Independent Media Centre Ireland

2 Indymedia journalists detained in Argentina Nov4

category international | anti-capitalism | news report author Saturday November 05, 2005 07:14author by Miguel

Urgent: two journalists detained in the repression by the police in Mar del Plata
The Alternative Media Network of Buenos Aires, Argentina
November 4th, 2005

Journalists Fernando Catz and Roger Sampedro, both with Indymedia, are among the 87 persons detained by the Federal Police during the repression unleashed this afternoon against Anti-Bush demonstrators.

We ask our fellow journalists to urgently disseminate this news by way of agencies, newspapers and websites in order to facilitate getting information on their location and to call for their release.

It is vital for all of those detained that the press take notice of them because in these past few years there have been scores of cases of misconduct, abuse and torture at the hands of the police in Argentina.

Urgente: dos periodistas detenidos por la represión policial en Mar del Plata
Periodistas de la Red de Medios Alternativos-Buenos Aires, Argentina
Noviembre 4, 2005

Los periodistas Fernando Catz y Roger Sampedro, ambos del sitio Indymedia, forman parte de los 87 detenidos por la Policía Federal durante la represión desatada esta tarde contra manifestantes Anti-Bush.

Les pedimos a nuestros compañeros periodistas la urgente difusión de esta noticia – por agencias, diarios, páginas web -para facilitar obtener las noticias sobre su paradero y reclamar su liberación.

Resulta vital para todos los detenidos que la prensa se ocupe de ellos ya que nuestro país registra, en los últimos años, sobrados casos de maltratos, torturas e irregularidades por parte de la Policía.

Periodistas de la Red de Medios Alternativos-Buenos Aires, Argentina

Comments (2 of 2)

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author by iosafpublication date Sat Nov 05, 2005 10:13author address author phone

[ joke ] There have indeed been most unexpected riots in Argentina, cars have been burnt and stone thrown. And what might be noteworthy at this juncture is the political nature of the clashes, these are no french or european mindless troublemakers without issues or greviances. American press agreeing that known druggie leftist troublemaker Diego Maradona probably put them all up to it.

On the [ SERIOUS ] side there have been 64 arrests in Mar del Plata (2 from indymedia argentina names known 8 from indymedia Bristol names unknown)
and between 13 and 20 more arrests in Buenos Aires where buildings attacked included the Bank of Boston, Mc Donalds, and BurgerKing.

phone number of police station no.4 in Mar de Plata
where 2 Bristolians and 1 French citizens are thought to be held :- (0223 472 2896)

first photos :-

author by Olliepublication date Sun Nov 06, 2005 07:13author address author phone


35% and dropping (more people believe in UFOs than...)
35% and dropping (more people believe in UFOs than...)

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