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#ANTIFA ALERT: NEO-NAZI CORK CASUALS @misscheeky666 @JLRFB @siegfails @edlnews @tellmamauk @uaf @bash_da_fash

category cork | racism & migration related issues | news report author Saturday September 03, 2016 17:44author by Irish ANTIFA - ANTIFA Ireland Report this post to the editors

Cowardly homophobic, racist neo-nazi Cork soccer hooligans need exposing!

#ANTIFA : - Whilst Gaelic Football is the sport of those who oppose discrimination, football (soccer) in Ireland is inhabited by the racist and homophobic far right who glorify assaults on LGBT men and women, and foreigners, following a recruitment campaign by the openly national socialist Ireland First, represented on Twitter by Futboi (i) Adam @futboiadam and Futbol (l) Andrew @futbolandrew. Adam's Twitter timeline openly tweets about murdering black people, and Alan tweets to incite the burning of mosques, all fully aware Ireland's rightwing police force do not police internet hate crimes, not even blatant incitement to murder, nor do Twitter remove most racist accounts.

Following the demise of Pegida Ireland, the miserable failure that it was, Ireland First have copied the EDL in gathering both young and middle aged football hooligans from Ireland's soccer scene, aiming for a menacing political band of thugs who are prepared to use violence on minorities. Many of their trolling Twitter accounts masquerade under the premise of pseudo-parody, while tweeting out language designed to spur-on violent hate crimes, even murder.

Ireland First's Twitter Account (far worse than Britain First): -

Cork's football casuals have heeded the messages of hate from Andrew and Adam, joined by newcomers like Alan, who seems to think that hanging around a gymnasium makes him invincible, and pretending to be "not serious" frees them from all responsibility for their actions.

Bonehill himself, pretended to be parody, when calling for Jewish people to be murdered, but the judge dismissed his conjecture, and quite rightly took his violent anti-Semitic words at face value.

If Alan is a boxer like he claims, sooner or later, the cowardly cretin will sooner or later come up against a hard as nails bare knuckle fighter in the ring from an Irish traveller background, people of whom he frequently badmouths, who will teach the hateful bigot a lesson of manners. Regardless of who or what these racist Irish trolls are, sooner or later they will be unmasked.

CORK ANTIFA: Any info on the real identity of Ireland First's extremist trolls is much appreciated.

This racist and homophobic scumbags in Cork Casuals give Cork a bad name. Cork's genuine football fans should come forward to disown "Alan", "Adam" and "Andrew" (A for Aryan) or whatever their real names are, as they are letting the Republic Down. Ireland didn't fight for its independence just for bigoted EDL-supporting morons to use twitter to abuse refugees, black and Asian people, Eastern Europeans, Irish travellers, gay men and lesbians.

Anybody from the Republic supporting English racial nationalists is a traitor to Irish history, and is desecrating the victims of the Potato Famine, England's anti-Irish genocide. Brave Irish heroes fought in the Spanish Civil War to defeat fascism, not support it.

His #BLUEHAND supporting EDL-loving #bluehand mate, also involved with Cork Casuals, "Futbol Andrew", needs keeping a close eye on by ANTIFA: -

Last not least, the other recruiting sergeant of Ireland First, "Futboi Adam": -

Any info on Andrew, Adam and Alan is gratefully received. Make contact with your local ANTIFA! Whether pretending to be parody or not, their extreme violent racist and homophobic tweets inspire future Anders Breiviks to act upon extremist ideas. Muslim youths have been arrested and charged for satirical comments about bombs - but racial supremacists escape censure for disseminating pro-racist murder tweets.

Go figure......


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Cork-based Ireland First supporter Calls For Black People To Be Murdered
Cork-based Ireland First supporter Calls For Black People To Be Murdered

Ireland First's Futboi Adam Writes About Burning Black People To Death
Ireland First's Futboi Adam Writes About Burning Black People To Death

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Adolf Alan Also Hates People With Learning Difficulties
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Cowardly Nazi Scum - Alan Incites Arson Against Mosques
Cowardly Nazi Scum - Alan Incites Arson Against Mosques

author by ruapublication date Mon Sep 05, 2016 09:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

While im no supporter of racism it is clear these nazis are idiots or either agents of the state to assist in ushering in hate crime laws in order to shut us all up on the most important burning/pressing issues of our time; unrestricted mass immigration that benefits globalist multinationals by way of cheap yellow pack labour,and of course benefiting landlords as demand goes up,rents go up,this beneifts only the golf stick swinging elites of our society,while polarising the rest of us honest tax paying plebs who have to live in the ghettoization it creates...No fancy postcodes for us im afraid,just the odd neo nazi and other racist ethnic groups all living in a multicultural bliss side by side...

author by telecompublication date Thu Sep 08, 2016 15:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I understand the importance of the left having a big imaginary bad bogeyman to counteract and look like the good guys all the time,really i do....But it still doesn't take away from the fact the left want to stamp out free speech and are using muslims by proxy....Notice how they will critisise the westerners for sexism,racism etc,but not go after muslims who are notorious for these sorts of things as they are so backward in their culture and ways...Why is that ask yourself,because the left are quite happy to use muslims as a tool to usher in a left government and a stasi like police state,using muslims to stamp out freedom of speech,which also suits free market capitalist so called ''right'' parties like FF,and FG...If the public have no voice that makes the government all the more powerful....And if you dare open your mouth pleb?Well you are just an unfashionable,untrendy neo nazi racist,like hitler was and you need to be outed,lose your job,your life,your friends and live the rest of your life as a social pariah.....The left know exactly what they are doing....This is social engineering 101,big brother people,watch out and speak up before they take all your rights away...Having said all that i think the post about neo nazis just shows the nazis as imbeciles as that is what they are,im not in disagreement with that btw...

*waits for indymedia censorship* - as thats the only thing the left excel in.

author by J. Malarkeypublication date Thu Sep 08, 2016 22:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Posts like the above are designed to create political paranoia. They conjure up a Big Bad Threat that, if ignored, will overwhelm us all. My advice is: just don't let paranoid posts get to you. Work on simple everyday society-building tasks and relate to people who are living in the real world.

author by Joe Soappublication date Fri Sep 09, 2016 09:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Why are we bringing in lots of men who leave their families behind them in places like Syria?What is the purpose of mass movement of muslim welfare recpients,some of whom are illiterate and cannot even read their own quran but have to rely on the imams interpretation of the quran?What benefit are they to us?Landlords?Of course landlords benefit as the increase in demand drives up rental prices,so the landlords can take their pick...Cheap labour?Of course this will drive down wages.The only people this mass immigration thing beneftis is golf stick swinging CEO's,not ordinary joe soaps like you or me who have no fancy postcode for refuge from the rising crime,this vibrant multiculturalism brings with it....There is nothing paranoid about that,in fact it has happened in london,in central london you would struggle to find an english native that still lives there,most have engaged in whats called ''white flight'' for their own safety...Of course there is another reason why politicians will lie down and roll over when it comes to immigration,its not so much the pressure from careerist immigrant NGO's who want unrestricted open borders to bolster their own pay packets,its more to do with what muslims can do for them,which is stamp out free speech,by muslims making demands on freedom of speech; the government get what they want - more power,as the people have no voice,that is one of the main aims of our ''right'' and ''left'' government......
Of course showing a imbecile neo nazi is supposed to scare us all from speaking out about this mass muslim invasion,and anyone that DARES to do so is tarnished with the same brush as that imbecile neo nazi alan....Nice try - im sure some people (on here even) can see through your agenda...

author by AntiNazi - ANTIFApublication date Sat Sep 10, 2016 11:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Nazi Scum, your time has come!

Get a life, Hitlerite trolls.

Fascism is dead and buried in Ireland.

Come to think of it, it never got started. We have never supported the far right.

author by anti-antifapublication date Sun Sep 11, 2016 07:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

What a brainless response, and btw we never supported the far-left either,sure gerry adams supported a paedophile,and people within his own ranks don't dare question it,that's what the left is all about - censorship , even at the worst of times,i think irish people have more sense than to be listening to rent a crowd left morons who spend most of their days hitting the hasbongs when not protesting.

author by J. Malarkeypublication date Mon Sep 12, 2016 22:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I just can't take seriously the two 'anti-' posters on this thread. Do they think that screaming about their respective pet hates is going to achieve anything?

author by anti-malarkeypublication date Tue Sep 13, 2016 20:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Pointing out the facts here,not getting hysterical,if you can bother to use your poor comprehension skills....If you think putting up a banner of a few pathetic nazis is going to stop people having natural and very appropriate concerns about unrestricted,mass immigration,open borders for all of people diametrically opposed to western democracy then think again,its not happening mate!We don't want anarchy on our streets!

author by Alecpublication date Mon Sep 19, 2016 13:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Nazi Alan... such a brainless !!! And he's a (father) of 3.. Save the Children !


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