Independent Media Centre Ireland

The Church: Wannabe Slave-Masters of the State

category national | history and heritage | opinion/analysis author Tuesday January 31, 2006 20:56author by Seán Ryan

"Shut up and kneel!"

Another swipe at the myth of our 'functional' society.

This time the focus is the Church. Whilst they are not the power in this country that they used to be, it would be unwise to discount them.

From its very inception the Church has been about two things, money and power. The Church has always wanted absolute power (in a relative sense of the word). It has never really achieved this so it has had to suffice for some control in return for brain washing and emasculating populations for governments. I am not even beginning to talk about religion here, as I shall deal with illusions about God later.

Let's cast our minds back. The congress of Nicea happened about 450 years after the death of Christ. It seems that Emperor Constantine a devout believer in the Sun God (halos are a throwback to Sol Ivictus the ancient Roman sun God), decided to unite the many Christian faiths that had taken root and consolidate the little power groups, Sol Ivictus and probably many others into one massive holding with Rome as its commander in chief or pope. Think of a host with lots of little rays radiating out of it with a cross in front of it and you have a very common Christian motif showing you its not so Christian heritage. Another clue as to the merger of different religions is that the Sabbath was changed to 'Sun'day.

Anyhow, this congress came to pass and they had a little baby and the baby was the Church. Of course the church being an infant had lots of questions and so the parents in their painfully obvious intelligence left them with such gems as, 'it's a holy mystery and to question it is blasphemy'.

The First tenet of the slave. There is a will above your will.

When all the gobsmacked were killed or cured for asking about holy mysteries the pope made it clearly understood that he was Gods representative here on earth.

Second tenet of the slave. Not only are you under a supreme being if there is one but you are further beneath the will of your fellow man.

Do I go too far?


We've got a massive group of people who believe or else are guilty of heresy that their pope who is suffering from Parkinson's disease is infallible if and when he chooses to 'speak from the chair.' Now there's a divine mystery with some teeth in it (the mystery that is). It is saying that a thought may be absolutely correct even though the structure that made it or received it is damaged beyond repair. This sounds very similar to our health service. (The former pope has died since this was written, and the flock have elected themselves a new leader, a former nazi youth member no less. Tis a wonder he didn't take the name Peter.)

Well it wasn't long until governments and others spotted this phenomenon and said, 'Fuck, that's excellent', and have been trying to control, deploy and imitate the church ever since, with some very obvious success and some very obvious fuck ups.

When our government first groped for the Church I don't know for certain but I believe when the Church picked sides during the civil war was the first time they slept together, we being mostly the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of that most unholy union.

Let's talk of some of the success. Remember your holy communion when you were programmed with both the questions and the answers. Q. What is the holy trinity? A. The holy trinity is a divine mystery.

What was the purpose of this? Did it really answer the question asked or did it tell you not to question supposed authority? Much more blatant and effective too than the way the government has tried to get the educational system to do this. Yup there's nobody like the church. A people with the fear of the wrath of God are easily controlled when God has so many righteous representatives and underlings.

What about the vast majority who were manipulated into taking the pledge during Confirmation and who later broke it? Yes just in case original sin isn't enough here's some more. Now confess. Oh but we are not worthy to receive the word of God but only say the word and we shall be healed. Obey God, obey God through me and obey the state.

Obey the state?

Yah. Didn't Jesus say render unto Caesar what is Caesars? I personally go with the wish that Jesus meant to send Caesar the bodies of the Roman army who were in charge at the time on Caesars behalf, I also reckon that this is what the Jewish nation had been promised, in the guise of a messiah which means warrior king. But then again I don't have a Vatican to rubberstamp my very fallible opinion.

Jesus said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. This was probably not meant to highlight the difficulty in defecating through the eye of a needle.

Why does the Vatican need a bank? Why all the gold, the silver and in general the mass of property? Once before they got hammered for selling indulgences, now we're all damned and it's money up front.

For good works the church roars in its defence. Short of trying to spread or re-infect it does no works that could be described as good and could only be described as such by somebody suffering from delusions, mania and or dementia.

Let's talk about the fuck ups.

The biggest and one of the first and almost the most fateful fuck ups the state made was to aid and abet the church target the children and the weakest members of society even though the church had specified that it desired these targets (the first rule of controlling a mad animal is containment). We let them deal with orphans, the sick and dying and we let them house young offenders including unmarried mothers (this is back before unmarried mothers were recognised as human beings or had any rights). It was a fuck up that has tormented generation after generation in this country. After all the church has always sought the weak above all. They perpetrated every vile act imaginable on those who needed succor and support the most. And our government today and some of our great thinkers and philosophers ponder upon why society is so fucked up. Surely all this effort and brainpower could be put to better use by helping to boil a kettle somewhere, elsewhere.

When called to answer for their crimes the church claims to have had a very proud history in this country (as if this would even begin to address their crimes even if it were true). Yes the church has a very proud history, yes if having run a recruitment, training, procurement and protection centre for perverts, sadists, masochists and utter scumbags makes you proud then the church has the proudest history mankind was ever unfortunate enough to produce. This is not to say there are not some decent and devout members of the clergy but the sheer volume of crimes and victims long ago took any light that might have otherwise shone through.

The next big fuck up is one of the latest fuck ups to date. I talk about it now as it is directly related to the above. This of course was to not deal with the situation effectively when the proverbial shit hit the fan. The government acted in a way that pleased nobody bar themselves. The general populace believed the church was not dealt severely enough with. The church at first feeling they had got off scott free said nothing just the usual bunch of shit. It must now be dawning on them that that the government have fucked them over and that in order to be termed a shepherd one needs some sheep. You see it turns out that the people weren't just expressing their disgust they were also telling their needs too.

The church needed to go back to the Middle Ages for a bit, in order to rebuild the flock, they needed to induce mass sympathy and forgiveness, they needed to display their afflictions to the public, in order to do this, they need to be whipping themselves up and down O' Connell St. and rolling over each other with cart wheels and stuff just like the good old days. I'd buy a ticket for that, damn it I'd even help them. Because the state did not facilitate this properly they have broken a sacred bond with their effective if not loving hound. This is of course the, I'll scratch your back for some in return bond. The government in their folly believes all is well with its little rottweiler but they forget the golden principle that if you drive a sword into the back of your friend, make sure the fucker is dead.

The church's retribution will be one of three things, it will devour the government and reverse roles with it making the government the salivating beast of control and become the authority itself, it will infiltrate and join government or it will fuck up as usual and remain the cringing mongrel that history and I know it to be.

Another fuck up by the government was giving us johnnies despite the Church's cryptic clues, warnings and jumping up and down behind the general awareness of the public and gesticulating wildly at Charlie. Jesus did they have to spell it out? And of all people but to Charlie Haughey who had based his life on the underlying principles. The church didn't want us to have control of our organs of pleasure. If you have them by the balls their minds will follow. (I'd like to point out that Charlie himself had to be dragged kicking and screaming to his views by President Mary Robinson, when she was just a lowly senator.)

Never take your eye off the ball.

Another big fuck up by the government was to box the church into a corner with the divorce referendum. This gave the church no option but to start roaring from the pulpits even though they knew it would show how closed minded they were, they were being publicly humiliated (first they grabbed for the balls now they want power over marriage, that which the Church felt they had sole power over) and the only thing worse than to be seen fighting back is not to be seen fighting back. The government will want to do funerals next and are nearly there too what with the state's right to a body outweighing the owner of the body's wishes. Yes the state now has nearly complete jurisdictions over mind body and soul.

This was in my opinion the end of the deathblow by the state to the church that had initially and apparently innocently been delivered by Charlie Haughey. What had formerly been little innuendoes and rumours began to gush as the cracks tore the edifice apart. Since then the church has had to focus on rebuilding rather than expansion. Remember the fable of the fall of the Roman Empire? It never happened. But I'm very happy to report seeing lots of light at the end of this particularly dark tunnel.

Now lets jump back to how the government dealt with how the church fostered, nurtured, aided and abetted a massive group of child abusers.

The church was allowed to retire and have a think about how they would address the crime of systematic cover ups for and the subsequent relocation of child abusers and to repeat the process many times over for the same people, and of course to have a ponder, as to whether they should release records to the state.

Why were they allowed to do this? Why was it even relevant? The criminal justice system has more than enough laws and powers to deal with child molesters and those who aid them by protecting them and by providing them with a never-ending stream of victims.

Where is good old search and seizure when you need it. Why not sweat a few bishops in holding cells to see if that provides the laxative required. The criminal assets bureau would have set themselves up for life.


What the Church had done should only have warranted a response from them in a criminal court proceeding. Until this is addressed and solved no amount of financial compensation will ever heal the rift between citizen and state. Of course this will not come easy as the government feels they have already flagellated themselves publicly by agreeing to shoulder the responsibility and the lions share of the compensation bill. Yes we the secondary victims, are ourselves to blame. I don't or wouldn't even know where to begin to speak for the primary victims of these evil bastards and I mean victims of both the government and the Church. Justice must not be wishful thinking, it must be seen, to be done.

Failing all that and similar to Willie O Dea reckoning that we couldn't take Shannon off the Americans without comprehending that no fucker had the authority to give it to them in the first place (Yes Willie, a sovereign nation must always govern itself, and should it give bits of itself away to a foreign nation, it is no longer sovereign.), wasn't it a pope who signed this country over to the British (It remains unknown who gave this fucker the authority to do so either, unless God supposedly gave it to him too) giving them their one and only legal claim to this country, may the bastard's last moments have been hell on earth and lasted an eternity, and then may he have died roaring.

Seán Ryan

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