATGWU certainly did facilitate meetings to discuss the possibility. That constitutes support for the idea.

author by Non (ATGWU Member)publication date Sat Nov 25, 2006 22:25author address author phone

I don't intend to participate in a pantomine type yes they do no they don't exchange. Produce a copy of an ATGWU conference motion (that was passed) which calls for the ATGWU to disaffiliate from the Labour Party and for it to form or participate in the formation of a new left political party.
No such motion exists. The ATGWU are affiliated to the Labour Party, and there are no plans to change the status quo.

author by Treasa - nonepublication date Sat Nov 25, 2006 23:06author address author phone

I was at the meeting earlier this year on an alternative left and O'Reilly made it clear that the ATGWU wanted to see a left-led coalition government. At no point did he rule out coalition with Fine Gael; the only proviso is that the coalition be led by the Labour Party.

I only managed to attend the last session of the people before profit conference. It was certainly refreshing to see twice as many women speaking from the platform as men ... and not just polished Betsy Lous but real fighters from a number of campaigns. All of the speakers, apart from Labour Youth, endorsed the idea of an alternative left alliance. The Labour Youth speaker was actually very good, outlining the disgust that members feel towards the Labour/Fine Gael pact. However, he didn't accept the argument that it was time to break with the Labour Party and campaign for a real socialist/alternative left.

Good turnout of the traditional anti-partnership left, swp members and perhaps more importantly a fair number of people who didn't seem to have any affiliation but appeared to be interested in the new left project.

Well done to the organisers ... look forward to the Enough is Enough demonstration sometime in the New Year.

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