Independent Media Centre Ireland

Ógra Shinn Féin - The Cutting Edge!

category national | miscellaneous | opinion/analysis author Monday November 07, 2005 14:17author by Ógra B - Ógra Shinn Féinauthor email osf6county at yahoo dot comauthor address

On The Move!

Ógra Shinn Féin - re-organised, on the move and growing

In 2004 Ógra Shinn Féin was restructured nationally and regionally. A new National Organiser and Cúige Organisers were appointed. With structures and activists in place the aim was simple -- re-organise Ógra Shinn Féin, ensuring the recruitment of young, radical, committed republicans through our increased activism, and presence on the ground.

Ógra Shinn Féin - The Cutting Edge!

Ógra Shinn Féin - re-organised, on the move and growing

In 2004 Ógra Shinn Féin was restructured nationally and regionally. A new National Organiser and Cúige Organisers were appointed. With structures and activists in place the aim was simple -- re-organise Ógra Shinn Féin, ensuring the recruitment of young, radical, committed republicans through our increased activism, and presence on the ground.

We are on the road to success. Our activity has increased. Our profile has increased and through this, our activist base has grown. With this has come an increase in harassment from state forces, with the arrests of a number of activists on trumped up charges. Aimed at preventing further growth this has merely united us and made us stronger.

Ógra has a revitalised activism, new structure, more communication and co-ordination. Some old groups have been re-activated. Most areas have seen membership growth and some areas like North Antrim, South Antrim, East Tyrone, South Down, East Derry, Coleraine, Jordanstown and other parts of West Tyrone have seen the establishment of new groups over the past year. There are now 19 Ógra groups across the Six Counties.

There is now a fully operating Six-County officer board, with well attended Sé Chontae Ógra meetings being held every month since January 2004.

As well as using the meetings to lay out a plan of work for the coming month, we also have a training element. The meetings are used to give leadership briefings, ensuring young activists are kept informed on the struggle, so that troubling questions can be tackled and cynicism avoided.

For Ógra to be effective, activists must understand their role and set strategic objectives particular to Ógra. All Ógra activists are already members of Sinn Féin and will already be carrying out duties for them. To avoid becoming 'mini Sinn Féin', we must define our own role, our own strategic objectives, and a 'niche' in the struggle that can be tackled by Ógra.

To me Ógra has three roles — campaigning, recruitment and education. Following the IRA's decision to formally call an end to the armed campaign, there must be a 'cutting edge' to the struggle, and I believe with a little more effort and assistance Ógra can become that 'cutting edge!'

If we use direct action protests and street politics; If we continue to find new alternate ways of bringing mass support for our campaigns and objectives; If we learn from the Basque youth movement Segi and other revolutionary movements throughout the world, then I believe in the time ahead we can make this a reality.

We are the campaigning body of the movement and so if any protest or campaign is happening in your local area, Ógra, where appropriate, should be taking the lead. Through this we will recruit, because recruitment is achieved through action.

When we recruit it is up to us to ensure that activists are with us for the long haul and we will do this through education. We must make use of our education programme, but also through education on the ground, show activists the reality of living in Ardoyne during 12 July, the reality of British occupation at the Omagh Demilitarisation Weekend, or bringing activists to the Basque Country to show the oppression but also the strength of the youth movement Segi.

In the last year we have left our mark in the streets and countryside across the North. Visits to our imprisoned comrades in Castlerea, Colombia 3 Sponsored Walks, Green Post Box campaign, campaigns on President For All and Youth 4 Truth, Demilitarisation Weekends in East Derry, South Down and West Tyrone, Youth in Struggle events in Belfast, anti-collusion rooftop protest in Strabane, Collusion exhibition in Queen's University, Long Kesh escape lecture North Antrim, National Congress in Derry, the Free Seán Kelly Protest in Coalisland or the mobilisation to the Basque Country, are but an indication of the growth of Ógra.

In the remaining months of Sinn Féin's 100th anniversary, we must build upon the great work that has been done. We must continue to be active, to recruit and to educate, training Ógra members to be the activists and leaders of the future. We must increase our activism, making sure we don't become a talking shop but rather a youth movement, which radicalises, republicanises, inspires and activates Ireland's youth.

Preparation must now be underway for our main activity next year -- the 25th anniversary of the 1981 Hunger Strike. We should now be developing ideas, slogans and images that will best capture the spirit of the '81 Hunger Strike.

We have had a successful beginning, but we must build upon this success and where there are no Ógra cumainn, we must build Ógra cumainn. Where Ógra cumainn are weak we must make them stronger.

There is a common misconception amongst young republicans today that senior activists or the leadership 'will sort it out'. Nonsense. Young people have always played an important role in the struggle. Today is no different, it must be the young activists that will effect the necessary change in society.

Without youth coming through there is no struggle. The youth must not leave the work up to others. We must take leadership and influence decisions.

Being a republican isn't about expressing your views in a pub, nor is it about shouting 'Up the Ra'. It is about getting stuck in, getting active and advancing the struggle. Do all you can — canvassing, protesting, community action and be sure that everything you do is advancing the struggle. Every little thing an activist does is helping to achieve our overall goal.

Sometimes activists get disillusioned and question if we're on the right path. There are some who never express these feelings and drift off without really knowing the answer to their difficulties. If you have a problem with republican strategy or with your role, express your views, let them be known. It is the courage to make these constructive criticisms that will help build future republican strategy.

Past generations of republican youth inspirationally led the movement, taking on the might of the British war machine, and affecting enough pressure to bring them to the negotiating table. Young activists took initiative and showed admirable bravery, many giving up their freedom and many giving up their lives.

We must take lead from these young activists of past generations. We must look to them for inspiration, develop ideas, and ensure that we are advancing the struggle. In the time ahead we must build a mass movement, and so every activist has a duty to bring more activists on board the Sinn Féin train. The more activists in the struggle, the quicker change will come and the quicker freedom will be won. Onwards to the Socialist Republic.

By Barry McColgan (Ógra Shinn Fein Organiser)
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"Everyone Republican or otherwise has their own particular part to play. No part is to small, no one is too young or old to do something." Bobby Sands

The revolution continues. the struggle goes on!
Join the Revolution, Join Ógra Shinn Féin!

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Comments (13 of 13)

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author by animated by lively presentationpublication date Mon Nov 07, 2005 16:51author address author phone

i was quite invigorated by the upbeat tone of above article, but my aforementioned brain has run into some conundrums. first off, on ends, this socialist republic you speak of; what exactly is a socialist republic? how does one achieve this? will waged (alienated) labour continue in this republic? methought it was the basis of capitalism. will the petit bourgeoisie of the IRA be invited? will they be nice? what will the World Bank have to say about all this? will there be prisons in this republic? police? murders (and cover ups) of people who get into arguments with our local neighbourhood protectors?
second, on means: why does revolution involve parliamentarianism? methought revolution involved the total supersession of a previous form of life (while still retaining the positive achievements blah blah blah...thank you aufheben). can direct action be truly called direct action if it takes place in a centralised and top down organisation? do you think young activists are asking too much of themselves? is that healthy? how is it possible to unite socialism (in its true sense) and the authoritarian lie of nationalism?
i'm sorry to ask so many questions but i am really confused. thanks.

author by Peadarpublication date Mon Nov 07, 2005 17:21author address Dublinauthor phone

The one headed

Sinn Féin is no longer anti-imperialist
by Paul Doherty Sunday, Nov 6 2005, 4:09pm
address: New York

This thread argues that Sinn Fein "is now on the side of global (i.e. US) imperialism"

The photo of Martin McGuinness fraternising with infamous war criminal Kissinger - which is on the home page of - sums up the hypocrisy of the Sinn Féin leadership. They talk anti-imperialist in Ireland and kiss up to imperialists in Washington and across the US.
As a regular reader of Indymedia Ireland, I get the definite impression that folk back home still see Sinn Féin as part of the left. Here in New York, that view has been well and truly shattered by the company they keep when they come here and to Washington. From war mongers like Peter King to war criminals like Kissinger, they seek support from the worst elements in the US, instead of looking for support to the 'other superpower' - the millions of americans, and Irish-americans, who are against war, militarism and the Project for a New American Century.

The thread includes a photo from the website of the National Committee for American Foreign Policy. showing McGuinness and Kissinger

author by FYIpublication date Mon Nov 07, 2005 17:26author address author phone

I too would be interested

author by Barrypublication date Mon Nov 07, 2005 17:44author address author phone

"If you have a problem with republican strategy or with your role, express your views, let them be known. It is the courage to make these constructive criticisms that will help build future republican strategy. "

Maybe the Ogra poster really believes that . But its pretty obvious hes never questioned Sinn Feins surrender strategy himself .

Heres the reality

"Their faces were distorted with sheer hatred and they had the look of the deranged. All because I had mildly disagreed with their speaker. They told me I was a yellow bastard. This was a reference to the time that they had kidnapped me, trussed me up, hooded me, forced me to piss in a bucket back in the 1990s because I had opposed them. I buckled when they had me. It was not one of my braver moments. I had faced the Brits, cops and screws, burned the Kesh, escaped from it and did the blanket. Now I was facing the authority of the IRA. The only authority I had ever accepted as legitimate. I was unable to psychologically face it down. It is a bit like a child trying to hit its own mother. It is virtually impossible to do. I have since rid myself of those illusions. I never buckled to the Sticks. For that reason I didn't buckle on Saturday when they threatened me. They are just Sticks and I am determined that no Stick will tell a republican that he will not raise his voice against them in West Belfast. We have a strong tradition here of not buckling to the Sticks. It is a tradition I fully intend to keep with."

I could post a dozen or more links to even more brutal examples of the reality of republican dissent to the Stormont line . But its pointless as the shinners never respond to criticism at all and run from debate they cant silence . The statement by them above is mere rhetoric . Their objectives havent been clarified in anyway - its just more recruitment propaganda .

Ill leave it to one of their more senior members to spell out the cutting edge of the Sinn Fein revolution .

Sunday Times March 28, 1999, Sinn Fein Tyrone MLA and long time Ard Chomairle member Francie Molloy,: "Republicans are prepared to work an executive. We are really prepared to administer British rule in Ireland for the foreseeable future. The very principle of partition is accepted."

Any would be youthful recruits should look at that statement of the reality of Sinn Feins position .

And everyone is quite rightly bringing up this none too flattering and unpalatable reality

Ill leave aside the fact very shortly your party will be joining the PSNI and putting young Irish republicans in jail , with the use of British draconian legislation which they dont oppose . And the fact they admit to already passing on whatever they know to the British and Free stae authorities about republican dissenters .

Tomorrow night those people from Kissingers stable are throwing a massive shindig in honour of Gerry Adams in the Waldorf Astoria , NY . The committee that is responsible for promoting or excusing mass murder from Iraq ,to East Timor , Guatamala , Chile , Argentina , Honduras , Colombia , El Salvador , Nicaragua and aywhere else in the world poor people threaten US ( and British) foreign interests . These are the people who are currently undermining the Venezuelan revolution and may yet urge invasion , demanding Cuba be blockaded and urging the US to keep Israel well stocked with all sorts of murderous kit to keep the Palestinians enslaved . And they are HONOURING YOUR PARTY PRESIDENT ?????? For his support of US foreign interests ?

And your coming on here telling young people youre party is the cutting edge of anti - imperialist struggle ? Enough , please . This is supposed to be a news site , not just for posting propaganda and then hiding away from the issues as is the standard Sinn Fein activity on Indymedia .

author by Seamuspublication date Tue Nov 08, 2005 16:23author address author phone

Stomach churning to see Adams licking upto the butcher of Cambodia. Depressing in the extreme, how many republicans are left I wonder....

author by A. Nonpublication date Tue Nov 08, 2005 22:28author address author phone

I wouldn't count as one of Mr. Kissinger's biggest fans. But I have to say I have to admire his uncanny ability to make a such a beaming smile appear on ould Sourpuss McGuinness' face. Like the cat that got the cream ....

He probably didn't realise that the photo was going to be indiscreetly plastered all over the Internet.

A picture speaks a thousand words ....

"We're brave wee Irish patriots. We hate all dem nasty British Imperialists. But US mass murderers shure that's a different story altogether now. Dem boys have deep pockets and we're getting near retirement age now. Have to secure our places on the lecture circuit .....Can't leave all the gravy to the likes of Tony Blair ......"

author by bleedin obviouspublication date Wed Nov 09, 2005 01:41author address author phone

In all his time as a senior republican and despite giving television and radio interviews in the early 70s were he admitted being a senior IRA officer he was NEVER jailed by them once , or even interned . None of the many supergrasses squealed on him either . His close associate Fred Scapittici never even stitched him up . Why on earth would Martin hate British imperialists . They were very nice to him indeed and left him alone for 35 years . Was that what his big grin was about as he surrendered the massive arsenal Britain desperately wanted rid off?

author by animatedpublication date Wed Nov 09, 2005 14:24author address author phone

we're yet to see a response from OSF to our criticisms. if they're afraid of entering into debate why do they post on an open publishing forum? i really am incredibly confused by the whole socialist republic thing. honestly i am.

author by David Blunkettpublication date Wed Nov 09, 2005 19:31author address author phone

The last commentator asked why Ógra SF have posted on Indymedia. I would ask them this question as well, but for a different reason.

Anyone with radical politics and a genuine desire for constructive debate would be better off engaging apes in the zoo on the finer points of deconstruction theory than trying their hand at a discussion on Indymedia.

People like "bleedin obvious" form the bulk of its commentators, passing around their spurious assumptions like snuff at a wake, assuming that every republican who failed to to a spell in the Kesh is an informer. Has he/she done anything politically, ever, that caused the authorities to jail him/her???

At least Barry has something interesting to say. Better off finding a better venue - why not try, for instance,

author by old skoolpublication date Thu Nov 10, 2005 02:47author address author phone

i mind a couple of OSF's putting up posters in Belfast a while back with Bobby Sands and Che Guevara on them. I said to the chap
"Was Bobby Sands a Republican? and was Che Guevara a socialist" he replied yes, all smiles. Then i asked him what the **** that had to do with Sinn Fein, no smiles.

author by old tatpublication date Fri Nov 11, 2005 21:41author address author phone

You're so astute and brave old skool. Well done on the attacking idealistic young people with expletives and ignorance. More of it, I say.

author by Yeah butpublication date Sat Nov 12, 2005 05:20author address author phone

Sinn Fein are every bit as shite on that site as well

author by ede - Ógra shinnféinpublication date Sat Nov 12, 2005 13:35author email eiresaoirse32 at yahoo dot comauthor address Monaghanauthor phone 5767787

De Valera

I remember the day De Valera he died
My father he just broke down and he cried
He wept like a baby for Dev was his pride
But I shed no tears it held me no fear
For a man of our time

Now dev was a hero at Easter ‘16
He held Boland’s mill for the orange and green
He was sentenced to die with Pearse and McBride
But his birth far away let him fight another day
Lucky man of our times

He was loved he was hated he was cherished despised
There were rivers of tears when the chieftain he died
But love him or hate him I cannot decide
What to make of old Dev this man of our times

When I was in school Christian brothers were cruel
To live off the land to be scarce was the rule
And we fled in our droves to the emigrant boats
We weren’t free yet and we questioned respect
For a man of our time

My parents were poor and the cupboard was bare
You can’t feed a child on a dream or a prayer
But the boys in Dail Eirean got rich as we pined
They were led by the chief and we had no relief
from a man of our times


Now Spain had it’s Franco and France it’s De Gaulle
We had our Dev and god rest his soul
But history will judge on the man form Bruree
De Valera’s lost dream a nation unfree
It’s the shame of our time



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