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Constitutional first-aid

category international | crime and justice | opinion/analysis author Wednesday May 03, 2006 16:49author by W. Finnerty.

The Venice Commission, also known as the European Commission for Democracy through Law, is the Council of Europe's advisory body on constitutional matters.

It contributes to the dissemination of the European constitutional heritage, based on the continent's fundamental legal values - while continuing to provide “constitutional first-aid” to individual states.

The Republic of Ireland's man on the Venice Commission is Mr James Hamilton, the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Allowing for the way Mr Hamilton has initiated and conducted the case I have recently taken before the Council of Europe's European Court of Human Rights, I wonder if he is a suitable person for the Venice Commission post - or indeed for any position in the legal justice system?

Also, and allowing for insidious constitutional abuse which now seems to have surreptitiously transformed the Republic of Ireland into some kind of United States / World Trade Organisation colony, without any consultation with the people of the Republic of Ireland, I find myself wondering if there might possibly be a strong genetic link of some kind between James Hamilton DPP, and Scots Colonist Sir Roderick Hamilton of 1600's fame?

Further information on the above subjects can be found via the addresses provided below:

Venice Commission:

James Hamilton DPP:

Sir Roderick Hamilton:

Charge of assault initiated by James Hamilton DPP:

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author by Vercingetorixpublication date Fri May 05, 2006 11:07author address author phone

A selection of leaders, and observers, were informed yesterday (i.e. May 4th 2006) regarding the "Constitutional first-aid" situation.

A copy of the e-mail used can be viewed at:

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author by W. Finnerty.publication date Sun May 07, 2006 17:40author address author phone

There is at least one report in circulation on the Internet which suggests that when people living in the 1600s wanted to make Cromwell look good, all they had to do was compare him to Sir Frederick Hamilton (1590-1647).

A brief outline account - using his own words - of how colonist Sir Frederick Hamilton treated people in Ireland during the 1600s can be found at the following page location:

A short outline of the origins of global colonisation in 1500s Europe can also be found at the above address.

When the term "global colonisation" is reduced to "globalisation" (in its present form and meaning), it may look to some as though human history is repeating itself in one of its ugliest, most destructive, and wasteful of ways?

Is the physical abuse of people in Iraq of the 2000s (for example) that much different to Ireland of the 1600s?

Have the leaders of the master-criminal clique of western tyrants already successfully hi-jacked the law for themselves on an international basis, for the purpose of implementing and supporting their tyranny globally; and, if so, will the democratically minded people of the world ever be able to take the law back off them - now that this particular hi-jack appears to be so far advanced?

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author by W. Finnertypublication date Thu May 11, 2006 22:41author address author phone

1) Could it be that much of the bullying and abuse (physical and psychological) in daily life is trickling down from a so called "higher" social source? - and from people who are in a position to set a good example, but who, at the present time, are doing the exact opposite?

2) Why are public officials being allowed to keep on abusing their powers and their positions in the ways that they are: when there are numerous laws already in place to prevent them from doing so?

3) "So may the outward shows be least themselves:
The world is still deceived with ornament.
In law, what plea so tainted and corrupt,
But, being seasoned with a gracious voice,
Obscures the show of evil?"

"In religion,
What damned error, but some sober brow
Will bless it and approve it with a text,
Hiding the grossness with fair ornament?"

"There is no vice so simple but assumes
Some mark of virtue on his outward parts:
How many cowards, whose hearts are all as false
As stairs of sand, wear yet upon their chins
The beards of Hercules and frowning Mars;
Who, inward search'd, have livers white as milk;
And these assume but valour's excrement
To render them redoubted! "

Merchant of Venice (1597 A.D.)

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